San Francisco History

Public Schools Graduation

Public School Graduation in Park Will Be Unusual and Novel Scene.

Pupils to the Number of 1700, Each Carrying an American Flag, to Be Given Diplomas.

One of the most remarkable scenes ever witnessed in Golden Gate Park will be the graduating exercises of the public schools tomorrow afternoon. The programme will be at 1 o'clock, and in the course of the afternoon 1700 pupils from the city's schools will receive their certificates of graduation, this being the largest number of youth that has ever gone forth from the schoolroom to the battles of the world during one great commencement. The band concert precedes the giving of diplomas.

Many of those entitled to receive diplomas live in Berkeley, Oakland and other suburban places. THey are requested to be at the park band stand at 1:20 o'clock, and each pupil is expected to carry an American flag.

Mayor Schmitz, Professor Morse Stephens, President Altmann, Superintendent Roncovieri and some others will make short addresses, and the park band will render an interesting musical programme. With 30,000 to 50,000 spectators watching almost 2000 graduates receive their diplomas in the open air, surrounded by the beautiful foliage of thepark, the scene will be unique in the history of American schools.

It is promised that the street car service will be adequate to the task of properly handling the vast throngs.

The following is the programme of the joint commencement exercises of the day and evening high and grammar schools at the music stand, Golden Gate Park, Saturday, June 2, 1906, at 2 p. m. There will be a concert from 1 to 2 p. m. by the park band:

Concert programme—Overture, "William Tell," Rossini; grand medley of American national songs; tone pictures of the North and South, Bendix; grand selection from "Lohengrin," Wagner; "Largo," Handel; grand overture from "Tannhauser," Wagner.

Graduation programme—Remarks, Hon. Alfred Roncovieri, Superintendent Public Schools; (a) National Anthem, "America" (Smith-Van Dyke); (b) song, "Dear Old Hills of California" (Davis); by chorus of 3000 school children, directed by Miss E. Carpenter, supervisor of music; remarks, Hon. A. Altmann, president Board of Education; (a) song, "Old Folks at Home" (Foster); (b) patriotic song, "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean" (Shaw), by chorus of 3000 school children; oration by his Honor Mayor Eugene E. Schmitz; (a) song, "Gloria California" (Pasmore); (b) "We're Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground," (c) "Dixie," by chorus of 3000 school children; address, Professor Henry Morse Stephens, M. A., professor of history, University of California; (a) song, "San Francisco Evermore" (Carpenter-McGlade); (b) song, "My Own United States" (Edwards), by chorus of 3000 school children; oration and presentation of graduates to his Honor Mayor Eugene E. Schmitz by Hon. Samuel M. Shortridge; distrubution of diplomas by his Honor Mayor Eugene E. Schmitz; (a) song of the class of 1906 (Denza), by the graduates; (b) "Star-Spangled Banner" (Scott-Key), by the entire audience standing.

The following is a list of the graduates:
Fremont Grammar School
Adams Cosmopolitan Grammar
Bergerot School
Bernal Grammar School
Burnett Grammar School
Chinese School
Clement Grammar School
Crocker Grammar School
Columbia Grammar School
Commercial High School
Commercial Evening High School
Denman Grammar School
Everett Grammar School
Fairmont Grammar School
Franklin Grammar School
Girls' High School
Hamilton Evening School
Hamilton Grammar School
Hancock Grammar School
Horace Mann Grammar School
Horace Mann Evening School
Hearst Grammar School
Irving M. Scott Grammar School
Jean Parker School
James Lick Grammar School
John Swett Grammar School
Laguna Honda School
Lowell High School
Lincoln Evening School
Lincoln Grammar School
Monroe School
Mission High School
Mission Grammar School
Pacific Heights School
Polytechnic High School
Richmond Evening School
Rincon Grammar School
Sutro Grammar School
Spring Valley School
South End Grammar School
Sheridan Grammar School
Washington Evening School
High School Department
Washington Grammar School
Source: The San Francisco Call, Friday, June 1, 1906, page 5.


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