San Francisco History

Police Report

Police Report.

In the May number of the Watchman we find a summary of Police cases from Sept 4., 1849 to March 26, 1850, which we transfer to our columns.

Cases of Murder, 4
Attempt to kill, 10
Larceny, 170
Drunkenness and disorderly conduct, 391
Delirium and attempts at suicide, 18
Perjury, 2
Highway Robbery 3
Assault and Battery, 70
Mutiny, 4
Conspiracy, 2
Swindling, 5
Burglary, 1
Desertion, 40
Discharging fire-arms, 21
Total 741

In addition, nearly or quite as many more small cases, consisting of drunkeness, &c., were disposed of without prosecution.

Source: Daily Alta California. 2 May 1850. page 2.

CRIME, &c.—According to the report of M. Fallon, the City Marshal, to the Grand Jury, the number of arrests made in this city by the police between the 13th November [1849] and the 1st August [1850], was 1107, classified as follows:
Murder 7
larceny 230
burglary 6
assault, with intent to kill 102
perjury 1
robbery 3
desertions 50
mutiny 18
drunkenness 581
resisting of officers 8
swindling 5
threatening to take life 14
picking pockets 4
conspiracy 2
breach of peace 6
acting policy officer 4
suspicion of freeing criminals 2
delirium tremens 5
contempt of court 6
passing counterfeit money 1
discharging fire arms 26
insanity 2
lunacy 2
abusing wife 4
furious driving 3
crazy 2
vagrants 6
passing bad gold dust 1
using false weights 1
refusing to work at fire 1
obstructing streets and nuisances 40
fugitive from justice 1
attempt to commit suicide 2
[TOTAL 1107]

Source: Daily Alta California. 23 August 1850. page 2.


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