San Francisco History

Hunter's Point Tragedy.


A Chinaman Fully Identified as the Murderer.

An inquest was held yesterday in the case of Lee Sam Ngoon, the Chinaman who died from the effects of a gunshot wound received at the melee at Hunter's Point last week, between Chinese shrimp-catchers and peddlers. The deceased, with two others, Lee Ah Choon and Lee Ah Ngin, lived in a cabin near the Point. Deceased was in the habit of purchasing shrimps and clams from other Chinamen, and peddling them. The difficulty arose as to the ownership of some shrimps; Ah Chung, a "Heong Sarm man," claiming that they belonged to him, while deceased and his friends said he must fix that with the man they purchased of, and claimed to own them. Deceased and his friends than took to their boat, after being beaten with sticks; and, while they were embarking, Ah Chung ran to his cabin, came back with a pistol, and deliberately aiming, fired, hitting deceased. He soon offered to fire again, but the boat was too far off. The two friends of deceased identify Ah Chung as the shooter; and what is more conclusive, Richard Carter, a white man residing near the Dry Dock, does the same. He was aroused at 5 o'clock by the disturbance, and went out to see what it meant, and was within a few feet of Ah Chung when he fired. In answer to Carter's remark, "You shot that man," Chung said, "Me no care."

The jury found him that deceased was killed by Ah Chung, and charged him with murder.

Source: Alta, 20 October 1877, page 1.


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