Source:  Pacific Telephone Magazine, November 1926.
Thank you to Alice Nicholson for transcribing this data
[Presumably, this is a list of employees who have completed a certain number of years' service with the company.]
Note:  Ken L. Goldsberry learned that the California State Library in Sacramento has other issues of this magazine in it's collection:
July 1912 through September 1954 and November 1954 through December 1975

WALL, KATHERINE, Spokane, Wash
CARAHAR, MAY, Portland, Ore.
GILLIGAN, BEATRUCE E., San Francisco, Cal.
HORGAN, JULIA V., Crocket, Cal
CARLSON, ROSA A., Eureka, Cal.
STEWART, EVA C., Los Angeles, Cal
CHEVANTON, BELLE C., San Bernardino, Cal.
WELCH, MARY E., San Diego, Cal.
KING, FLORENA M., San Francisco, Cal.
DULION, DENISE M., San Jose, Cal.
BROWN, JESSIE, Los Angeles, Cal.
DEACON, LOUISE, Los Angeles, Cal.
FLYNN, ADA M., Los Angeles, Cal.
HORNE, MARION W., Los Angeles, Cal.
LEVEAUX, GRACE, Los Angeles, Cal.
RYSER, GRACE, Los Angeles, Cal.
CAUGHEY, MINNIE B., St. Helena, Cal.
MASON, AIMEE M., Yakima, Wash.
PITTMAN, HAZEL, Eugene, Ore.
GRANT, VIOLA K., Los Angeles, Cal.
HAMILTON, LAURA E., Los Angeles, Cal.
HOODENPYLE, STELLA G., Los Angeles, Cal.
STREETER, ANNA L., Los Angeles, Cal.
STREETER, FLAVILLA O., Los Angeles, Cal.
CARLSON, DELPHINE V., Pasadena, Cal.
WHITE, KATHLEEN, Pasadena, Cal.
LYONS, MILDRED C., Portland, Ore.
COSTELLO, FRANCES S., San Francisco, Cal.
JARDINE, LOTTIE, San Francisco, Cal.
KELLY, ANNIE MARIE, San Francisco, Cal.
STEVENS, MINA M., Santa Rosa, Cal.
CALLINAN, PEARLE, Seattle, Wash.
QUINN, HAZEL R., Albany Ore.
POOLE, LOTTIE N., Arcata, Cal.
SHEPHERD, EVELYN, Berkeley, Cal.
YOUNG, MARY N., Fresno, Cal.
EDWARDS, IRENE, Hoquiam, Wash.
ABBEY, BESSIE R., Los Angeles, Cal.
ALLEGRETTI, PEGGIE E., Los Angeles, Cal.
BROWN, MARGARET M., Los Angeles, Cal.
DEARBORN, FRANCES J., Los Angeles, Cal.
DUERR, MAYBELLE, Los Angeles, Cal.
FINLAYSON, GUSSIE R., Los Angeles, Cal.
GARDENELLI, MABEL L., Los Angeles, Cal.
GILSON, ELLA, Los Angeles, Cal
HALL, IZETTA A., Los Angeles, Cal.
KAZECK, ANNA E., Los Angeles, Cal.
LUECK, VIOLA E., Los Angeles, Cal.
MELTON, GLADYS M., Los Angeles, Cal.
MURPHY, MARY J., Los Angeles, Cal.
MURRAY, IRENE, Los Angeles, Cal.
NELSON, PEARL B., Los Angeles, Cal, 
NETTLE, DESSIE E., Los Angeles, Cal.
NIECE, THERESA, Los Angeles, Cal.
NIELSEN, HELEN k., Los Angeles, Cal.
NORMAN, NEVA C., Los Angeles, Cal.
RAWSON, JENNIE I., Los Angeles, Cal.
REICHEN, DELPHINE D., Los Angeles, Cal
RIKE, FLORENCE M., Los Angeles, Cal.
ROFFEE, MILDREDH., Los Angeles, Cal.
SEGER, MARY M., Los Angeles, Cal.
SENEY, CORA L., Los Angeles, Cal.
SENNER PAULINE, Los Angeles, Cal.
SMITH, GRACE A., Los Angeles, Cal.
WATERBURY, BERTHA M., Los Angeles, Cal.
WEST, ANNA E., Los Angeles, Cal.
WESTON, PAULINE, Los Angeles, Cal.
WICKIZER, HELEN M., Los Angeles, Cal.
ZIMMERMAN, BERYL, Los Angeles, Cal.
MAYS, VIRGINIA, Newman, Cal.
BATES, DODDIE, Oakland, Cal.
GRANT, CECELIA, Oakland, Cal.
VALPEY, IRENE M., Oakland, Cal.
YOUNG, MILDRED, Oakland, Ore.
NIX, FLORENCE A., Pasadena Cal.
GARR, ELIZABETH, Placentia, Cal.
ALLEN, ALTHEA A., Portland, Ore.
BATEMAN, BELLE, Portland, Ore.
BEEDE, STELLA E., Portland, Ore.
BOETGER, FREDA M., Portland, Ore
LEAVENS, MAXLEA M., Portland, Ore.
ORGON, GRACE M., Portland, Ore.
OWENS, ELIZABETH, Portland, Ore.
CRANE, PHILLYS, Sacramento, Cal.
FURRER, LYDIA A., Sacramento, Cal.
HAUG, VIOLA, Sacramento, Cal
BISHOP, GERTRUDE A., San Francisco, Cal.
BOTHA, THELMA E., San Francisco, Cal.
CHRISTENSON, EDITH M., San Francisco, Cal.
CLARK, MARY W., San Francisco, Cal.
DOW, ALICE L, San Francisco, Cal.
DRURY, MARY C., San Francisco, Cal.
EKSTROM, LEONA J., San Francisco, Cal
KRAUS, MINOLA M., San Francisco, Cal.
LANGRIDGE, MARY M., San Francisco, Cal.
LOVE, BERNICE A., San Francisco, Cal.
LUSHER, LUELLA, San Francisco, Cal.
MCLENNAN, CLARA C., San Francisco, Cal.
MATTHIESEN, CECELIA E., San Francisco, Cal.
MINTA, STELLA J., San Francisco, Cal.
MOESER, VIOLA M., San Francisco, Cal.
MOORE, ANNIE A., San Francisco, Cal.
O'CONNOR, MARION E., San Francisco, Cal.
O'HARA, ALICE M., San Francisco, Cal.
SWANSON, MARIE C., San Francisco, Cal.
SWOBODA, RUTH C., San Francisco, Cal.
TOBELMAN, HELEN I., San Francisco, Cal.
TOPHAM, VIRGINIA M., San Francisco, Cal.
WHITE, GERTRUDE F., San Francisco, Cal.
GOULET, FRIEDA L., San Jose, Cal.
REID, ALICE J., San Jose, Cal.
BIANCHI, ROSALIE, San Luis Obispo, Cal.
BAMMERT, TESSIE G., Seattle, Wash.
JONES, HELEN, Seattle, Wash.
LITTLE, ANNA, Seattle, Wash.
POWELL, LOLA, Spokane, Wash.
MILLER, MARIE J., Stockton, Cal.
MOORE, ANNAVIE, Yakima, Wash.
SEWARD, BETTY, Yakima, Wash
HOWES, HARRY C., Los Angeles, Cal.
GARDNER, HERBERT T., Los Angeles, Cal.
DOBEL, GEORGE M., Fresno, Cal.
LEDTERMAN, ERNEST P., Los Angeles, Cal.
BARBOUR, WILLIAM C., Seattle, Wash
OSBORN, CHARLES M., Bremerton, Wash.
ANDERSON, EDGAR J., Lewiston, Idaho
BAKER, JOHN W., Los Angeles, Cal.
STENBECK, HAROLD A., Los Angeles, Cal
STOMMEL, CHARLES J., Los Angeles, Cal.
FERRELL, PAUL H., Oakland, Cal.
BUTCHER, DAVID J., Portland, Ore.
GRAVES, ALFRED W., San Francisco, Cal.
LIGHTFOOT, JESSE M., Seattle, Wash.
WILSON, CHARLES D., Seattle, Wash.
AVRITT, CLAY D., Visalia, Cal.
BLODGETT, SELWYN E., Bakersfield, Cal.
DRESSLER, WALLACE R., Los Angeles, Cal.
JOHNSON, ANDREW E., Los Angeles, Cal.
KIMBALL, BURTON S., Los Angeles, Cal.
STREHL, RUDOLPH, Oakland, Cal.
WRIGHT, CLAUD, Oakland, Cal.
MCMILLAN, DONALD A., Pasadena, Cal.
JOHNSON, WILLIAM E., Portland, Ore.
VANCE, ALVA J., Portland, Ore.
COOK, WALTER B, San Francisco, Cal.
FAUST, WILLIAM H., San Francisco, Cal.
FLORES, MANUEL E., San Francisco, Cal.
FOLEY, CHARLES E., San Francisco, Cal.
MURRIN, HUGH, San Francisco, Cal.
ANDERSON, HAROLD R.,   Seattle, Wash.
WALLAN, OSCAR C., Tacoma, Wash.

Northern California - Nevada,  - Headquarters San Francisco

Our Sausalito office wishes much happiness to Mrs. W. Mathues, nee Elk.

Miss Olive Kroll of the Lodi traffic department has been transferred to the Sacramento office.

Mrs. Marshall, formerly of our San Francisco office, is the proud mother of a nine-pound baby boy.

Miss Emma Daniels of the Lodi exchange is assisting the Modesto traffic department for two weeks.

Mrs. Grace R. McDonough and Miss Mildred E. Chapel were recently welcomed to the force at Carmel.

F. P. Gerdes, manager at Vacaville, is the newly elected secretary and treasurer of the local Boosters' Club.

Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Nora Bailey, nee Kingston, Madera operator, upon her recent marriage.

Miss Marjorie Boysen is a newly transferred operator from San Francisco to Madera.  Welcome, Miss Boysen.

O. Cole, Jr., division traffic superintendent, with offices in Sacramento, was a recent visitor in the Lodi office.

B. C. Carroll, vice president of our company, was a recent visitor in Modesto on his way to Fresno and the South.

Angela Edwards and Irene Cross of the Petaluma exchange recently enjoyed a very pleasant hike to San Antonio Creek.

The sympathy of our entire San Jose long-distance office is extended to Miss Viola Murray in the recent loss of her mother.

Miss Margaret Brazil, operator at our Monterey office, recently resigned to become the bride of William McNally of Oakland.

A beautiful basket of flowers was presented by the force of our Ashberry office, Oakland, in honor of the first anniversary.

Martinez office extends its best wishes for future happiness to Miss Esther Warren, who recently resigned to be married.

J. E. Thomas, division commercial engineer, and H.A. Shearer, outside plant engineer, Sacramento, paid Lodi a recent visit.

Miss Violette Olsen, Madera, has recently changed her name to Mrs. Dale Daniels.  She has moved to her new home in Los Banos.

Miss Georgia Domingos of Salinas has returned from her vacation spent at Sacramento and reports having had a very enjoyable time.

Our new company building at Redding in nearing completion, and will probably be ready for occupancy by the middle of November (1926).

Miss Mary Domingos of the Salinas exchange recently resigned to be married. We all extend heartiest wishes for a happy future.

W. E. Sammis, district plant chief, Metropolitan Area No. 2 is enjoying a sojourn in the northern part of the country, with Mrs. Sammis.

Mrs. J. McCray, nee Walsh, a former evening chief operator of our Randolph office, San Francisco, is now the proud mother of a baby boy.

Miss Edna Staring of Madera was, a short time ago, transferred to the toll office in San Francisco.  She promised that she will not forget us.

Miss Ruth Hoefel is an addition to the business office of the Lodi exchange, replacing Mrs. Hilda Schauer, who went North to join her husband.

Congratulations are extended to Miss Dechantigney of our Mission office in San Francisco, who is the recipient of a beautiful diamond ring.

Miss Naomi Barnes, Martinez, resigned recently to leave for Los Angeles, where she will take up the study of music.  Good luck to you, Naomi.

Miss Ollie Cros of our Piedmont office is the proud possessor of a five-year service pin. She is the first in our office to receive one of the new pins.

The Misses Bradley and Cacciari of our Market and Hemlock offices in San Francisco are now at our Mission office. We hope that they will like us.

A.H. Hobbs, our Sacramento manager, was appointed president pro tem, of the Sacramento Chamber of Commerce during the week of October 4, (1926).

Thornwall office in Oakland was given quite a surprise recently when Miss Grace Morris, popular supervisor, returned to her duties as Mrs. Hynes.

E.A. Seely of the construction storeroom forces has temporarily been transferred to the district office, replacing Mr. Weber during his illness.

Miss Olive Isensee, clerk in our Modesto commercial office, attended the University of California and St. Mary's football game at Berkeley, October 9.

Mrs. Adaline Reimche was appointed cashier for the Lodi business office, replacing Miss Ella Pletz, who has gone to San Jose to complete her education.

Congratulations are extended to the two new brides in our San Francisco Graystone office:  Mrs. Wildgans, nee DeMeyer, and Mrs. Hadley, nee O'Dowd.

Mrs. Gnau, evening chief operator of our Mission office in San Francisco, is fast learning the ways of a Dodge car, which was presented to her by Mr. Gnau.

Albert Tawlinson was recently transferred from the duties of salesman, in Area No. 1, Oakland business office, to the position of counterman in that office.

Mrs. Elizabeth Cameron, who has been away for some time on account of illness, has returned to her duties in Fillmore office.  We are all glad to welcome her back.

Mrs. Molly Babson, Yreka operator, has recently undergone an operation for appendicitis at the Weed Hospital. We are glad to hear she is rapidly recovering.

Miss Olive E. Stones of the Oakland business office has just returned from her vacation.  Miss Stones had a most enjoyable time, we are told, seeing Oakland first.

Vallejo office wishes to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Plough, district traffic superintendent of Oakland suburban district, on the arrival of their new son.

Miss Ada Harman, cashier at the Bakersfield exchange, who was injured in an automobile accident in June, is improving and expects to return to work in the near future.

We are all glad to see Miss Mary Salvi of our Randolph office in San Francisco back at her position again, after being away for three weeks due to an automobile accident.

Miss Petrina Lucido, Martinez, has returned to work after recovering from an operation for appendicitis.  She is feeling fine and everyone is glad to see her back again.

Mrs. Mildred Walter, supervisor of our Graystone office, San Francisco, was recently taken ill very suddenly, and we are all hoping for her speedy recovery and early return.

On account of illness Miss Phyllis Plummer, former clerk in the Alameda business office, resigned recently.  Miss Mae Traver has been engaged as clerk, succeeding Miss Plummer.

Miss Amy Schultz surprised a number of her friends in our Berkeley office by quietly taking the vows of matrimony. We wish the couple a long life of happiness and success.

Mrs. Helen Charles of our Oakland Thornwall office has returned and is much improved in health.  We also welcome Mrs. Ramona Lyncy, who has returned to Thornwall office.

Miss Beatrice Peoples, formerly cashier at our Chico office, recently resigned to become the bride of Homer Griffith. We offer a word of hearty congratulations to Mr. Griffith.

Mrs. Mildred Farrell of Carmel, and formerly of our Monterey office, has returned to Monterey as our evening chief operator.  Welcome home, Mildred; glad to have you.

The Ashberry-Thornwall basket-ball team of Oakland held its first practice game last Tuesday evening. The girls have some splendid players and look forward to a very successful season.

Miss Regensberger of Sunset office, San Francisco, who has been quite ill for some time at the Wakefield Hospital, has been reported as improving.  We hope to see her back with us very soon.

The following line and station installers have been transferred from the San Francisco installation force to the Oakland installation force:  J.C. Clark, T. R. Hipkins, and W. K. Rusk.

Jackie Coogan was a very interested and welcome visitor at our Sunset office in San Francisco this month. He was accompanied by his aunt, Mrs. Carrie Magner, formerly of this office.

The basket-ball team of Humboldt office, Oakland, held its first practice recently.  A large number turned out, and everybody is ready for big things this year, so let's back our team.

The girls of our Piedmont office basket-ball team are now practicing and are sure they will have the champion team. We are looking forward to some champion games when the season starts.

V. S. Harrington, equipment installer, working under the supervision of C. J. Riley, is busy installing an 80-line 550-C switchboard, for the San Francisco City and County Relief Home.

T. M. Livernois, night wire chief, Metropolitan Area No. 2, is the proud father of a baby boy.  Tom says the baby will be a future wire chief and he didn't forget the boys in the line of cigars.

C. E. McLaughlin, recently of the local Sacramento sales department, has been transferred to interesting duties in the office of J E Thomas, division commercial engineer in Sacramento.

The contributions to Rotary by F. L. McNally, our Inland Division commercial superintendent, during the month of September, were addresses at Auburn, Porterville, Turlock, and Sonora.

The Vallejo office employees express their sympathy to Mrs. Mary Fosteler, commercial cashier, in her severe illness.  Mary is improving now, however, and her complete recovery is awaited.

Mrs. Margaret Barnes, Mill Mildred Huggard, and Mrs. Irene Gamma wish to thank the girls of Randolph office, San Francisco, for the lovely flowers sent to them during their recent illnesses.

A large number of the girls in our San Francisco Randolph office recently witnessed a beautiful church wedding when Miss Mary Cahill, a former supervisor, became the bride of J. Darcy.

R. A. Gantt, general manager for Northern California and Nevada, accompanied by H. J. Corcoran, general traffic superintendent, were visitors at southern Inland Division points during October.

Manager E. J. Angwin of Alameda recently addressed the members of the Alameda Improvement club relative to the problems of keeping pace with the rapid development of the East Bay district.

Equipment Installer L. D. Becker and Line and Station Installer C. A. Tillman recently completed the installation of two sections of 30-line switchboard for the Realty Syndicate Company, Oakland.

Line and Station Installers H. E. Hoar and C. A. Tillman, under the supervision of O. I. Crites, equipment supervisor, have completed the installation of twenty stations and vestibule set in Berkeley.

Recent brides of our San Francisco Pacific office are Miss Betty Carleton, who now answers to the name of Mrs. W. Langley, and Miss Ethel Roach, now Mrs. J. Welch.  Best wishes for their future happiness.

Mrs. Velma E. Meyer, stenographer in the Oakland business office, has returned from her vacation spent at Chico and Shasta Springs, where she enjoyed visiting her father and mother and renewing old friendships.

Two sections of 80-line 550-C switchboards are soon to be installed in the new administration building of the Caterpillar Tractor Company at San Leandro to replace the present equipment, which is inadequate.

Orders have been placed for two additional sections of 80-line 500-C switchboards to be installed in the new six-story addition of the Montgomery Ward & Co. building, Oakland, which is nearly completed.

West office is to be congratulated upon winning the service award donated by the superintendent of maintenance for the third time.  This award is given to the office having the least number of customers' complaints.

Cupid has not entirely forgotten us, as Miss Mildred Menton of our San Jose long-distance office has changed her name to Hageman; Miss Genevieve Fassnacht is now Mrs. Ford and Miss Frances Tilford is Mrs. Ollmstead.

Resignations have been received from the following:  Margaret C. Baily and Helen E. Rogers of our Oakland office and Frances B. Sylva of our Oakland Merritt office. Cupid, we hear, has caused these resignations.

The initial cut of 350 stations out of a total of 506 stations to be transferred from Market-Park-Hemlock to our Evergreen office was recently completed.  The district being cut over is a small area of about eight blocks at Haight and Stanyan streets.

Line and Station Installers W.E. Hoar and C.A. Tillman have completed the installation of one section of 30-line 550-C p.b.x. for the Berkeley Gazette, consisting of nine trunks, five relays, and twenty-five series lines.

W. P. Ralph, counterman in the Oakland business office, has returned to work after having undergone a tonsil operation.  Bill says his wife said she is glad he had the operation as she now has a chance to do some talking.

The building addition at Randolph office has been completed. As this is in advance of the Western Electric Company's schedule for the installation of central office equipment, it will probably be unoccupied for several months.

Miss Frances Lindstrom, who has been very ill for some time, is missed by the girls in our Ashberry office, Oakland.  Miss Alice Taylor of Ashberry office has undergone a recent operation. We all hope she will be with us very soon.

The force of Graystone office extends its deepest sympathy to Walter A. Johnson, equipment supervisor, who has been ill for the past few weeks. We wish him a speedy recovery and hope to have him with us again before very long.

The Ukelele Club of Mission office, San Francisco, gave another wiener roast at Fleishhacker's beach. After a swim at Sutro Baths they departed for the beach, where all enjoyed one of San Francisco's incomparable moonlight nights.

Equipment Installer L. H. Soares and Line and Station Installer W. B. Wardell completed the installation of a 550-C p.b.x., also a battery cabinet and long-line equipment cabinet for the National Electric Sign Company, Oakland.

Mrs. Eunice Castagnini, chief operator's clerk, Vallejo, is the proud owner of a new Essex coach.  Mrs. Virginia Banchere, evening chief operator, toured south during her vacation, accompanied by her brother, to visit relatives.

N. A. Cleveland, switchboard repairman at West office, has joined the ranks of the benedicts. During his vacation in Los Angeles he married Miss Eleanor Weaver of Garfield office. We all wish you the best of luck, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland.

Cupid is responsible for the following resignations:  Florence E. Liedtke, Randolph office; Pearl Lyons, Walnut office; Louise C. Madden, Kearny office; Esther A. Roach, Pacific office; Grace G. Stokes, Garfield office; Libby Weissbach, Prospect office.

Mesdames Laura Lewis and Carmel Sanguinetti of our Pacific office, San Francisco, are both recovering from an appendicitis operation. Each received a bouquet of roses from the Pacific girls, and we are glad to know of their speedy recovery.

An interesting project lately completed for the Southern Pacific Company in Oakland was comprised of two additional No. 4 640-line multiple sections and 220 additional station multiple and line signals on the private branch exchange.

Manager B.A. Glover reports that the Berkeley exchange passed, for the first time, the $100,000 mark in collections during the month of September, 1926.  This is but another indication of the continual growth of this exchange and city.

An addition to the wire chief's force at Graystone office is Miss Patricia Bennett from Sutter office. Miss Bennett is taking the place of Miss Thelma McGlade, who has left us to be married.  We wish them both success in their new ventures.

Yes, we have two new brides in our Humboldt office, Oakland. Mary Geraghty is now Mrs. Dennett, and Beatrice Phillips answers to Mrs. Whipple.  Congratulations, girls.  Helen Rice is also wearing a new diamond ring.  Best wishes to you, Helen.

The forces of the supervisor of central office installations in San Francisco have recently completed the installation of a No. 2 order receiving turret, equipped with forty trunk and three station line circuits for the Western Union Telegraph Company.

The new Commonwealth Hotel is being serviced by a 320-line No. 550-C switchboard and ninety stations. This work was completed by H.D. Eager and H. Cooper, equipment installers, working under the supervision of S. R. Cooper, equipment supervisor.

The Oakland business office reports the completion of an 80-line p.b.x. and a 30-line auxiliary p.b.x. for the County of Alameda at the new Highland hospital in that city. This new institution is one of the finest and best-equipped hospitals in the United States.

Many of Cupid's arrows found their marks in our San Francisco office during the last month.  Miss Britton is now Mrs. Lohners, Miss Sutton is Mrs. Athias, Miss Newman answer to Mrs. Stacker, and Mrs. Davidson, nee Goldman.  Good luck and best wishes, girls.

Through arrangements with Mr. Springall, instructor of electricity at the Sacramento High School, fifty of his pupils were recently conducted through our central offices. As this class was composed entirely of adults, the reactions to the visit and to our explanations were ideal.

Miss Minnie B. Caughey, chief operator at our St. Helena exchange, has been recommended and elected by the department commander of the Patriarchs Militant of California to receive the decoration of chivalry, which is to be conferred at Stockton during the annual session.

O.J. Friermuth, transmission engineer, addressed the students of the American Institute of Engineers at the University of Nevada recently.  He spoke on the topic, "Telephone Repeaters and Vacuum," and their uses in connection with the transmission of speech by wire.

Equipment Installer W. H. Feldman completed the installation of KPO broadcasting equipment and KLX line equipment at the University of California stadium for broadcasting the football games for the 1926 season, under the supervision of O.I. Crites, equipment supervisor.

Three sections of No. 600-C type multiple switchboard, replacing two sections of the No. 550 type, were recently installed and the work completed by equipment installers of the forces of the supervisor of central office installations at the Aaron Taxi Company, San Francisco.

Mrs. Lou Kutzkau, telegraph department, San Francisco, was a recent visitor at the San Jose long-distance office, where she received a hearty reception from her former associates.  Mrs. Ellen E. Anderson of our San Jose long-distance office was recently appointed evening supervisor.

Miss Reynolds of Sunset office, San Francisco, surprised everyone by wearing a beautiful diamond ring.  Congratulations and best wishes, Thelma. Three new brides in our San Francisco Sunset office are Mrs. Lemon, Mrs. Maillard, and Mrs. Jones, and best wishes are also accorded to them.

Miss Katherine Mamola, San Jose long-distance office, has fully recovered from the effects of an appendicitis operation. Mrs. Mattie Leach, operator at our San Jose local office, has returned to duty after an absence of three months due to illness. We are glad to have her with us again.

Equipment Installer J. H. Roos and Line and Station Installer C. B. Wahlund recently completed the installation of one section of 80-line 550-C switchboard, twenty-three series lines, seven relay lines, eight trunks, and fifteen pairs of cords for the Howard Automobile Company, Oakland.

Jim Nichols of the Oakland business office has recently returned from his vacation, which he spent in looking over his gold mine in Calaveras County. Mr. Nichols states that he has named the diggings the "Bright Star Mine," as brighter and bigger nuggets are expected to be taken from it.

Strips of white linoleum are being installed on the stairways of the various company buildings in San Francisco as a reminder to persons using the stairs to keep to the proper side when ascending or descending. This is in line with the company's campaign on behalf of accident prevention.

Miss Alice Butzbach, chief operator of our Oakland Humboldt office, has been absent due to illness.  We are happy to have her with us again.  We are also happy to report that our supervisor, Mrs. Florence Misippo, has returned from the hospital, and we are hoping to see her back on the job real soon.

Miss Mildred Wisewell of the Oakland district commercial office was recently transferred to the Bay Division office in San Francisco. She was the recipient of an attractive blue silk umbrella presented to her by the Misses Pozzo, Casey, Pedersen, Odell, Long, Stuart, Mrs. Hull, and Mrs. McPherson.

Miss Aileen Leahy of Fillmore office in San Francisco, who is regaining her health at the Arequipa Sanitarium, is not forgotten by her coworkers, as last week she received a pair of earphones from the Fillmore girls for the radio which is installed there. She can now enjoy the concerts to the greatest advantage.

The Hartford Fire Insurance Company of San Francisco has recently installed one position of No. 700-C type p.b.x. switchboard, together with associated mechanical equipment, which consisted of fifteen manual, eighteen dial, and four attendants' central trunk circuits, along with 160-dial station multiple.

John Schlarb, our Tacoma manager, recently paid a visit to San Francisco on his return trip from the Telephone Pioneers' convention. Mr. Schlarb and E. G. Fensler, Bay Division supervisor of directories, renewed an old acquaintance during the course of Mr. Schlarb's stay.  He also called on many friends in the Bay cities.

Alice Carter, Tulare operator, slipped away to Selma last month and became the bride of Andrew Limebarger.  A delightful surprise party in the form of a miscellaneous shower was given the bride, who was the recipient of many gifts.  Afterwards refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed. Congratulations, Alice.

M. Simidian, uncle of Gloria Rasmussen of our Berkeley business office, is visiting at her home in Richmond.  Mr. Simidian, a resident of Miami, Fla., was extremely fortunate in escaping the violent storms which recently swept Florida.  He is an ardent booster for "Sunny California" and is enjoying every minute of his stay here.

Mrs. Eunice Flesher has returned to her duties at our Sebastopol exchange, after a vacation spent in her old home town in Southern Oregon, visiting grandma, who has grown younger, as grandmas will, and who arranged for Eunice to have a memorable time. The little Flesher, with his first train ride fresh in his memory, said to us, "Gee, I sure did like the porters."

Dan Cupid is evidently up to his old tricks again, as Miss Mary Naughton of our Randolph office in San Francisco is the proud possessor of a beautiful diamond.  Two diamond rings have also appeared in our Valencia office.  Miss Lena Camenzind and Miss M. Sherry are the lucky girls. Congratulations and best wishes are extended.

Things are looking up in Placerville, due to profitable fruit-growing activities, and from the fact that Tahoe travel goes through this town.  The Placerville-Lake Tahoe Summit job is under way by Foreman J. Mosher, representing a $20,000 expenditure.  Mr. Sarver's stock sales rank next to the high spot in the division, and the end is not yet.

H. D. Maybury, our Madera manager, attended the Rotary Club executives' convention at Santa Maria, September 17 and 18, while on his vacation in that vicinity.  Mr. Maybury has been appointed district commissioner of the Boy Scouts.  H.G. Adams, wire chief of Madera, is instructor of first aid, and is to serve on the "Court of Honor" board.

Earl C. Anthony, Inc., dealers for the Packard Motor Car Company, are now located in their new quarters. Their telephone equipment consists of an 80-line No. 4 switchboard and thirty stations. This work was completed by H. D. Eager and H. Cooper, equipment installers, working under the supervision of S.R. Cooper, equipment supervisor.

C. A. Burke has been assigned the duties of area clerk in the district construction office, replacing Mr. Cooke, who was transferred to other duties.  Harry A. Grady, clerk in the district construction office, has resigned to accept another position.  Albert V. Cook, formerly area clerk for the Randolph-Market and Mission districts, has taken over Mr. Grady's duties.

Mrs. Fred Kerstad, nee Lucia, Vallejo operator, was a beautiful bride in a white satin gown at her wedding recently.  All of her friends, including the Vallejo operators were the invited guess. The reception was held at one of the most prominent halls in Vallejo, where several hundred guests assembled. Carrie Beauchamp, chief operator, and Eunice Castagnini attended the wedding breakfast.

One of our Winnemucca customers, while waiting for a long-distance call, noticed a large snake protruding its head from the coils of the office radiator. The customer, first making sure that he was really seeing a snake, asked the Winnemucca clerk for a ruler and dispatched it after a short and exciting battle.  So it is really true that reptiles are being killed on the floor of the Winnemucca office.

The sewing club of our Petaluma exchange held its first meeting after the summer season at the home of Miss McFadden.  A most delightful time was enjoyed by those present.  Hazel Wright and Rose Bauer rendered several delightful vocal solos, accompanied by Eleanor Gilardi and Helen Woldemar. The home was beautifully decorated with choice flowers of the season. Dainty refreshments were served at a late hour.

Miss Evelyn Kelley of the Berkeley business office informs us that she has as her house-guest Mrs. Florence Boswell of Sacramento County, whom she has not seen in several years.  Many pleasant affairs are being planned for Mrs. Boswell, and Miss Kelley has not overlooked to include a visit through the Berkeley exchange, where the intricate equipment of our company will be cheerfully explained by those in charge.

Miss Mabel Shaffer, teller in the Sacramento local office, surprised her many friends recently with a telegram from Woodland stating that her marriage to H.J. Duffy had just been solemnized.  Both Miss Shaffer and Mr. Duffy are local favorites, Mr. Duffy being well known to baseball fans throughout the valley.  While the union of these young people has been in prospect for some time, it nevertheless was a complete surprise.

W.S. Ballard, who has been in the service of the company during the past year and a half, was recently transferred from Area No. 1 of the Oakland business office to his new office at Thirtieth and Adeline streets, where he has assumed the duties of left-in disconnect salesman.  Mr. Ballard was succeeded by John Thomson of the collection unit of Area No. 1, and the services of Mrs. Emma McNally have been secured to occupy the position vacated by Mr. Thomson.

Clars. L. Garnier, stenographer for District Wire Chief W. B. Cook, has resumed her duties after a delightful two months' vacation spent with her parents in Bismarck, N.D.  She left on the H.F. Alexander, over the Canadian Pacific, and stopped off at Lake Louise and Banff.  On her return trip Miss Garnier says she was very fortunate to see the Grand Canyon and visit friends and relatives in Los Angeles.  "The trip was all very wonderful, but of all places I've been, there is no place like San Francisco," is her ultimate remark.

Dan Cupid has been paying Fruitvale office another visit, and as a result Miss Mildred Shane is now Mrs. G. C. Dowlen. Also Miss Mildred Fowler answers to Mrs. Youngston, and Miss Glenden Stubbs to Mrs. Walter Jorgenson. We congratulate these three happy couples. Happy smiles are being worn by Miss Grace Enberg and Miss Josephine Combs of Fruitvale office, as they are both wearing diamond rings.  Congratulations, girls.

Mr. Harmon, counter supervisor in the Oakland business office, arrived at the office unusually cheerful on a recent Monday morning. Mr. Harmon rides a hobby called baseball every Sunday morning. It appears that on the day preceeding this particular Monday his team actually emerged from the battle victorious, for some reason or other, which has not been explained as yet. Well, we are all glad the losing streak has been broken.

Vacation period is now over at Sacramento and all are settling down to rotation billing, C.R.L. method of handling long-distance calls, and the new left-in station practice; altogether, let's go.  And we are gaining stations, too.  Many favorable comments are received in connection with the new restricted repetition practice recently established in the Sacramento exchange. Our operators' cheery "Thank you" seems to appeal very greatly to our customers.

The traffic employees at Palo Alto all join in wishing success to Ruby Hallum, who resigned to train for a nurse in the St. Francis Hospital at San Francisco.  Shortly before Mrs. Hallum left, the girls met at the home of Mrs. Inez Watkins, clerk, and presented Mrs. Hallum with a purse.  The latter part of the evening was spent devouring a chicken dinner at Dinah's Shack, where dancing was also enjoyed. The present of their former chief operator, Mrs. Gertrude Coe, nee Davis, added greatly to the pleasure of everyone present.

Manager B.A. Glover of Berkeley reports one complete set of our reels of motion pictures captioned "Fifty Years of Telephone Progress" having been made available to the director of publicity in the extension division, University of California, to be used for educational purposes in the science department. Mr. Meyers, head of this department at the university, is quoted as saying that among the several thousands of reels of films pertaining to diversified subjects, and included in the university's library, those of our manufacture are among the most popular.

Promotions made effective lately in the Oakland district are: Eleanor Mackenzie, acting chief operator, San Leandro office, is chief operator; Helen C. Andrews, operator, San Leandro office, is now evening chief operator; Antoinette J. Jacobs, night operator, Fruitvale office, is night chief operator. The following employees were promoted to supervisors:  Alice R. Frey, Humboldt; Christle Hageman, Berkeley; Helen F. Haskell, Alameda; Adelaide Hensley, Merritt; Kathleen J. McNamara, Berkeley; Mary L. Petty, long-distance office; Dorothy M. Ricketts, Oakland.

The age of speed!  A friend of Walter Brunsman, employee in the Oakland business office, rushed into the office at 12:40 p.m. one day, not long ago, with this salutation, "Sign me up for telephone service, Walt, I'm in a hurry."  Brunsman, interested, asked why the excitement and hurry?  Walt was stunned with this:  "Why, I was married during my lunch hour just ten minutes ago." Mr. Brunsman extended congratulations and hurriedly proceeded to serve Mr. Stubblefield so that this "hurry-up artist" would not be late returning to his office.

Miss Edna Hecker, a former employee of the company, who left our service to attend the University of California, has again joined the ranks of the Oakland business office, assuming the duties of the position in Area No. 1 vacated by Mrs. Vera Gray, who has been transferred to the sales unit of Area No. 2.  We are glad to announce the addition of Miss Teddie Durbin to the Oakland stenographic force. Miss Durbin was transferred from the Western Electric Company in Seattle, and judging Miss Durbin, we will say that it is Seattle's loss and Oakland's gain.

On the evening of September 10 members of the Chico Bell Club, with their families and friends, gathered at the Hooker Oak swimming pool in Bidwell Park, Chico. There was an attendance of over one hundred.  They thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The entertainment consisted of a recitation by Miss Eileen Parrish, cashier of the manager's office; music was furnished by Messrs. Lewis and Spencer of the construction department, and various games were enjoyed by all until a late hour.  Refreshments consisted of wieners and watermelon, coffee and home-made cake furnished by the traffic employees.  Supervising Foreman C. V. Stewart and Manager W. T. Watts were in charge of arrangements.

The birthday of Dorothy Perkins, Tulare's silver-toned operator, was the incentive for an enjoyable lawn party recently. Japanese lanterns lighted the garden and a glowing bonfire, about which games where played, added color to the delightful affair. Music was furnished by Lottie and Florence Lewis, the ukulele sisters, and manager "Len" helped them with a couple of songs.  Refreshments were served and all departed wishing Dot many more happy birthdays.  Traffic employees enjoying the evening were Mesdames Lee Moreland, Neil Jackson, Harry Thornton, Louie Lewis, Clarence Shirk, and the Misses Christine Thompson, Fay Gann, Grace Mead, Mat Barnett, Alice Carter, Maude Kinkade, Helen Huntington, and Edna Bailey.

The Oakland business office has turned to jazz and modernity. The following members of that department have organized an orchestra known as "The Oakland Commercial Six." Here is the cast line-up: Mrs. E. Loker, pianist; William Sutherland, saxophone; Baird Porter, saxophone; Johnny Thompson, saxophone; Ralph Schultz, tenor banjo; Walter Brunsman, tenor banjo. These clever musicians have arranged to devote one evening a week to practice at their respective homes. The orchestra promises Oakland employees several enjoyable dancing parties during the fall and winter months.

A surprise party and shower were given in honor of Miss Vernita Conger, operator, Monterey, on October 1 at the home of the chief operator, Miss E. Fotheringham. The evening was spent in games and cards. After a merry hour of Dutch whist, prizes were awarded. The first prize was won by Miss Beatrice Vidal, second by Mary Gale, and a large basket of beautiful and useful gifts in the form of a consolation prize was presented to the bride-to-be by twenty-seven of her fellow employees. After the packages were opened and viewed by all, refreshments were served and the guests departed.

Our new San Francisco Sunset office building opened recently. It is equipped with one of the finest cafeterias and restrooms in the city. We are all very happy with our new quarters, and wish to take this opportunity of saying, "We are very proud of our new building." Mr. Crichton is to be congratulated for his fine work and ideas that helped to make our new building such a success.  In honor of the opening day a very delicious luncheon was served, which was a great success.  The guests consisted of the Evergreen district chief operators, Mr. Prescott, Mr. Thrall, Mr. Hunt, and Mr. Crichton.

The dentist that Walter Brunsman, Oakland commercial employee, is delighted to visit about twice a year is Doctor C.J. Frederick, who is located in the Easton Building, Oakland. Doctor Frederick is a shareholder and booster for American Telephone and Telegraph Company stock.  During the month of September Doctor Frederick sent Mr. Brunsman two prospects. One customer purchased twenty shares of stock and the other four shares under the option "A" plan. Walter says the moral to this tale is, "Tell your dentist that he didn't hurt you a bit, and he, out of sheer gratitude, will buy bye and bye."

On the occasion of the Berkeley Manufacturers Association's regular monthly meeting and dinner, B. A. Glover, our Berkeley manager, provided the program for the evening's entertainment, which consisted of several delightful soprano solos given by Miss Evelyn Kelley accompanied by Mrs. Gloria Rasmussen at the Steinway.  Both of these young ladies are employed in the Berkeley business office. The musical program was followed with a talk by Walter S. Reed on telephotography. The entire program was enthusiastically received, and at its close the president of the association requested that a rising vote of thanks be given to the telephone company as an expression for appreciation for the evening's entertainment.

The All-Western Road Show that was located at the foot of Fillmore Street used, during its stay, one 550-C switchboard with 25 local stations. The board was installed by Charles Kelm working under the supervision of Mr. Monaghan. In addition to this service there were five public pay stations scattered throughout the various tents.  The wind and rainstorm that visited our city caused considerable damage at the road show. The large tent was blown down and ten of the local telephone stations were temporarily disconnected due to the falling tent carrying our drop wires with it. This was soon remedied by the men under the supervision of Frank Monaghan, and it was not long before complete service was restored.

J.A. Kincaid, our former district traffic superintendent of the San Francisco suburban district, was the guest of honor at a dinner dance held at the Hotel Rafael recently.  Our chief operators of San Rafael, Mill Valley, Sausalito, Corte Madera, and Belvedere, and a large number of operators of these offices, arranged this social event as a formal farewell to Mr. Kincaid, who is leaving this territory to take a position in the division traffic office in San Francisco.  L. W. Hollingsworth will succeed Mr. Kincaid.  C.F. Cole, division superintendent of traffic of the Coast Division; C. E. Houseman, district plant chief of San Rafael; Rovert Austin, manager of San Rafael territory, and Frank Deimel, wire chief of this district, were among the officials who attended the dinner.

In order to save $2, H.J. Kearns, Modesto manager, recently gave his car a much-needed wash. Desiring to do a very fancy job, he placed some heavy burlap sacks under the hood to protect the engine from the water. He had only ridden about a mile or so the following morning on his way to Turlock when the air became dense with smoke. A hurried examination developed the fact that our manager had failed to remove the sacks after washing the car and they had burst into flames.  While Kearns is not exactly a Scotch name, he followed the instincts of that great race by carefully folding up the remains of the gunny sacks and placing them between the trunk and spae tire, accomplishing a saving thereby of somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 cents. He then resumed his trip, with the difference that whereas the smoke had formerly poured out of the hood it now came in dense masses from the spare tire.  Passersby hurled unintelligible remarks at Harold, but he took them for the usual greetings to which a telephone manager is accustomed. Finally, one big-hearted motorist breezed up beside the swiftly moving Studebaker, leaned far out of his car and yelled, "Hey, yer on fire!"  This was sufficient, and with a squeal of the brakes, his car came to a second stop and the necessary fire-prevention methods were put into effect.  Before the air had cleared enough to resume travel along the highway he had hastily patched his trousers enough to make a presentable appearance and was again on his way.  His only complaint is that he was compelled to abandon seven or eight cents' work of good sacks along the highway.

The following changes have been made effective in our San Francisco office: Bernice M. Crowley, Market; Jessie L. Dungan, Kearny; Mildred E. Fottler, Telegraph; Beth Klessinger, Davenport; Catherine M. McDonald, Hemlock; Florence I. McKee, Douglas; Bertha Reinhard, Sutter Extension; Millicent A. Ridgway, Kearny office, and Helen M. Sentman, Sunset, have been promoted to supervisors. The following have become central office clerks: Linda M. Erickson, Pacific; Marie C. Hubachek, Garfield; Jessie E. McDougall, Valencia; May C. McQueen, Park; Eugenia C. Rossi, Douglas. Irene F. Flynn, evening chief operator, Pacific office, is now chief operator, West office; Rose E. Hatch, evening central office instructor, West office, is evening chief operator, Market office; Annis P. Hendricks, evening central office instructor, pacific office, is now evening chief operator.

Miss Lillian Lindo, formerly our Wet chief operator in San Francisco, was appointed centralized intercepting chief operator. Mrs. Irene Flynn was recently promoted to the position of West chief operator, and was honored by a surprise luncheon given by the girls of West office on the day of her arrival.  Everyone had an enjoyable time. Among those present were: Mr. Manildi, traffic chief; Miss Kendrick, Miss Fluegler, Miss Dempsey, Mrs. Carroll, Miss Gray, Miss Rae, Miss McIntyre, Miss Guptill, Miss Mon Santo (could this have been a joke??), Miss Harrigan, Miss Selleck, Miss James, and Mrs. Curran.  Miss Stegeman, chief operator at our San Francisco Pacific office, was hostess at a dainty little luncheon in honor of Miss Flynn. The guests were: Misses Flynn, Chase, Blackwell, and Ogden; Messrs. Thrall, Hunt, and Manildi. Mrs. Rose Hatch, West central office instructor in San Francisco, was promoted to the position of Market evening chief operator. We are all very happy to hear of her advancement.

The following is a letter received by one of our managers from one of the local newspapers: "Dear Sir:  I feel there is some explanation due you for the error made in the advertisement you sent us regarding notice to customers of a billing change. Our foreman is ordinarily a very careful man, making great efforts to get things done right, especially in making up advertisements; his copy seldom needs correcting; but in your case he got the name of the company wrong and listed your name incorrectly as 'E.R. Johnson' instead of 'E.R. Gardner.' In addition to this he confused the advertisement with a railroad advertisement, and generally almost wrecked the place. Our explanation of this is that this copy was made up on the day that he got married. We expect to keep this foreman on the job because, as state above, he is ordinarily very careful, and I am confident he will not be getting married again for some time at least.  If I can be on any service to you in clearing up these errors, please command me."


To the victor belongs the spoils, also the stiff joints and aching muscles that for days brought forth groans of anguish from certain members of the San Francisco business office who attended the annual business office picnic at California Park, September 26, (1926), for this was an event crowded with heavy eating, dancing, and athletic stunts of wide variety.

With weather prevailing such as Californians, Inc., would have the wide world know is a regular feature of life in sunny California, some 450 employees of the San Francisco business office and their invited guests made this occasion most enjoyable.

Dance music by the Crocker Brothers - F.R., D.E., and R.B. - and Terry Hogue, official syncopators for the business office, provided the main pre-lunch amusement while ballyhooers entertained the speculators with the dispensing of valuable prizes to lucky winners after each whirl of the wheel of fortune.

By noon there was much evidence of hunger among those present and soon the throng had divided itself into convivial groups which sought shady nooks where food was placed before them.  The eats were provided by the committee, fried chicken being the headliner, with satellites of salad, sandwiches, pie, cake, coffee, fruit-and rubber doughnuts.  At least someone tampered with our lunchbox and slyly inserted a miniature balloon tire temptingly coated with powdered sugar or pumice stone.  The jollier!

Immediately following the feast, field Marshal Harry Mann and his triumvirate of deputies-Wren, Lambert, and Bolger-called together the scattered convives and announced the start of the sporting events.  This gave the more ambitious a chance to shake down that fried chicken, while others lounged lazily in the grandstand.

There were novelty races of various kinds, each providing thrills and amusement for the cheering spectators.  A tug-o'-war was held.  Nick DeSteffano's pygmy team completely outclassed Luke Bolger's giants to the wild delight of a cheering throng.  (A picture of the team is included above the article on page 26).  Other events and their respective winners came in the following order:

Collectors' race won by Larry Nelson, sales force race by Charles Oates, collection force race by Jim Griffin, men's guest race by "Red" Howard, single girls' race by Miss Lane, boys' race by Master Greenbaum, cigarette race by A.B. Peirce and Grace Mannion, blindfold race by Nick DeSteffano and Grace Mannion, Men's three-legged race by Al McCarthy and John Young, girls' three-legged race by Freeda Hume Bolton and Lorraine Johns, relay race by "Red" Howard, Zollinger, Young, and McCarthy.

These events so completely exhausted the contestants that additional competition was hard to promote, so the judges decided to call it a day. Those who were able returned to the dance floor.

Distribution of prizes came next.  There were twelve gate prizes awaiting the holders of lucky numbers in addition to the various contest awards.  The main gate prize, a share of American Telephone and Telegraph stock, was won by Miss Freda Zahn of the stenographic department.  Remaining gate prize winners were as follows:  Second, Ed Wren, Franklin area manager; third, Stephen Erigero, collection department; fourth, Mrs. Wood, district survey engineer's department; fifth, Thomas Handley, Main area; sixth, Dorothy Lackey, collection department; seventh, Al McArthy, Market area; eight, Ray Schertzer, West area; ninth, A.B. Peirce, Franklin area; tenth, Carol Dunn, cashier's office; eleventh, bob Foster, disconnect salesman commercial department; twelfth, Carl Feierbach, Franklin area.

Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. F.J. Reagan, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Masters, Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Delury and Miss Delury, and Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Mitchell.

Those who took an active part in making the second annual picnic a success were Ed Wren, chairman of the social activities committee; Harry Mann, treasurer; Freeda Hume Bolton, secretary; Grace Mannion, Genevieve Gamble, John Hobson, Ed Boyd, William Peoples, Major Neilson, S.N. Corrington, Luke Bolger, and Nick DeSteffano.


The Pacific Communication Club, San Francisco, has entered a team representing the telephone company in Class B of the Industrial Athletic Association basket-ball tournament, and a highly interesting season is anticipated.

The association, the I.A.A. of San Francisco, is an organization devoted to the promotion of athletic recreation and competition among the larger industries of San Francisco.  The association has grown to considerable size, and now conducts tournaments, in such sports as basket-ball, track, tennis, golf, swimming, baseball, bowling, and handball, both for men and women.

The annual track and field meet held last June was won by the telephone company team as previously recounted in our Magazine.  A swimming meet was scheduled for October, and the basket-ball season has just begun.

Basket-ball, of course, provokes the most interest and the present season is no exception.  Fifty teams are entered in three leagues, A, B, and C, according to team ability, and much enthusiasm and friendly rivalry are brewing.  Many ex-college and ex-high school stars supply excellent material, and attendance at the games is well worth while.

At this writing the telephone company team has played one game-against the Bank of Italy quintet.  This meeting was particularly exciting and resulted in a victory for the telephone company with the score 24 to 22.  Although more than twenty men are out for practice, the I.A.A. squad, which is limited to twelve, now consists of the following men:  Dooley, Manildi, Topham, Wynkoop, Hagan, bush, LeRoux, Tyson, Sweeney, Low, O'Rourke, West.

The coaching is being handled by Zunker of the coast Division plant and managed by H.F. Brown of the Bay Division traffic.

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