Mr. Joseph O’Connor, Principal
Miss Mary E. Donnelley, Head of the English Department
Miss Minnie Maher, English
Miss Ella Castelhun, English
Miss Augusta G. Kelly, Head of the Mathematics Department
Miss M. E. A. Gray, Mathematics
Dr. Milton E. Blanchard, Head of the Department of Ancient Languages
Mrs. E. C. Harrison, Head of the Department of Modern Languages
Miss Adrienne Cerf, Latin and French
Miss M. C. Dowling, Spanish
Miss Ada Goldsmith, Head of History Department
Miss Eugenie Lacoste, History
Mr. W. O. Smith, Head of the Science Department
Mr. A. D. Downey, Chemistry and Biology
Miss N. K. Kendrick, Stenography and Typing
Mr. R. L. Durham, Bookkeeping and Typing
Mr. C. L. Turner, Head of the Drawing Department
Mrs. Marion Dal Piaz, Drawing
Mrs. Laura H. Tharp, Physical Culture
Mrs Amy W. Deane, Singing