San Francisco History

Housing Reform

Stringent Tenement Regulations Urged

Alice S. Griffith Addresses Commonwealth Club on "Housing Reform"

Building regulations for tenement houses in San Francisco are not drastic enough, according to Miss Alice S. Griffith, who lectured before members of the Commonwealth club at the Palace yesterday on "Housing Reform in San Francisco."

Miss Griffith, who has long been identified with civic reform work and who is an authority on tenement conditions, said that the fire protection was not up to standard and that most of the big wooden houses were firetraps, which some day would claim many lives. She advocated a more stringent state law covering the erection of wooden tenement houses.

Many stereopticon views taken on Telegraph Hill, showing the conditions under which the poor of the city live, were thrown on the screen.

Source: San Francisco Call. 31 August 1913. 14.

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