San Francisco History



Barker, Macolm E. Bummer and Lazarus. 1984: Londonborn Publications, San Francisco.
California Department of Parks and Recreation. California Historic Landmarks. 1981: Sacramento, California.
California State Parks, Office of Historic Preservation. California Historic Landmarks. 1996: Sacramento, California.
Coleman, Charles M. PG&E of California. 1952: McGraw-Hill, New York.
Coy, Owen C. California County Boundaries. 1923: California Historical Survey Commission, Berkeley, California.
Dwinelle, John W. Colonial History of San Francisco. 1978: reprint by Ross Valley Book Co. 1867: Towne & Bacon, Book and Job Printers.
Eldredge, Zoeth Skinner. The Beginnings of San Francisco, two volumes. 1912: John C. Rankin Co., San Francisco.
Hansen, Gladys. San Francisco Almanac. 1975: Chronicle Books, San Francisco.
Kyle, Douglas E. Historic Spots in California. 1995: Stanford, California. 330-348.
Langley, Henry G. San Francisco City Directory. 1858, 1861, 1862, 1863: Commercial Steam Presses, San Francisco.
Lowenstein, Louis K., The Streets of San Francisco, April 1996: Wilderness Press, Berkeley, California.
Lotchin, Roger W. San Francisco, From Hamlet to City. 1974: Oxford University Press, New York.
Moudon, Anne Vernez. Built for Change. 1986: Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Massachussetts.
Myrick, David F. San Francisco's Telegraph Hill. 1972: Howell-North Books, Berkeley, California.
O'Shaughnessy, M. M. Hetch Hetchy, Its Origin and History. 1934: San Francisco.
Owen, Lorrie K., et. al. Dictionary of California Historic Places, Volume 2. 1997: New York, N.Y. 668-735.
San Francisco Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board. 1996: San Francisco, CA.
Treutlin, Theodore E. San Francisco Bay, Discovery and Colonization. 1968: California Historical Society, San Francisco.

Buried Human Bones at the 'BART' Site San Francisco. California Geology. September 1972. 208-209.

Biographical Files. October 28, 1998. San Francisco Public Library, San Francisco, California.
California Information File, 1846 to 1985. 1985: California State Library, Sacramento, California.

Newspaper Articles
100 Hunters Point Families Out. March 10, 1942. The San Francisco News.
1852-1952: Ghiradelli Celebrates a Century. May 1, 1952. The San Francisco Chronicle. 2F.
Broadway Tunnel Will Open With Ceremony Today. December 21, 1952. The San Francisco Chronicle. 1.
Chinatown Pagoda Gate. The San Francisco Chronicle, 26 March 1967. 1-2.
Chinatown Gateway Selected. March 26, 1967. The San Francisco Chronicle. 1-26.
Joe Di Maggio Weds Marilyn Monroe at City Hall by Art Hoppe. January 15, 1954. The San Francisco Chronicle.
Opening a Gate To Chinatown. 19 October 1970. The San Francisco Chronicle. 2.
The City's Tunnels. March 27, 1949. The San Francisco Chronicle. 1, 10.
The Streets of San Francisco. Daily, September 1928 to January 1929. The San Francisco Chronicle.
Treasure Isle Goes to Navy. April 17, 1942. The San Francisco News.
World's Horse Fair. September 3, 1864. Daily Alta California. 1.
Your San Francisco. Monday editions, June to August 1933. The San Francisco Examiner.

World Wide Web
Ewers, Justin. Today Marks a Milestone in Gay Marriage. The first couple will marry as California's new law takes effect at 5:01 p.m. June 16, 2008. <>.
Filion, Ron. Escapes from Alcatraz. October 28, 1998. <>.
Filion, Ron. San Francisco History - Cemeteries. October 28, 1998. <>.
Greenhagen, Ronnie. GRITS Historical Calendar. November 28, 1998. <>.
Johnson, Professor Troy. The American Indian Occupation of Alcatraz Island. October 28, 1998. <>.
Laird, Donald. California Landmarks - San Francisco County. December 4, 2000. <>.
Lee, R. American Military History. November 2, 1998. <>.
Marech Rona. The Battle Over Same-Sex Marriage: One Year Later. February 12, 2005. <>
Mrazik, Tina. The  Zodiac Killer. October 28, 1998. Dark Horse Multimedia. <>.
Schmidt, Barbara. Mark Twain Quotations, Newspaper Collections, and Related Resources. October 28, 1998. <>.
Schneider, John F. Early Stations in San Francisco. November 2, 1998. <>.
Schulman, Henry. New King of Swing; Bonds' HR to center puts him at the top. August 7, 2007. <>
Swartz, Jon. Paul McCartney is Candlestick Park's closing act. <>

About Transamerica - Past, Present and Future - About the Pyramid. October 28, 1998. Transamerican Corporation. <>.
All About Levi & Strauss Co. History. October 28, 1998. <>.
America's Cup. 2013. <>.
BART - History and Facts. October 28, 1998. San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District. <>.
Bay Area Hockey History. December 31, 2000. San Jose Sharks. <>.
Bloody Thursday. October 28, 1998. San Francisco City Museum. <>.
Caltrain's History. October 28, 1998. Caltrain. <>.
Candlestick Park Demolition. September 24, 2015. <>.
Chinese Exclusion Act, 1882. November 28, 1998. <>.
Cliff House Historical Page. October 28, 1998. Cliff House. <>.
Driving the Last Spike. October 28, 1998. San Francisco City Museum. <>.
Early California History. November 28, 1998. <>.
Government & Politics. January 25, 2003. <>.
History. October 28, 1998. San Francisco Police Department. <>.
History, Facts and Figures. October 28, 1998. Golden Gate Bridge, Highway & Transportation District.  <>.
History of Virginia City, Nevada and the Comstock Lode. November 28, 1998. <>.
History of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, The. November 28, 1998. <>.
History of Sutro Baths. October 28, 1998. Cliff House. <> [sic].
Internment and Evacuation of San Francisco Japanese - 1942. October 28, 1998. San Francisco City Museum. <>.
Jim Jones & The People's Temple. November 2, 1998. <>.
M. H. De Young Memorial Museum. October 28, 1998. San Francisco City Museum. <>.
Market Street Railway - Preserving Historic Transit in San Francisco. October 28, 1998. Market Street Railway Company. <>.
Peninsula Trains, The. November 28, 1998. Golden Gate Railroad Museum. <>.
Pony Express Home Station. November 2, 1998. <>.
The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge Seismic Safety Projects. 2014. <>.
The Streets of San Francisco. October 28, 1998. <>.
Timeline To Counter-Culture, A.November 28, 1998. <gopher://>.
Uncle Donald's Castro Street - Harvey Milk. October 28, 1998. <>.
United States History Chronology. October 28, 1998. <>.
Where Can I Learn More About the 1868 Earthquake? September 06, 2005. <>.
Where Can I Learn More About the 1957 Daly City Earthquake? September 06, 2005. <>.
World Series Overview. January 20, 2016. <>.


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