San Francisco History

California Grays

California Grays Hold Annual Party

The California Grays held their annual Christmas party in Fairmont Terrace last evening. The affair was arranged as a dinner dance and cabaret and was a most elaborate affair. During the evening much merriment was occasioned by the distribution of gifts by Santa Claus, ably represented by Mr. Harry Mitchell.

The history of this club is interesting to a degree. Thirty-two years ago [1890] a group of Sunday School boys formed a military club which used to meet in the back yard of Calvary Church. In those days broomsticks represented guns, and finally real guns took their place and in due time blue uniforms lent dignity to the club. Twelve years ago [1910] it was decided to adopt something more distinctive and the natty uniform worn by West Point Cadets was finally adopted. By way of retrospection at the time of the war the club numbered one hundred and twenty active members out of which they had one hundred and four service stars. The few that remained at home held the organization together until those who were in the service returned. At the present time there are one hundred and fifty active members and four hundred associate members. As the last annual Christmas held in The Gold Ballroom at The Fairmont was such a success it was found necessary to confine the invitations this year to the members and immediate friends and about two hundred and eighty were present.

The ladies in the receiving line were:

Mesdames Seth L. Butler, T. W. Simmie, Eugene Tuggey, Victor Lingren, Jack Irvine, John Ferguson, Warren McMains, Al Gustafson, Al Krusberger, Bert Wilcox, Martin Seid, Joe Keiser, Carl Eggers, Mat Faber and others.

Source: San Francisco Examiner. 29 December 1922, page 10.

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