G.W. BANNISTER, Mechanical Arts Miss N. BEEBE, Language Miss E.M. BELL, English J.E. BENTEL, Science R.C. BENTLEY, History Miss K.B. BISHOP, Art F.K. BLUE, M.D. Miss E.L. BROWN, Science Miss G.L. BROWN, Physical Training Mrs. E.M. BUSHNELL, Head, Art Department Miss N.L. CAMPBELL, Domestic Art Miss A. CERF, Language R.H. COON, Science D. COX, Physical Training Miss E.M. DAHL, Art Miss I.M. DUFF, History A. DUNAWAY, R.O.T.C. F.L. EMERSON, M.D. Miss H.M. FISHER, English W.F. GANNON, English F.G. GARRISON, Math R.R. GESELL, Physical Training Miss T.C. GLEESON, English Miss E.S. GOELLER, Art Miss H.M. GRACE, English W.F. GRAHAM, M.D. S.S. GREENLEAF, English R.S. GUTLEBEN, Physical Training Miss M.E. HALL, Art H.E. HARRIS, M.D. T.B. HEALY, Mechanical Arts L.F. HENRICH, Science Mrs. E. HOWE, Domestic Art G.C. INGELOW, History A.L. JORDAN, Head, Science Department Miss H.G. KEARNS, Language Miss C.G. KELLY, Math A.D. KING, Math C.F. LAMP, Music B.B. LIBBY, Science S.H. LOVE, M.D. Miss M.K. McBRIDE, Science |
L.I. McDERMOTT, Domestic Art
Miss M.G. McGEE, Language Miss R.T. McGLYNN, Science Miss E. McGRATH, Math W. McKNIGHT, Physical Training F.F. McTIERNAN, Head, Mechanical Arts Miss P.G. MASCHIO, Study Hall Miss O. MATCHETTE, English Miss I.A. MATHEWS, Domestic Art P.F. MOHR, Head, Math Department P.F. MOORE, Mechanical Arts Miss F. MORGAN, Domestic Art Miss H.L. MORIN, Science Miss R. MURDOCH, Art N.P. NEILSEN, Head, Physical Training Miss L. PECHIN, Head, Language Department Miss R.E. OAKES, Physical Training F.E. PERHAM, Head, English Department Miss P. PRIOLEAU, Language F.F. PRONATI, Language Mrs. A.H. RAYMOND, Art Mrs. R.G. ROBB, Science Miss L.M. ROBINSON, Music Miss M.G. RODDY, History Miss A.H. ROTHER, Music Miss E.W. ROXBURGH, English C.E. RUST, Mechanical Art F.B. SANDERS, Math Dr. L.M. SCOTT, History F.C. SCHOFIELD, Latin Miss E. SMITTLE, English F. STOCKTON, Science Miss B.M. STRANGE, Math A.R. SUTHERLAND, Mechanical Arts Miss A. TABRETT, English C.R. TINSLEY, Mechanical Arts C.C. WALKER, Head, Mechanical Drawing Department Miss F. WARMOTH, Math F.R. WATSON, Language R.B. WEAVER, Mechanical Arts Miss E. WEBSTER, Science Miss F. WOFLENBARGER, Art Miss M. WOOD, Domestic Art |
AHERN, Dorothy ALEXANDER, Carroll ANSBRO, Arlington ARBERRY, John ATKINSON, Joseph BARONA, Fidencio BASHFORD, Winifred BATES, Thelma BELTRAMO, Alfonso BISCOTTO, Bertino BRIGGS, Stafford BROWN, Vincent BRUNE, Marion CASTLE, Clara CHAMBERS, Ruth CONLON, Ryamond CRICHTON, Leland CROOKS, Fuller CUNEO, Evelyn DAILY, Frank DEMARTINI, William DIERKS, Helen DIETLE, Arthur DONELSON, Muriel DONOVAN, Gertrude DREUSIKE, Dorothy EBERT, Ona EDLIN, Raymond ESCAMILLA, Roberto ESTACAILLE, Henry ETIENNE, Raymond FLEISCHMAN, George FRANK, Harry FRITSCH, Paul FUIDGE, Richard GHISELLI, George GEORGE, Rodney GRAHAM, Thomas GRUNIG, George GSCHWEND, Adolph GUETERSLOH, Sophie HAAS, Albert HALL, Jack HARRIS, Clarence |
HAUB, Marie HEALY, Robert HELLER, Charles HELLIN, Ray HORGAN, Eleanor HORN, Clayton HUMMEL, Joseph JACKSON, Robert JENSEN, Aloysius JOHANNSEN, Gunnar JOHNSON, Harry JOHNSON, Jose JUDAH, Gardner KAUFNER, Ernest KAUL, Herbert KEARNS, Adolphine KEEGAN, Raymond KLEINKLAUS, Adele KRIEGER, Reginald KURIHARA, Masuo LACABANNE, Washington LASKY, Selma LEVIN, Jesse LIFSCHIZ, Herman LINWOOD, Lee LUM, William LUND, David McCRACKEN, Margaret McCURDy, Malcolm McDONALD, Lisette McFARLAND, Norman McGINN, Leo McNAMAR, Reba MEGINNESS, Anna MERRIAM, Hazel MEYER, Dorothea MILLER, Carl MORGAN, Arthur MURIKAMA, Joseph NELSON, Dorothy OLSEN, Frances ORSELLI, Alfred PERRY, John PETERSON, Reynold |
PYNE, Gerald QUAST, Ralph Peter QUICK, Edith RADONICH, William REMINGTON, Merrill RHODES, John RINGEN, Leslie ROBIN, Violet ROSENER, Milton ROSENKIND, Jack SCHMIDT, Carl SELLMAN, Ruth SHAPRO, Lucille SHERAMAN, John D. SLAVIN, Samuel SMITH, Carol SMITH, James SMITH, Ray SMITH, Walter SNEAD, Carol SPECK, June STOFFEL, John STRICKLAND, Laura TAKAHASHI, Raiji THIELE, Dorothea THOMPSON, Albin TOGNAZZINI, Lionel TRUDELL, Dlyde TSCHOPP, Henry VANDER HOOF, Vertress VAN DYKE, Fred VAN ETTEN, Roy VAUGHN, Vivian VIRAG, Sigmund VIVALDI, Joseph WEINBERGER, Alvin WEISS, William WHITNEY, Edythe WIGHT, Theron WINDT, Bernice WINENOW, Russell WINTER, Grace WOLFSOHN, Bertram WOOD, Edna |
SINCE May of this year, when an energetic group of graduates got together and reorganized the Alumni Association, it has taken on a new lease of life. At that time a new constitution was adopted and a new set of officers elected. The latter are: Roderick Cassidy, President; Evelyn de Marta, Vice-President; Paul Shannon, Second Vice-President; Bernice Brown, Secretary-Treasurer.
A campaign for life members was initiated which has netted over two hundred members up to date. Since a payment of only one dollar entitles a graduate to the privileges that go with life membership, every past Polyite who hears about it hastens to enroll himself. Classes from 1900 to the present time are now represented. TO help in the publicity end of the campaign Bruce Wale offered to attend to the printing and mailing of 4,000 letters to former students. The membership committee looks for great results from this.
It is gratifying to find so many alumni subscribing to the paper and the Journal. Among these are Thomas B. Smith '05, Oke Lindstrom '06, and Ralph Peters '12.
The executive committee, composed of Miss Rose Murdoch, Dr. Ernest Fisher, Virginia Murphy, Leonard Mentzer, Graham Hasty, Edwin Gabriel, Alice Figone, Dr. Archie McGuinness, A.L. Jordan, Roderick Cassidy and Bernice Brown, has held frequent meetings and devised numerous plans for the good of the organization.
At the last general meeting a program committee was appointed. This consists of five members, James Hamill, Zara Witkin, Gladys Thompson, Arthur Tobias and Miss Murdoch. Its duty is to cooperate with the officers and the executive committee in suggesting a program of worth while activities.
To those still at Poly word comes back of our former students in numerous lines of work. We hear that Harry Hayward is now a full fledged reporter on the Chronicle. Elwood Squires is now on the staff of the Portland Oregonian, one of the finest papers on the Pacific Coast.
James Hamill has been serving as chairman of the Students Welfare Committee at U.C. He is now in his fifth year at law.
Sidney Hawkins has returned from Ecole des Jeunes Filles at Tours and is back at Stanford.
Katherine Hulme is in New York. She plans to leave early in the spring for a year of travel and study in Europe.
"Sergeant" Bob Rainy, yell leader, soldier, football player, the ideal lover of the Merchant of Venice, is now in charge of the new real estate department of the Anglo-California Bank.
"Sergeant" Lloyd Wallace, ditto, ditto, is managing his father's commission business.
Eskil Hogberg has been at Stockton for several months in charge of a large construction job of his father's. Ingomar Hogberg is making a name for himself in college dramatics. He had the bass lead in the recent Treble Clef opera and has had parts in two plays.
Edson Waterhouse is now a cub reporter on the Daily Palo Alto.
Eddie Addicott is back at U.C.
Tom White is at West Point. William H. Wedemeyer '18, graduated from West Point in June '22.
Bernard Witkin, as a sophomore at U.C., was chosen not only on the intercollegiate debating team, but was given the important duty of closing the debate, an honor never before accorded to a sophomore.
Bob Vail appeared not so long ago with enthusiastic descriptions of Barbara Jean, two months old. Mrs. Vail will be remembered as Hazel Brown.
Marjorie Perry Close was also a visitor accompanied by Jack's young newphew.
Hercule Morin '10, will be graduated next semester from the College Dentistry at U.C. He gave distinguished service with the Masonic Ambulance Corps during the war, and at its conclusion forsook a business career from the study of dentistry. He has lately been elected to the honor society of the college and is well-known there as an earnest and brilliant student.
George Frates has been elected president of the California State Pharmaceutical Society. He is one of a trio of famous brothers. The other two, Elwood and Robert, are both dentists.
The name of James Hyde now appears on all programs of the San Francisco Stage Guild as the assistant to the distinguished stage artist, Rudolph Schaefer. Jimmie also assisted in teh redecorating of the Plaza Theater before it was opened for the recent season.
A Stage Guild poster by Dick Reed may be seen at the Palace Hotel.
Nat Levy, another one of our artists, now has a business of his own with headquarters in the Hearst Building.
Stanley McLeod, editor of the June '22 Journal now has a position with the Board of Trade. We understand that a recent illness necessitated the postponement of a flock of important social engagements.
Leon Adams, editor of the Dec. '21 Journal, is now a reporter on the Daily News.
Rizal Musser, former Student Body Present, now holds a responsible position with the Sierra Oil and Refining Co.
Among the alumni who have recently married are: Edwin Gabriel, Dr. Ernest Fisher and Miss Hazel Hartsough, both of '15; Peter Brescia, Consuelo Swan, Ruth Renwick, Eleanor Tomlinson and John Emmons.
Edith Bepler and Dorothy Bridgett are studying costume design.
Loretta Street is now a senior at U.C. She is doing everything and going everywhere and having a perfectly wonderful time.
Lucille Hassett reports having had a wonderful trip to Honolulu last summer.
Ernest Holmes is workign with the Royal Insurance Company. He is planning to return to college at an early date.
Zara Witkin is with the Municipal Research Bureau conducting important original investigations.
The marriage has been announced of Ruth Curryer '15, to Mr. George Weber. She was one of our most brilliant students and took a prominent part in all school affairs.
Harold Peery, Madison Kirby
and Sherwood Tyrrell are all connected with the Daily News.