San Francisco History

Frank Turk

Death of a Pioneer.

Frank Turk, the Last of the City's Alcaldes, Passes Away.

Frank Turk, a well-known pioneer of this city, after whom Turk street was named, died yesterday morning, at the age of 69. He was born at Stamford, Conn., but was educated in New York city, where he studied law. He was for a time employed in the New York Postoffice under John Lorimer Graham, and, on his coming to San Francisco in 1849, he took a similar position in the Postoffice here under John W. Geary, who was afterwards Mayor and Alcalde of this city and Governor of Pennsylvania and Kansas. Mr. Turk afterwards entered on the practice of law, and had as partners at various times Hall McAllister, Mr. Lippitt and J. K. Rose. He also formed a law partnership, some ten years ago, with Zach Chandler, in Washington. In August, 1849, he was elected the second Alcalde, John W. Geary being the first. These two were the last Alcaldes under the Ayuntamiento. Mr. Turk at one time owned nearly the whole of Nob Hill and a large part of the Las Pulgas ranch, San Mateo county.

About seven years ago he returned to this city from Washington, and he has been in failing health ever since. He leaves no relations in this city, but a sister survives him in New York. The funeral will take place from Pioneer Hall.

Source: San Francisco Examiner. 16 July 1887. 8.

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