San Francisco History

Overland Immigration

The Immigration across the Plains.—We have been handed the following statement of the immigration across the plains, from the United States to California, by the Fort Laramie route. These statistics were taken from the register at the Fort, on the 3d of June [1850]:
Males 11,443
Females 119
Children 99
Total 11,661
Number of Wagons 3,118
Horses 10,900
Mules 3,588
Oxen 3,428
Cows 233

This is probably but about one third of the immigration by this route during the present season. We applaud the spirit which has induced the registeration of the number of persons and teams passing the fort, and thank our informant for his thoughtfulness in furnishing us with the information, interesting to us personally, and valuable to our readers.

Source: Daily Alta California. 29 August 1850. page 2.


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