San Francisco History

Girls In Gold
Girls' High School
30th Birthday Celebration


Eschscholtzias Worn as Class Badges.


Celebration of Its Thirtieth Anniversary.


Opening of the Viticultural Annex to the Horticultural Building To-Day.

Through Turnstiles Yesterday.......9152


12:45 P.M.--Baseball game between Santa Clara and Sacred Heart colleges on recreation grounds.
1 P.M.--Chiming of the bells in Liberal Arts twoer.
2 P.M.--Arrival of the lacrosse teams, headed by Midwinter Exposition band.
2:15 P.M.--Opening of the Palace of Viticulture.
2:30 P.M.--Achille Philion on spiral tower in central court.
2:45 P.M.--Concert by Sousa's band in music pavilion, near Administration building.
3 P.M.--Singing by University Glee Club in Liberal Arts building.
3 P.M.--Lacrosse game on recreation grounds.
6 P.M.--Evening chimes on the bells in Liberal Arts tower.
7 P.M.--Grand illumination of central court, including the steel twoer.
7:30 P.M.--Philion on the spiral tower in central court.
8 P.M.--The wonderful electric fountain.
8:30 P.M.--Fireworks on recreation grounds. [The Sousa concert band will play in the grand stand during the fireworks.]
9:30 P.M.--Second playing of electric fountain.


When Weather Prophet Pague gave a lecture on atmospheric jugglery before the normal class of the Girls' High School on Wednesday the young ladies made personal intercessions for fine weather on Friday. The rain pilot readily promised a balmy day for their Midwinter Fair celebration, and he kept his word.

Bright and pretty girls, each with a corsage bouquet of eschsholtzias and a badge of gold ribbon worn at the throat, with their teachers, graduates who had preceded them and their friends, to the number of 1200, were out at Sunset City yesterday. They comprised the most attractive exhibit at the fair, and every other was deserted when the yong ladies gathered on and about the steps of the Administration building. The cadets of the Boys' High School, who had come out in honor of the young ladies, marched past in review, preceded by the Midwinter Exposition band.

Then the young soldiers marched down to the recreation ground. In presence of hundreds of admiring girls the cadets repeated the military evolutions given a week ago. The spectators were especially interested in the sham battle. The drill continued for an hour, which was long enough for the cadets to win golden opinions from a group of army officers who watched them.

Then the young women and their friends went over to Festival Hall, filling the large auditorium to the doors. Here the principal exercises of the day took place. Yesterday was the thirtieth birthday of the Girls' High School, and pupils and graduates united in a joyous celebration of the anniversary. The uniformed cadts acted as ushers, and earlier in the day had assisted the girls in decorating the hall with yellow cheesecloth, representing the color of the school. A long but interesting programme was presented and greatly enjoyed by the audience.

A march, "Our High School Girls," composed by Aug. Binrichs and dedicated to the class of '94, was played by the Exposition band. Then Principal Elisha Brooks gave a breezy speech of welcome. The young laides occupying chairs, which collectively covered the whole of the broad stage, gave a chorus, "Cradle Song," as a prelude to the address by John Sweet. The Superintendent of Schools recapitulated the history of the school, and recounted the movements of some of the distinguished graduates. His remarks were principally anecdotal and were listened to with great interest.

The principal address was made by Professor Bernard Moses of the University of California. He spoke cleverly of the education of women, and sarcastically combated the idea that their intellectual development is a mistake. He said that the history of women through the ages of Oriental bondage to Occidental freedom was the history of sex from the harem to the university. Speaking of a higher education he said it is the same sentiment which kept Eastern women shut up as slaves which prevents girls from attending the university to-day, a fear of losing social caste.

Professor Moses drew a word picture of the education of women in the twentienth century. He prophesied the continuance and development of the plan for coeducation of the sexes. Only in the universities, he said, could the highest education by allowed, and as no state would duplicate these advantages women would stand by the side of men. He said that in San Francisco a peculiar condition prevails, and that women are more cultured than the men. We are drifting toward a state of affairs which in the twentienth century will make the woman the student, endowed with a knowledge of arts and literature, while man will be the bread-winner and patron of manly sports.

A quartet, consisting of Mrs. Alvina Beuer Willson, Miss Freda Sylvester, Miss Lillie Goodman and Miss Etta Bayly, rendered two selections from Schumann, and Miss Agnes Crary recited an original poem. There were choruses by the school and by the normal class. Miss Etta Bayly sang two solos and Franz Heil played a solo on the fluegelhorn, which was rapturously encored. The Baldwin Theater String Quartet played very nicely and the concluding address of the day was made by Horace Davis.

[. . .the rest of the article discusses intercollegiate base-ball, Swedish Quartet, State University glee club, opening of the Palace of Viticulture, fly-casting tournament, and crystallized fruits from Los Angeles County in the Southern California building.]

Source: San Francisco Call, 07 April 1894, page 07.


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