San Francisco Genealogy
Senior Class and Faculty
December 1931

In Memoriam

Miss Anne V. Barrett
Service at Lowell
Teacher, Counseler

Mr. Hamilton Hedge
Graduating President of the
Class of June 1928

Bertram BUZZINI, President
Virginia CONLAN, Vice-President
Edmund CONROY, Secretary
Robert CARNEY, Treasurer
John LEITH, Yell Leader
Sanford CARO, Editor of The Red and White
John CAHILL, Editor of The Lowell
Julius JACOBS, Athletic Manager
Herbert MEYERINCK, Business Manager
James TOWNSEND, Cafeteria Manager


Abrams, Alan
Acton, Robert
Bernstein, Henry
Berry, Leon
Bettman, Henry M.
Bigger, Paul Francis
Birnbaum, Myron Lionel
Blumenfeld, Nathan
Blumenfeld, Sol Louis
Boscus, Howard
Brady, Paul
Bramy, Albert
Braunstein, Harold
Brown, Elmer
Brown, Walter Leonard
Buell, Norman
Burness, Jack Ellsworth
Buzzini, Bertram George
Caro, Sanford L.
Castro, Jacinto
Catoire, Oscar
Chan, Fole
Chase, Robert W.
Chiantelli, Louis
Claire, Richard
Cohen, Lawrence
Compton, Raymond
Conly, Jr., Clifford
Danford, Dick
de Veuve, Sims
Dudley, Herbert
Eisenstadt, Arthur
Elefant, Walter
Elkington, Lawrence R.
Engstrom, John H.
Enomoto, William Haruo
Factora, Hilario
Feeley, Jack
Fenmore, Milton
Ferrigno, Anthony Charles
Forbes, Jr., Francis Henry
Forester, William
Gaffney, Thomas
Geiger, Alfred
Giampaoli, Edward
Giles, Dan A.
Goldman, Jr., William
Goldstein, Harold
Graff, Wilbur Hal
Grellman, Herbert J.
Henderson, Charles
Jacobs, Julius Lloyd
Jacobs, Myron
Joseph, Walter
Joslin, Herbert Tregea
Kaplan, Stanford
Kaufman, Jr., Bernard
Kelly, Jr., Edward Thomas
Kornfeld, Bernard
Larsen, Jr., Niels T.
Lea, Gordon
Lester, Nathan
Levinger, Ben
Lingafelter, Edward
Lucey, Jack
Lyons, Jr., Irving Francis
Lytle, Ralph Wilson
Maas, Herbert
Macky, Donald
Madison, Lloyd
Maples, Edward
Marculescu, Jr., Michel
Martin, Niel
Mausner, Alfred
May, Robert
Mendle, Aubrey
Minvielle, Lawrence
Mirolo, Daniel
Mooser, Jr., Joseph Nathan
Mueh, Ronald David
Muhler, Virgil
Mulhall, Jack
Nathan, Ralph
Nedd, Stuart
Nissim, Albert
Oberlander, George
O'Connor, Hugh Richard
Ootkin, Bernard
Ostern, Arnold
Owyang, Edwin
Patterson, Raymond A.
Platt, Roy Irving
Porter, Cedric
Prado, Miguel
Preovolos, John P.
Pulanco, Aurelio
Pylkko, Unto
Quarg, Edward H.
Quellmalz, Carl Robert
Roop, Jackson
Rouble, Jr., Lawrence E.
Rubinchik, Irving Maurice
Rutter, William
Schwalb, Sanford A.
Schwartz, Meyer
Scott, Robert
Shapiro, Daniel
Shutts, Hamilton
Silberstein. Charles
Simon, Ralph Malcolm
Smith, Hall
Smith, Winfield
Somers, Judson
Swart, Robert Jack
Sweeney, Edward Thomas
Tatsuno, Dave M.
Teller, Fred
Tempest, Donald
Thresh, Ewart
Thorsen, Leslie
Tietz, Carl Johann
Tomasello, Jr., Frank
Trice, Homer
Tubby, Walter M.
Vanvales, Demosthenes M.
Voegtly, Bob
Wagstaff, Joseph
Wayne, Gordon
Williams, Harlow Leroy
Yamazaki, Tomamasa
Zak, Alvin

Aldrich, Helen
Annear, Nance
Atwood, Lorraine Alice
Audsley, Marjorie
Badal, Audrey
Bailey, Ruth
Baker, Lois Georgina
Beane, Elizabeth
Bei, Ernesta Marie
Bennett, Ethel
Beringer, Catherine
Biggam, Mary
Block, Birdie
Blum, Shirley
Boland, Eleanor
Bost, Bernice
Boyan, Virginia
Brophy, Madeleine
Brown, Geraldine E.
Cagle, Gladys
Cohen, Vera
Coleman, Freda
Colton, Marian
Conlan, Virginia Frances
Couturier, Francine
Cropley, Elizabeth
Curts, June
Day, Helen
Devine, Jeanne Marie
Dickson, Helen
Dortmund, Jean
Dougall, Virginia
Drake, Grace
Dwyer, Beatrice
Ebner, Carline
Francois, Rose
Freeman, Ruth
Fronk, Marion
Gaffney, Marguerite
Gault, Dorothy
Geffen, Thelma
Geffen, Tillie
Gilbert, Mary Ann
Gillespie, Loretta
Goodman, Helen
Goodman, Kathryn E.
Grenadier, Annette
Groat, Laura Isabelle
Grote, Lillian
Gursky, Bessie
Gursky, Yetta
Hansen, Jeannette Marie
Heim, Marjory
Helms, Anna M.
Hermanson, Helen
Hughes, Dolores Alleyne
Hunter, Eleanor Allan
Jacobs, Gladys
Jones, Elizabeth
Joseph, Eda Mae
Killebrew, Virginia
Krenz, Doris
Kruger, Barbara Maria
Laborde, Georgette
Lawrie, Jean Louise
Lesser, Sara Lee
Lewis, Marion Jeanne
Lindenmayer, Muriel Irene
Lyman, Marie Genevieve
Lynch, Dolores
Lyons, Mary Frances
Maini, Eleanor Mercedes
Mangels, Dorothea
Mansfield, Adelaide
McDonald, Betty
McDonough, Marjorie
Meadowcroft, Betty
Merchant, Thora
Monson, Doris Virginia
Monson, Melba
Mulloy, Rose
Nicol, Catherine Teresa
Nicoll, Alice Helena
Parker, Dorothy
Perry, Margery
Pfaff, Elsa
Polverino, Argentina
Porter, Jane
Price, Helen
Reichelt, Norma
Reinhart, Hazel
Reisner, Evelyn Pauline
Rice, Elvira L.
Ringel, Lucille
Romero, Cicely
Ronz, Lenore Vlasta
Rood, Hannah Mehl
Rubinchik, Ida
Sanford, Marian
Sarle, Elizabeth
Schultz, Jane
Shearer, Jean
Sine, Marian
Skelly, Frances
Slaughter, Marjorie
Solmonson, Jean
Staib, Lucia
Starr, Virginia
Stern, Carol
Stokes, Eleanor
Swallow, Sibyl
Taylor, Jean
Turnley, Peggy
Wessa, Babette
Westman, Doris
Williams, Elsie Maye
Williams, Ruth Marie
Wilson, Geraldine Evelyn
Wright, Janet
Young, Valerie

Mr. F.E. Crofts—Principal
Miss E. Lacoste—Vice-Principal
Mr. L.H. Stephens—Vice-Principal
Miss E.P. Harrison—Secretary
Mrs. R. Miller—Attendance Clerk

Miss H.J. Aexander—Music, English
Mr. I.G. Alger—History
Miss M.S. Angus—French
Miss E. Antonovich—Drawing
Miss F.B. Badger—Music
Mr. F.Herbert Ballou—Mathematics and Biology
Mr. L.B. Barnes—Chemistry
*Miss A. V. Barrett—English and Store Service
Miss K.C. Barrett—Latin
Mr. B. Bartholomew—Mathematics
Mr. G.W. Bass—History
Miss M.A. Baxter—Biology
Miss L.J. Beardsley—English
Miss L. Butler—Mathematics
Mr. A.M. Cleghorn (head)—History
Mrs. F.M. Croker—History
Mr. J.G. Curts—Mathematics
Mrs. M.W. Daniels—English
Mr. R.J. Dobson—Physiology
Miss A.G. Duffy (head)—English
Mr. L.M. Elskamp—Biology
Capt. H.J. Flexsenhar—R.O.T.C.
Miss D. Flynn—Physical Education
Mr. W.D. Forbes—Science
Mr. E.D. Gallagher—Typing
Mr. W.J. Gannon—English
Mr. L.S. Gerlough—History
Miss F.H. Gray—Spanish
Mr. J.M. Graybiel—Biology
Miss M.R. Hanlon—Speech
Mr. E.H. Harris—Physical Education
Mr. H.E. Harris—Mechanical Drawing
Mrs. E. W. Henderson—English
Mr. L.J. Henrich—Science
Miss F.L. Herrmann—Design, Applied Art
Miss A.P. Hunt—History
Mr. G. Kast—Biology
Miss F.T. Kavanagh—Chemistry
Miss E.E. Kellogg—Physiology
Mr. C.L. Kitchen—Physical Education
Miss L.M. Lane—Physical Education
Mr. B.B. Libby—Chemistry
Mr. G.C. Lorbeer—History, Civics
Miss E.M. Martine—German
Miss O. Matchette—English
Mr. A.L. McCarty (head)—Mathematics
Mr. O.H. McCord—Mathematics
Mrs. M.E. McDonald—English
Mr. S.W. Moore—History
Miss M.I. Morrin—English
Mr. F.W. Morton—Spanish
Mrs. I.H. Myers—French, German
Mr. B.H. Neff—Physical Education
Miss G. Nelson—Music
Miss J.M. Neppert—Music
Miss H. O'Malley—Freehand Drawing
Miss E.M. Osborn—Latin, English
Mrs. M.M. Oliver—Spanish
Miss A.M. Osuna—Spanish, French
Miss G.C. Peckham—History, Literature
Mr. M.A. Plumb—Mathematics
Mr. S.K. Polland—Dramatics
Miss G.I. Reston—French
Miss H.M. Revoy—French
Mr H. Rittridge—Mathematics
Mr. A.J.M. Robertson—Physics
Mr. J.B. Sanders—Mathematics
Miss E.M. Schou—History
Mr. A. Schwartz—Biology
Miss Elizabeth G. Scott—Librarian
Mr. H.W. Seawell—Drawing
Miss E. Silberstein—Chemistry
Miss A. G. Smith—History
Mr. T. A. Smith (head)—Physics
Miss K. Stack—English
Mr. F.G. Tremayne—History
Miss V.L. Trimble—English
Mr. F.B. Tucker (head)—Latin, French
Mr. M.V. Voyne—Physical Education
Mr. C.F. Walsh—English
Miss H.A. Welch—Mathematics
Miss A. Whitaker—Latin, German
Mr. S. Williams—Civics, French
Miss J.W. Wilson—Physical Education

* Deceased

Source: The Red and White, Volume Forty-Eight, Lowell High School, San Francisco, December 1931.

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