San Francisco History

Early Firemen

Empire Engine Co. No. 1. Volunteer Engine Co. No. 7. Young America Engine Co. No. 13.
Manhattan Engine Co. No. 2. Pacific Engine Co. No. 8. Tiger Engine Co. No. 14.
Howard Engine Co. No. 3. Vigilant Engine Co. No. 9. St. Francis Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1.
California Engine Co. No. 4. Crescent Engine Company. No. 10. Lafayette Hook and Ladder Co. No. 2.
Knickerbocker Engine Co. No. 5. Columbian Engine Co. No. 11. Sansome Hook and Ladder Co. No. 3.
Monumental Engine Co. No. 6. Pennsylvania Engine  Co. No. 12.

The Fire Department. [1855-56]

The following is a complete and correct list of the members of the Fire Department entitled to vote at the ensuing election for Chief and Assistants of the Department, compiled from the Register of the Secretary of the same. The total number being 940 men. Last year there were 861 votes polled; this year the aggregate vote will probably not reach over 800 votes , if as many. We call the particular attention of the community to the names of those composing the Department of this city, embracing men of every trade, profession and calling, and we challenge the world to produce a list combining as much respectability in any similar organization.

Charles P. Duane, Chief Engineer.

Empire Engine Co., No. 1.
Located on Sacramento street, near Kearny.

Brower Henry F
Boyle George
Bryce R C
Cottrell E M
Castree D B
Costigan John
Cotter E B
Canham Wm
Denniston Rich'd
Dexter Chas H
Douglass Wm Y
Douglass T H
Flannagan T H
Green Geo W
Glinnon John F
Hobe A A
Hobe Geo F
Hunt Patrick
Henderson W P
Hedges Geo M
Hunter John G
Howard Chas A
Hoffman Frederick
Hill Henry
Jordon Dennis
Kenny Peter
Keef John
Kohler Geo F
Lane Thomas A
Lord George F
Laugenhagen R S
McCarthy D C
Murray Thos J
Marshall S W
Mathew James
Parezo Nicholas
Payne Theodore
Porter William
Renault Charles
Renault Jules
Ryckman W L
Snook E C
Scannel David
Smith James
Smithey James
Thomas J B
Tittle Frederick
Van Orden D T
Voorman Henry
Van Sycler W H

Total—50 men.

Manhattan Engine Co. No 2.
Located on Montgomery Street, near Jackson.

Arrowsmith D B
Adams D C
Aldrich Daniel
Atkinson Thomas
Beck D L
Babcock J
Brady J B
Blauvelt jr. R D
Barnett J P
Brady Wash
Brown F
Cole Ira
Cunley Jno M
Duane John
Dowdegan E C
De Arcy John
Dunscomb J R
Enright John
Friel W
Fitzgerald J H
Green John
Halleck A J
Hollister S E
Harrington A J
Hubbard C J
Keene S J
Kerrigan T F
Kennard D H
Korniker Louis
Levey Isaac C
Mitchell Robert
Mason James
McIntire M
McCully G W
Maloney J J
Mulreine D
McGowan J
Nichols C
O'Brien P F
Pontin R
Pragg C
Patterson H
Parmenter P D
Painter Frederick
Smith W
Sanborn M K
Stamper Isaac
Swift John D
Trench Joseph
Van Rensalier J
Wheeler Alonzo
Wadsworth B C
Ward C D
Wasson A
Willock W
Willis Edward

Total—56 men.

Howard Engine Company No 3.
Located on Merchant street, near Montgomery.

Anderson S G
Austin Alex
Allen, jr Alfred
Basin W H
Barrus Hy C
Buxton G A
Barnes C L
Bowman J H
Cohen Lewis
Crocker George
Cornell A J
Canary D
Durmonie A
Dalrymple G L
Eckenroth J
Gavett Jonathan
Gulliver Charles
Heydenfeldt E
Hewson J
Holden W A
Isaacs Solomon
Jacobs S L
Ide J E
Kline F C
Kipp S W
Lambert Thomas
Leon G T
Locke S M
Libby S D
Maston W C
Murray M W
Macabee A
McIntyre Samuel
McCarty John
Murray T A
Morgan John A
Merrill J M
North Hampton
Nicholson John
Nickerson D R
Osborn H C
Ottignon Jno L
Pray J B
Perkins C A
Reius ian Lewis
Rand D H
Rice Jerome
Randall A W
Smith Charles
Smith Peter
Smith D C
Seligman J
Still John
Tobias A J
Titcomb Jno W
Van Wagener M
Whitney F E R
Whitney G A
Whitney P M
Whittier N P
Wolff S
Wallace Thomas
Wetherbee S H
White James M
Zemett A

Total—65 men.

California Engine Co. No. 4.
Located on Market steet, near Battery.

Augustus James
Boruck M D
Blake J
Brooks Wm
Braden Wm
Barnard H L
Bartlett J A
Bird James
Brennan T W
Bryan C H
Collins R S
Colburn Richard
Churchward Jas
Chazal P A
Colyer H F
Corbett E S
Connor C
Center Charles
Ellis John S
Fisher Henry
Farren John D
Green Adam T
Gardiner R B
Godfrey W H
Hixon W H
Harren J J
Holden E P
Hall D W
Ingersoll J R
Johnson Samuel M
Lammot R S
Loring Samuel
Lees J W
Machley R
McManus M
Mack Geo L
Mandlebaum F
Middlemiss J
McEvoy J
McCombe J
O'Brien W S
O'Brien John
Parry John
Rosenthal Ed
Rix Oscar
Riley James
Rockwell E R
Schultze J G
Simpson C S
Snyder D G
Sturman M
Somers James
Tompkins E B
Taylor C A
Tower C A
Whalen F
Whitney C S
Walker George
Wheeler Samuel
Yule Peter

Total—60 men.

Knickerbocker Engine Co. No. 5.
Located on Sacramento street, near Sansome.

Angell J
Buckingham C E
Broadhurst Wm
Bilis H C
Brazanovich M
Bryan B
Backus W R
Berdan J H
Boothby W L
Breck C E
Bonnard C
Butler W C
Carter C D
Carpenter M B
Chesovich M
Corrigan Jno P
De Groot Augustus
Del Vecchio C
Donovan Jas
Durio Wm
Fairman W B
Hall William
Giannini P
Hughes J W
Hodgkins J D
Johnson G M
King Stephen T
Kent J Horace
Kelly J J
Kenard Geo
Lincoln G W
Lambert V
Marion Samuel
Moore J W
Mestayer A
McKenzie J W
Marconey P
McCready F
Mills S C
Nuttman J E
Nixon W
Newcomb G
Pomeroy F C
Reed Henry R
Robertson J H
Rapp Julius
Stivers Lafayette
Spear Edward S
Seaman F C
Smith W N
Sanborn J D
Searing M J
Slicer A E
Talmage W H
Titcomb A H
Torrence John
Townsend L R
Van Praag M S
Vreeland E B
Van Antwerp C H
Vosburgh A J
Wheeler Hy
Waldron F
Willis Wm
Wollweber T

Total—65 men.

Monumental Engine Co. No. 6.
Located on Brenham Place.

Ashcraft A G
Adler B
Arland Theodore
Bloomer Wm
Brennan H
Creery J J
Chase Cha's M
Craumer J F
Capprise J
Carlisle Geo
Davidson G R
Durkee Jno L
Donnelly B
Davidson N G
Fish Ros A
Figel Joseph
Griswold J C
Graham P
Hossefross Geo H
Hall S M
Hess J S
Hall Henry
Honnisberger S
Harders F T
Hines Geo
Hyman M J
Hess A J
Jamison jr, C C
Kuhn A J
Kaindler A
Kirby W L
Kelium Edward
Kruger C J
Laviritch Simon
Lucas Wm
Letter Geo W
May John
Moritz Samuel
Mess Henry
Morrison J D
Nugent John
Pioneer W H
Rogers Albert
Robinson R P
Rauchert G W
Rivers Frank
Reay J W
Randolph W C
Ryder John W
Silverthorn W H
Street John T
Stillman J W
Sinton R H
Schlushins H A
Stanley Joseph
Schepp Charles
Scott C A
Savage Otis W
Sutliff Henry
Trivonia G
Way Charles S
Weston Andrew
White Wh H
Wentworth Jno W
Whitley Henry

Total—65 men

Volunteer Engine Com No 7.
Located on Pine street, near Montgomery.

Applegate W
Branda A F
Burkes Lewis
Bailey Wm
Bagley John
Bring H D
Bird W S
Cormack R P
Condon Isaac
Davis G A
Dowling Richard
De Angelis J
Denman Geo
Eells John S
Ensign E D
Fenton J J
Farnsworth W O
Fletcher A X
Fuller O
Haskell J M
Hallett G H
Hayden W
Hunt J A
Knight D E
Knowlton G W
Lane John C
Loope S J
Lyons Charles
Long J M
Leavitt C H
Moore J B
Minturn Jonas
Macondray F W
Murphy J F
McKendry A
Meyer Henry
Messerve A C
Ordway R J
Pierce F M
Palmer Cyrus
Pratt B
Potter N P
Perry E A
Reed George
Rowell Isaac
Robinson Geo A
Roberts S N
Rowiston J W
Smith E
Seward T T
Snyder John
Swain D L
Stratton A W
Smith C
Shaw Geo W
Stewart C S
Stone Cyrus
Schleichen J
Tobie William M
Tillman J L
Walker James
Wentworth S F
Waterhouse J
Yellott George
Yellott William

Total—65 men.

Pacific Engine Co. No. 8.
Located on Jackson street, near Front.

Allen E T
Brown D O
Burke James
Buck D W
Blood J
Chappin E M
Coffey John
Chicester or Chieaster T K
Claudi Alfred
De La Montayna H
Dorham Edward
Fox Thomas
Gallagher E
Gallagher E [sic]
Halbeck O
Halbeck Theodore
Hand Stephen
Jacob Marks (listed as Mark in 1856)
Kusack James
Katenhorn Hy
Lewinski D
Lowry John
Leffan Henry
McKay D
Myers John
May John
Newman N
Neefus M S
O'Connor M
Price Charles
Roberts Wm
Smith J L
Stewart A
Shea James
Smith J H
Speckles Wm
Thomas G H
Tainter Wm
Tifner Henry
Webber J
Walsh C
Watkins Wm
Wolff S

Total—43 men.

Vigilant Engine Co. No 9.
Located on Stockton street, between Broadway and Pacific.

Ambrose Samuel
Bluxome J D
Bowker C H
Branch Wm
Brader Peter
Chapell J G
Cook Geo W
Cannis Manuel
Cherry J W
Cartwright T
Cills J H
Connell F B
Cornell C H
Conner Robert
Dowling Michael
Daniels John
Ellis A I
Emory Jacob
Emerson Wm
Folger E P
Forner J
Fitzpatrick J
Finerty Thomas
Field Albert E
Farmer F E
Gray W J
Gough H O
Gough W T
Gough C H
Guiton S M
Hunter James
Heinold C
Hanna, jr John
Helmering C A
Heinold C
Jessup A J
Korff Henry
Kyle J B
Lohman Henry
Lerman Jacob
McCue T
McGonigle J J
McDevitt D
Morrison James
Morrison C J
Nicholson John
Nichols John
Payson Daniel W
Pierson Joseph T
Phillips N T
Perry Edward
Parera Frank
Pickett R F
Phelps A M
Russell C H
Randall A F
Short John
Short, jr John
Stewart Edward
Snyder G C
Thomas Simeon
Wier James
Walker Edward
Wormer M
Young Thomas

Total—65 men.

Crescent Engine Company No. 10.
Located on Pacific street, near Kearny.

Appleton G H
Burton Robert
Biden C S
Burkhead W N
Boyle James
Babson W H
Brown W F
Boyle Thomas
Casey James P
Churchill Wm
Conner P
Cannon Wm
Couglin John
Davis W H
Elleman W L
Evans T R
Free William
Farley George
Farley William
Farley John
Ford Henry
Forbes J
Foster Edward
Field Joseph
Gibbons John
Grady Henry
Gatos D
Gardiner B
Herbert James
Harris Thomas
Harkins Michael
Hanna Michael
Hall J
Height John
Keller J H
Lane Geo
Leslie A S
More Samuel
McCann John
Murphy C
McGrotty Wm
Murray Edward
Mills Arthur
Marks Isaac
Nixon Robert
O'Rourke B
O'Reilly P S
Pirrie Geo A
Peterson John
Peaslie C
Risk William
Shannon E
Stamp Henry
Smith George
Stone John
Smith John
Simons A R
Simpson John
Smith T J
Tobin R J
Thyark Hy
Taylor H
Wall James
Williams J W
Yeager Joseph

Total—65 men.

Columbian Engine Co. No. 11.
Located on Bush street, near Kearny.

Austin James
Brennan Wm
Brown Ed
Buckley E P
Brown John
Bonte L
Barnes Wm
Carson John
Cushing R
Conway Geo
Cass Fill
Corwan C H
Devoe Alex
Doyle J R
Devlin M
Durick Hy
Doran H
Ennis W J
Farrell James
Freeman Jacob
Franklin O S
Gray C
Groombridge Wm
Hawkins Wm J
Hennessy J
Hart John
Heveran M
Haviland J
Jaques J B
Kernan John
Lynch Thomas
Lee Frank
Lasner P
Marshall J
Murphy P
Miller Wm
Martin J
Martin C
Murphy P M
Munson Wm
Murr C
Meyer John
Moffat James
O'Neil Arthur
Parker John
Pennecook J
Robinson C
Roberts D
Ritner Isaac
Shepard J H
Smith Thomas
Sheldon R
Shaw Edward
Stoppalkamp J K
Tucker D N
Toomey John
Tracy Francis
Vandeever T G
Valleau T A
Wilson C
Yates John D

Total—61 men.

Pennsylvania Engine Co. No. 12.
Located on Jackson street, near Kearny.

Adams T M
Batturs E T
Barger W H
Brindlinger W H
Baugh W W
Baugh W W [sic]
Cummings H K
Claghorn E H
Corsen John G
Close A J
Coe Ed H
Cochran R M
Dugan John
Donohue M
Drish J M
Edwards F
Frazier J R
Garvin P E
Grant L F
Green J J
Hand C V
Hanna John
Hanline D W C
Haney W W
Harding S C
Hoff J J
Hahn J C
Jones F L
Knight L F
Kurtz John
Lyndall W E
McElwee JV
Moss E W
McDonald G W
McGrath F J
Massy Atkins
McLaughlin F W
Norcross D
Overn G
Potts I
Parkinson G C
Phipps A P
Pollock Robt
Post H A
Pomeroy S
Quayle R B
Reese J M
Reynolds Edward
Robbins John
Stevenson S C
Thomson J S
Tennent Thos
Van Stavoren
Wheeler F
Watt SF
Woods W A
Wallace R B
Zimmerman J A

Total—58 men.

Young America Engine Co. No. 13.
Located at the Mission Dolores

Brown Charles
Buckley Jeremiah
Barr John
Bugbee W D
Butler A J
Courter Sylvester
Corbett John C
Corbett William
Connelly Edward
Denniston Isacc V
Denniston James
Dean James R
Dorland Thomas
Drum John
Edwards David H
Finegan James C
Fennel Michael
Fennel Martin
Garretson J W
Gordon Charles
Grant James
George D W
Hayes Michael
Hall William
Holt thomas H
Hubbard James
Irwin James
Jenkins Henry
Johnson James B
Kisling John W
Kobicke C
Larkin Wm F
Lewis John
Lynch Michael
Liddell John K
Maison Lewis
Marshall Charles P
Masson Wm H
Maloy Mathew
Mayher Patrick
Moore Elliot J
Murphy John G
McAtee Patrick
May Thomas
McCarty M
Ouliahan  Edward
O'Callahan James
Pearson W H
Pritchard James A
Pruzzo John
Pritchard Alfred
Quinn Arthur
Rideout Charles
Rix Alfred
Stuart Charles V
Talforan T
Treat John
Valencia E
Whalen Jeremiah
White Thomas
Weigle John
Wintinger L
Waugh J H

Total—63 men.

Tiger Engine Company, No.14.
Located on Second, near Mission steet.
(added in 1856)

Angell B H
Barron M D
Beach J D C
Clapp Caleb
Carroll John
Coile J E
Campbell P
Cady E  T
Chatterton J L
Clark J
David B F
Dore Benjamin
Denlke W J
Edgar D A
Fitzgibbons M E
Fogerty James
Gilmore S D
Gilmore G W
Grothy Frederick
Gordon S S
Guyges C
Husing Richard
Haynie W M
Hutinan John
Hunter S C
Holmes L B
Hocton Richard
Haywood B
Insley A
Jensen J C
Jenhard F
Kiernan Thomas
Koster F
Lawrence George
Levy S
McWilliams John
Mordecal J T
Mellet George
McPhee Wm
Manesis Morris
Macy G B
Myers John
O'Rourke L
Plum C M
Pierce George
Pope Henry
Reed J Sewall
Reed Samuel B
Rehm C
Shultz J H
Sherriden Wm
Scovern J G
Strie G L W
Smith James M
Taylor J B
Taylor C L
Wilkenson P C
Watterman T
Watson Geo F
Webb Frank
Wilson John E
Wood Wm B
Williams S
Willard Rufus A
Woodley John
Total—65 members.

St. Francis Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1.
Located on Dupont  street, opposite Commercial.

Abell O C
Andrews W H
Aubert A
Brinsmade A A
Buckley J P
Buckley James
Bossuye John
Bloomer H G
Berton F
Berry John
Barrett Samuel
Crozier R H
Camp Albert
Davis Daniel
Dennery J
Ezekiel M
Fenstermacher M
Finley Thomas
Gibbs Geo W
Gibbs E B
Glassy Ed
Gronlier Charles
Hanks H J
Hinckley L S
Hubbard J
Hyams M
Ickleheimer H
Kuhle Geo
Knight J
Leiever Y M
Landsberger J
Lowey H
Lewis H M
Lowenthal C A
Laimbeer Jno
Lewis M M
Matthieson C F
McDonald James
Martin J M
Parker Geo A
Paul A B
Roble L H
Richards D M
Samuels D
Saulman A
States W W
Saphir A
Schneider A
Tysen W H
Uslar France
Wegener F O
Worn G A
Westphall Jno
Washburn S B
Witzeben Arthur
Weyle Ed

Total—56 men.

Lafayette Hook and Ladder Co. No. 2.
Located on Broadway, near Stockton street.

Armand E (spelled Amand in 1856)
Barousse H
Beck E
Bernard A
Beziade T
Bontin H
Boverat Joseph
Bordes John
Branger J
Benedic F
Blick P
Clavis P
Cobb H A
Costalin M
Cambernace J
Coulon E
Esper Jules
Filace V
Fournier A
Frilay A
Grisar E
Goux P
Guesnire — (not listed in 1856)
Hertmann E
Hublin V
Hautier L
Lanzwert L
Laregle P
Lucien G
Laburthe —
Masson A
Maurice F
Moret T
Maillot F
Menzeot N
Pailles C
Proudon L
Ponthier C
Paris E
Roche P
Roisin J
Rapp H
Redlick M
Sebire E
Thomas J R
Vilacque E (spelled Vilaceque in 1856)

Total—47 men.

Sansome Hook and Ladder Co. No. 3.
Located on Montgomery street, near Jackson.

Adrian William
Barlett F A
Blum J
Badger W G
Bossange L
Clayton H J
Case C L
Dodge R K
Ebbets E A
Engert A
Edwards W P
Eayres H P
Edouart A
Ferguson C
Greene T D
Greene Wm
Gilbert Jas A
Gould Jas G
Gregory Henry
Gibbs C E
Hoffman W T
Hudson Geo A
Harrison H A
Hart William
Hitchcock G B
Haynes J W
Howell J L
Haynes T J
Kilduff P D (spelled Killduff in 1856)
Lord D S
Law R A
Larcombe J
Loder Geo
Latitte H B (spelled Lafitte in 1856)
Mahoney F (Mahony Florence in 1856)
Mills L R
Menomy E T
Maltbie A
Page R C
Rees W A E
Sniffen Geo F
Story W F
Schultz M
Smith W O
Snook Wm
Stillwell G W
Snyder A A
Sullivan W J
Sickles John
Snyder A W
Van Bokkelen G A
Van Brunt R N
Van Erven Dorens W
West C O
Walker T W
Wimmer J

Total—56 men.

Fireman's Journal. 15 September 1855. 1; The Fireman's Journal and Military Gazette. 13 September 1856. 1.
Information transcribed by Julie Christy.

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