San Francisco History

Balboa Park, etc.


Commissioners Decide to Improve Grounds Making Them Second to Golden Gate.

The plans that have been prepared for the park commissioners for the improvement of Balboa park, which was known in the seventies as the house of correction lot, fronting on San Jose avenue, between Havelock street and Ocean View avenue, and running back to the west ot the line of Phelan avenue, indicate that it is the desire in time to make this the finest park in the city outside of Golden Gate park.

The building, now called the county jail and the women's jail, formerly the house of correction and the Magdalen asylum, respectively, are to be removed and on the site will be a band stand, up to date in every respect, and a concourse in front. There is to be a concert promenade in addition. The new police station, recently built near the center of the grounds and which is a fine structure from an architectural point of view, will remain.

At the corner of San Jose and Ocean View avenues there is an athletic field of eight acres already grassed and now used daily by baseball enthusiasts. The number of trees set out, some to act as windbreaks on the south and west, and the others for ornamental purposes, has in the last few weeks increased from 10,000 to 25,000, and those first set out have all taken root and are doing well. There are to be a large lawn, a meadow, a children's playground, tennis court, lake, boathouse and a large deer park.

Considerable work has been done of late at Lincoln park, until a short time ago the city cemetery. A road has been built to the higest point, which is an elevation of 310 feet and from which a most enchanting view of the surrounding country and the waters of the bay and ocean may be had. All except one block, between Clement street and Point Lobos avenue is in good condition. This is a sandy stretch, which the park commissioners think should be put in condition by the property owners of the vicinity. The attention of the board of public works is to be called to this with a request that steps be taken to have the work done without delay. The work on the park is to be continued until such time as it shall be ready for occupancy by the public.

The piece of land at Harrison street and Stanley place, on top of Rincon hill, 125x200 feet, recently donated to the city for park purposes, has been walled and grassed, lawns have been laid out and a number of seats provided so that whosoever will may enjoy this new breathing spot of the city.

Source: San Francisco Call, 04 August 1910, page 5.


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