23 July 1956, Monday

Floyd P. Wilson Name: Floyd P. Wilson

Age: 41
Inmate #: 956-AZ
Crime: murder of a chain-store manager in a bungled robbery attempt
Sentence: life
Notes: transferred to Alcatraz from Atlanta in 1952 because of the "possibility of an escape problem."

Wilson was working on dock detail. At the 3:45 p.m. lineup, he was missing. Lineups were required when boats arrived and departed from the dock. At the last lineup, at 3:25 p.m., a barge had departed to Fort Mason. There was a possibility that he may have made his way aboard the barge. Warden Paul Madigan had soon arrived at the Van Ness Pier after returning from vacation and was informed he had an escaped convict.

Eleven hours later, at 2:45 a.m., a search party found him hiding in a depression near the water's edge at the foot of the cliffs on the south end of the island.


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