San Francisco History

We All Eat Too Much.

We All Eat Too Much.

As the result of his exhaustive experiments with a squad of United States soldiers doing heavy gymnasium work under restricted diet, Professor Chittenden of Yale concludes that most people eat too much, says the New York World.

The men were worked hard in the gymnasium and gained steadily and greatly in strength while they were being fed far less than the average diet.

They were called the "starvation squad," but their photographs taken at the close of the experiment do not look like those of starving men, rather like those of competent gymnasts. Says Professor Chittenden in his recently published "Physiological Economy in Nutrition": "Our results justify the conviction that the minimal proteid requirements of the healthy man under ordinary conditions of life are far below the generally accepted dietary standards, and far below the amounts called for by the acquired tastes of the generality of mankind. The amount of proteid or albuminous food needed daily for the actual physiological wants of the body is not more than one-half of the proteid food, ordinarily consumed by the average man. Body weight (when once adjusted to the new level), health, strength, mental and physical vigor and endurance can be maintained with at least one-half of the proteid food ordinarily consumed."

Proteids are the chemical elements that most people get by a meat diet, though beans, peas and some other vegetables are also strong in proteids. Eat less meat is the practical equivalent of Professor Chittenden's advice.

It has often been noticed by amateur mountaineers that Adirondack guides and Swiss mountain men eat less solid food than the average Wall-street broker, who does little physical labor.

Source: San Francisco Call, 10 December 1904, page 8.

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