San Francisco Divorces
Jan 1 - June 30, 1875
from the Daily Examiner (San Francisco)
Transcribed by oluja995 at

Alphabetical Index to
San Francisco divorce proceedings
ALLEN * May 13, May 29
ANDERSON * Apr 23 (summons)
ASHER * May 7 (summons)
BAILEY * Mar 13
BARKER * Apr 7
BAUGH * Jan 21
BAYS * Apr 3
BEESLEY * May 29
BENDEL * Jun 4
BOULANGER * Apr 1, Apr 8
BRADFORD (see also CAREY) * Mar 23
BRANNAN * Jan 14
BRASHEAR (see also BRADSHAW) * Jan 16
BREEN * Jan 16
BRENDEL * May 27
BROWN * Feb 17
BRUNSON (or BUNSON?) * Jun 12, Jun 18
BRUSH * Jun 18
BUNSON (see BRUNSON) * Jun 12, Jun 18
CAMERON * Jan 16
CAREY * Mar 23
CARTER * May 12, May 14
CARTER * Jun 29
CLARK * Jan 16
CONLON * May 14
CROFT * Apr 15 (summons)
CULLEN * Jan 4 (summons), Mar 6
DALE * Apr 29 (summons)
DANCE * Feb 13
DECK * Jan 6 (p.4) (summons), Apr 24
DEMPSEY * May 11 (summons)
DETHLEFSEN * May 17 (summons)
DIAS * May 17
DOBBIE * Mar 13
DODGE * May 29
DOWLING * May 13, Jun 4
DUFFY * Mar 20
ECKLEY (or ECKELY) * Mar 20, Mar 27
EVANS * Jan 5
EVERETT * Apr 3, May 13
FARNHAM * May 17
FITCH * Apr 24
FLANAGAN * Feb 2 (summons)
FORBES * May 17
FOSTER * Jan 16
FRENCH * May 13
FRINK * Apr 24
GARRICK * Feb 27
GAY * May 7
GIBBONS * May 11 (summons)
GILLAN * Mar 13
GOBERTZ * May 14
GRAHAM * May 13
GREER * Mar 25
HALEY * Feb 24
HART * Mar 20, Mar 27
HILL * Mar 20
HILTON * Jun 4
HOGAN * Mar 26
HOWE * Mar 13
INMAN * Apr 3
IREDALE * Jan 12
JAMES * Jun 16 (summons)
JONES * Mar 2, Mar 13
JORDAN * Mar 10
JOURDAIN * Jun 22, Jun 30
KI * Apr 20 (summons)
KILLEEN * Jan 5 (summons), May 1
KILEEN * May 1 (see also KILLEEN)
KIRK * Jan 21
KREKER * Apr 27
LACEY * Jun 26
LAUNDRY * Apr 20
LEE * Feb 24, Mar 6
LEWIS * May 17
LOVEJOY * Feb 13
MAHAN * Mar 25
MAINES * Jan 7 (summons)
MANSELL * Mar 15
MARDEN * Jun 18 (summons)
MIDSON * Feb 13
MIN (see KI) * Apr 20 (summons)
MOORHEAD * Jan 16, Feb 6, Mar 20
MOREHEAD * Mar 20 (see also MOORHEAD)
MORGAN * May 27
MORRIS * Jan 5, Jan 14
MURPHY * Feb 13
MUYBRIDGE * Jan 11, Mar 24, Apr 1, May 1
McCARTHY * Jan 30
McELROY * Jan 30
McFARLAND * Feb 24, Mar 6
NORMAND * Feb 24
PARKS * Apr 27
PEDLER * Apr 20
PEEL * May 13
PICKETT * Mar 10
POTTS * Feb 15, Mar 1
ROGUES * Mar 10
RUF * May 7
SHAW * May 13
SILVA * May 12
SMITH * Mar 20
SPROUL * Feb 20
SQUIRE * Mar 25
STANTON * Feb 15, Feb 24
STEWART * Jun 28
SWAN * Jan 11 (summons)
TETREAU * May 28
THAYER * Jan 16
THOMAS * Jan 5
THOMAS * Feb 16 (summons), May 29
TROY * May 17
UHLHORN * Jun 11 (p.4) (summons)
UTTER * May 17
VINING * May 12, May 14
WALL * Jan 2, Jan 30
WALLACE * Jun 11
WARREN * May 1
WATERS * Mar 20
WHITE * May 8 (summons)
WHITING * Jun 16
WINSLOW * May 20
YOUNG * Jan 5, Jan 14

San Francisco divorce proceedings
from the Daily Examiner (San Francisco),
Jan 1 - June 30, 1875.

Note: Unless indicated otherwise, all reports are from page 3 in the newspaper.

The following information about divorces comes from two sources. In 1875, the third page of the Daily Examiner was devoted to San Francisco news, and often would cover court cases. An important part of court activities, divorce proceedings in San Francisco District Courts, were reported in a page-three daily feature called "Local Brevities", or in stand-alone notes (with or without a title) on the same page. Much of the information below is from such court notes. Another source are Court Summons, which were printed throughout the paper. This was a way to try to reach defendants when their whereabouts were unknown. Eventually, a Judge would make a decision even if defendant couldn't be found. The summons for a case would frequently be printed for weeks and even months, but only one summons per case is listed below. Presumably, some of untried cases announced in the summons below got their day in court in the second part of 1875 (thus not covered in this document).

Transcriber's notes are within square brackets [like this].

* Jan 2, 1875

Judge Morrison has granted M. K. LOCKMAN a divorce from JOHN M. LOCKMAN, on the ground of habitual intemperance and extreme cruelty. The divorce case of MARY ANN WALL against FELIX ALEXANDER WALL was referred to the Court Commissioner.

* Jan 4, 1875

Summons to appear in Court: JOHN J. CULLEN vs. ISABELLA CULLEN [see also Mar 6]

* Jan 5, 1875

In the 12th District Court yesterday the divorce cases of WALTER E. MORRIS against ADELAIDE F. MORRIS, and JANE E. YOUNG against RICHARD F. YOUNG were referred to the Court Commissioner. Judge Dwinelle referred the case of CAROLINE THOMAS to the 15th District Court Commissioner.

The divorce case of MARY J. EVANS was on trial in the 19th District Court yesterday with closed doors.

Summons to appear in Court: MARY KILLEEN vs. JOHN KILLEEN [see also May 1]

* Jan 6, 1875

Summons to appear in Court: SARAH E. DECK vs. RICHARD DECK (p.4) [see also Apr 24]

* Jan 7, 1875

Summons to appear in Court: JOHN MAINES vs. MARY A. M. MAINES (p.4)

* Jan 8, 1875

The divorce case of ANNIE CRAWFORD against RICHARD HENRY CRAWFORD has been referred to the 4th District Court Commissioner.

* Jan 11, 1875

FLORA MUYBRIDGE filed a complaint in the 19th District Court on the 14th last December [1874], for a divorce from EDWARD J. MUYBRIDGE who is confined in prison on a charge of murder for having killed Major Harry Larkyns on the 17th of October last. The ground on which she petitions for a divorce is extreme cruelty. [Edward James Muybridge was a well known San Francisco photographer. After the birth of his son in 1874, he began to suspect that the child resulted from an affair between his wife and a British ex-soldier, now a journalist, Harry Larkyns. Late on October 17, 1874, when Larkyns answered Muybridge's knock on his door, Muybridge announced, "Good evening, Major, my name is Muybridge and here is the answer to the letter my wife sent you," and shot him. Muybridge was tried but, in the end, acquitted on the grounds of "justifiable homicide."]

Summons to appear in Court: CHARLES F. SWAN vs. HENRIETTA SWAN

* Jan 12, 1875

The application of EMMA IREDALE for a divorce from JOSEPH B. IREDALE was denied yesterday in the 4th District Court because it appears from the evidence at the time of the marriage between the plaintiff and defendant [that] the later had another wife living, and that such first marriage was never annulled. No marriage between the parties to the action therefore exists.

* Jan 14, 1875

The divorce case of SAM BRANNAN and wife [= ANN ELIZA BRANNAN nee KORWIN] was before the 4th District Court yesterday on the defendant's objection to the jurisdiction of the Court, which was overruled. [Sam Brannan was the first California millionaire. Ann Eliza filed for divorce on May 18, 1870, but the litigation was still going on].

WALTER E. MORRIS has been granted a divorce from ADELAIDE F. MORRIS on the ground of desertion, by Judge Sharpstein, and J. E. YOUNG has obtained a divorce from RICHARD F. YOUNG, on a similar ground.

* Jan 16, 1875

In the 12th District Court, yesterday, the Court Commissioner filed his report in the case of AGNES CLARK against JAMES CLARK. The case of CATHERINE E. STEINAGEL against ANDREW STEINAGEL, was referred to the Commissioner.

In the 3rd District Court CATHERINE BREEN obtained a decree of divorce from JOHN BREEN, on the ground of extreme cruelty; ANGELINE E. THAYER from HENRY E. THAYER, on the ground of willful neglect.

In the 19th District Court MARGARET BRADSHAW was granted a decree of divorce from RICHARD B. BRADSHAW, on the ground of desertion; SUSAN F. WILLISTON from WALTER C. WILLISTON, on the ground of failure to provide; EMMA FOSTER from GEORGE W. FOSTER, on the ground of cruelty; JOHN A. CAMERON from ANNIE CAMERON, on the ground of desertion. In the divorce case of JAS. MOORHEAD [= JAMES MOORHEAD] against ANNIE MOORHEAD, the defendant filed an affidavit asking that the plaintiff be ordered to show cause why their infant child should not be restored to her pending the suit. The complaint avers that the defendant is grossly intemperate. In an affidavit the defendant denies the allegation, and claims to have a good defense in the action. She alleges that on the 11th instant plaintiff came to her residence and took away their two children. Judge Wheeler said that if the allegation of the complaint were true there was reason for permitting the father to have possession of the infant. The case was continued until next Friday.

[Another report on the same page repeats and rephrases some of the divorce proceedings already mentioned above]:

In the 19th District Court, yesterday, the following divorces were granted: SUSAN F. WILLISTON from WALTER C. WILLISTON, desertion; EMMA FOSTER from GEORGE FOSTER, cruelty; MARGARET BRASHEAR from RICHARD B. BRASHEAR [the last name was given as BRADSHAW in the previous article!], and JOHN A. CAMERON from ANNIE CAMERON, desertion.

* Jan 21, 1875

In the cases of WILLIAM H. KIRK against MARTHA KIRK, and ANTONIO HOLZHUAER [perhaps ANTONIA HOLZHAUER?] against HERMANN HOLZHAUER, the 15th District Court Commissioner has filed his report. Judge Morrison, yesterday, in the divorce case of ANNIE BAUGH against THEODORE E. BAUGH, ordered that plaintiff return the infant child, CHARLES BAUGH, to the defendant.

* Jan 27, 1875

In the 19th District Court, MARY A. STODDARD has been granted a divorce from WILLIAM M. STODDARD, on the ground of extreme cruelty.

* Jan 30, 1875

In the 19th District Court, yesterday, the following divorces were granted: LIZZIE M. A. McCARTHY from THOMAS A. McCARTHY, on the ground of desertion. PETER PUELICHER from NANCY PUELICHER, on the ground of desertion. ANTONIA RODRIGUEZ [perhaps ANTONIO RODRIGUEZ?] from MARY RODRIGUEZ, on the ground of desertion. FREDERICK STOOTZER from JOHANNA STOOTZER, on the ground of desertion.

In the 15th District Court, JULIET BEAUCHAMP from LEANDER BEAUCHAMP, on the ground of desertion; the care of their children is awarded to Mrs. BEAUCHAMP, and also five-eights of the common property. In the same Court, CATHERINE McELROY obtained a divorce from JOHN McELROY, on the ground of desertion and habitual intemperance.

In the 15th District Court, MARY ANN WALL from FELIX ALEXANDER WALL, on the ground of desertion; the children are awarded to plaintiff.

* Feb 2, 1875

Summons to appear in Court: MARY A. FLANAGAN vs. DENNIS H. FLANAGAN (p.2)

* Feb 6, 1875

Yesterday Judge Wheeler refused to grant the application of Mrs. MOORHEAD [= ANNIE MOORHEAD], for the custody of the youngest child, in the divorce suit now pending. He decided that the child should for the present remain in the care of the father. Her application for alimony was granted, to the extent of $50 per month during the pendency of the suit.

* Feb 13, 1875

In Judge Wheeler's Court, yesterday, the following divorces were granted: L. J. MIDSON from RICHARD MIDSON, on the ground of cruelty, with judgement of $75 attorney's fees and $25 per month alimony. JOSEPH H. LOVEJOY from HARRIET E. LOVEJOY, on the ground of desertion. JOHN M. MURPHY from CORA E. MURPHY, on the ground of desertion. ADELE L. DANCE from FRANCIS M. DANCE, on the ground of cruelty.

* Feb 15, 1875

In the 4th District Court yesterday, the divorce cases of MARGARET STANTON against Wm. STANTON [=WILLIAM STANTON], and ELLEN A. POTTS against RICHARD C. POTTS, were referred to the Court Commissioner.

* Feb 16, 1875

Summons to appear in Court: SARAH P. THOMAS vs. JEROME THOMAS (p.2) [see also May 29]

* Feb 17, 1875

In the 15th District Court yesterday, ANN E. BROWN obtained a decree of divorce from JAMES P. BROWN, on the ground of willful desertion and neglect to provide.

* Feb 20, 1875

HENRIETTA E. SPROUL was granted a divorce from Wm. R. SPROUL [=WILLIAM R. SPROUL] in January last on the ground of cruelty. The mother was awarded the care of a daughter, and SPROUL was authorized to visit his child occasionally, as might be agreed upon by counsel. The cost of the suit and restitution of a watch and chain, or payment of their value, $125, were also required of the husband. These orders SPROUL chose to disobey, and he was brought before the Court [19th District Court] yesterday for contempt [...more...]

* Feb 24, 1875

In the 19th District Court yesterday, the case of E. LEE against ROBERT M. LEE was submitted on report of the Court Commissioner. The case of LUCY McFARLAND against CORNELIUS McFARLAND was referred to the Court Commissioner to take testimony.

In the 12th District Court, BRIDGET ANN HALEY was granted a divorce from JOHN HALEY on the ground of desertion. Judge Morrison granted MARGARET STANTON a divorce from WILLIAM STANTON on the ground of desertion. I. E. NORMAND was also granted a divorce from SABRINA NORMAND on the same ground.

* Feb 27, 1875

Judge Sharpstein has granted ANNIE J. GARRICK a divorce from WILLIAM H. GARRICK on the ground of desertion.

* Mar 1, 1875

The divorce case of JOSEPHINE K. FISHBECK against JOHN R. FISHBECK was tried Saturday in the 4th District Court and dismissed on the ground of insufficiency of cause proven. Judge Morrison, Saturday, granted ELLEN A. POTTS a divorce from RICHARD C. POTTS on the ground of extreme cruelty. The custody of their child was awarded to plaintiff, and she was allowed to resume her maiden name.

* Mar 2, 1875

Judge Sharpstein yesterday granted M. HENDERSON a divorce from JOHN W. HENDERSON on the ground of cruelty, and M. E. JONES a divorce from THOMAS JONES for the same cause.

* Mar 6, 1875

The following divorces were granted in Judge Wheeler's Court yesterday: CAROLINE SICKLER from CALEB M. SICKLER, on the ground of cruelty, plaintiff to have custody of child and allowed to resume maiden's name; LUCY McFARLAND from CORNELIUS McFARLAND, on the ground of cruelty, custody of the children awarded to plaintiff; CORNELIA E. JOHNSTON from THOMAS E. JOHNSTON, on the ground of desertion and failure to provide; JOHN J. CULLEN from ISABELLA CULLEN, on the ground of desertion; and EUSEBIA LEE from ROBERT M. LEE, on the ground of adultery.

Mrs. MARY A. HERBERT recently made a novel petition to the Judge of the 19th District Court, viz: for permanent alimony from her husband RICHARD, without a divorce. It being shown the husband had property worth between $5,000 and $8,000 and was earning $4 or $5 per day at his trade, the Judge ordered him to pay $100 alimony on the 15th instant, and $50 every succeeding month.

* Mar 9, 1875

Judge Dwinelle yesterday granted CHARLOTTE T. HAZELQUIST a divorce from LOUIS HAZELQUIST on the ground of extreme cruelty and habitual intemperance. The care of the children was given to the plaintiff.

* Mar 10, 1875

In Judge Wheeler's Court yesterday, in the case of BERTHA ROGUES vs. AUGUST ROGUES, the plaintiff prays that the decree of divorce may be so modified as to allow her the custody of the child. It is averred that when the divorce was granted one child was awarded to her and the other to her husband. Since that time the child in her possession has died and the other has been abandoned by its father, and is being cared for by strangers and subjected to improper associations on Dupont street. The plaintiff is in good circumstances and well able to take care of her offspring. The application was submitted without argument.

ANNA JORDAN has been granted a divorce from JAMES JORDAN, in the 4th District Court, on the ground of extreme cruelty. The divorce case of MARY S. PICKETT against REMINGTON F. PICKETT, was referred to the 19th District Court Commissioner yesterday.

* Mar 13, 1875

In the 19th District Court, yesterday, ELIZABETH JONES was granted a divorce from Wm. JONES [=WILLIAM JONES], on the ground of desertion. EMILY M. GILLAN from JAMES S. GILLAN on the same ground. MARGARET F. HARRINGTON from JOHN HARRINGTON, on the ground of failure to provide. The marriage contract between THOMAS DOBBIE and SARAH DOBBIE was annulled, on the ground of fraud on the part of defendant.

In the 15th District Court, ADELINE ARCHDALE was granted a divorce from THOMAS ARCHDALE, on the ground of willful desertion. The care of their child was awarded to plaintiff, and she was allowed to resume her maiden name.

In the 12th District Court, LEWIS H. BAILEY was granted a divorce from PHILOMENA BAILEY, on the ground of intemperance; and HORACE L. HOWE from CARRIE M. HOWE, on the ground of desertion.

* Mar 15, 1875

Judge Sharpstein granted PHILINA MANSELL a divorce from FREDERICK MANSELL, on the ground of desertion.

* Mar 20, 1875

In the 12th District Court, yesterday, ELIJAH D. WATERS, Jr, was granted a decree of divorce from CHARLOTTE J. WATERS on the ground of desertion.

In the 19th District Court, MARY T. DUFFY was divorced from JOHN DUFFY, on the ground of desertion. EMMA MICHAELLS from ERNEST MICHAELLS, on the ground of cruelty. LAURA C. SMITH from W. W. SMITH, on the ground of failure to provide. In the case of MARY HART against DANIEL HART, and GEORGE R. ECKLEY against LETITIA W. ECKELY[!], the Court Commissioner's reports were filled and submitted. In the case of LOUISA C. HILL against WILLIAM H. HILL, the defendant was ordered to pay $75 counsel fees, and $50 per month alimony on the first day of each month, commencing April 1 [1875]. In the case of JAMES MOREHEAD against ANNIE MOREHEAD, the plaintiff paid $50 alimony required [The last name was quoted as 'MOORHEAD' in earlier reports, see Jan 16 and Feb 6].

* Mar 23, 1875

Judge Morrison yesterday granted MARY E. CAREY a divorce from JOHN T. CAREY, on the ground of desertion. The plaintiff was allowed to resume her maiden name of MARY ELIZABETH BRADFORD [Mary Bradford was from Stockton, where she married John Carey, from Sacramento, on Feb 10, 1869].

* Mar 24, 1875

MUYBRIDGE has slipped off to South America, where he will take photographic views. He thus gets out of reach of his wife's demand for alimony.

* Mar 25, 1875

Judge Dwinelle yesterday granted JANE A. SHERBURNE a decree of divorce from JOHN P. SHERBURNE, on the ground of extreme cruelty. Defendant's counter prayer for a divorce against his wife was denied. Plaintiff was awarded the care of their infant child, EVA, and defendant was ordered to pay $40 per month for her support and education. Their child JOHN was awarded to the custody of the defendant until further order of the Court [John Sherburne was the author of "Diary of the Whipple expedition, 1853-1854", an important source for the early history of the West].

The divorce cases of FLORENCE GREER against MARK A. GREER, and ELLEN L. SQUIRE against HORATIO N. SQUIRE, were referred to the Court Commissioner. In the case of JOHN MAHAN against MARY MAHAN, Judge Dwinelle rendered judgement for plaintiff for the property on Francisco Street, and for defendant for the property on Dupont Street [It is not clear if this last case was a divorce proceedings, or simply a property dispute].

* Mar 26, 1875

Judge Sharpstein yesterday granted ELIZABETH HOGAN a divorce from CHARLES A. HOGAN on the ground of desertion. The care of the children was given to the plaintiff.

* Mar 27, 1875

Judge Wheeler yesterday granted GEORGE R. ECKLEY a divorce from LETITIA W. ECKLEY on the ground of desertion. MARY HART was given a divorce from DANIEL HART on the ground of cruelty and intemperance.

* Apr 1, 1875

Mrs. MUYBRIDGE has filled a new bill of divorce against her husband, and prays for the care of her child, and for alimony to support it, and for a division of common property. Judge Wheeler has directed MUYBRIDGE to show cause on Apr 2 why he should not comply with the usual preliminaries of such suits.

The Supreme Court has granted FRANCIS BOULANGER [age 42, born in France] a writ of habeas corpus to recover possession of his two minor daughters. On a similar writ the children were recently awarded to the mother by Judge Wheeler. The parties were divorced some years ago, and Mrs. BOULANGER is now the wife of CROSBY, the actor.

* Apr 3, 1875

The following divorces were granted in Judge Wheeler's Court yesterday: ANGELINA R. BAYS from HENRY BAYS; MARY INMAN from JOHN T. INMAN, for failure to provide; AMANDA M. EVERETT from RUFUS H. EVERETT, on the grounds of cruelty and intemperance; the property and children were awarded to plaintiff; HARRIS P. CUMMINGS from MARY A. CUMMINGS, on the ground of desertion.

Judge Sharpstein granted MARTHA BARRETT a divorce from WILLIAM H. BARRETT, on the ground of extreme cruelty; EILEN T. BOWLAND [EILEEN T. BOWLAND?] from JAMES BOWLAND, on the ground of desertion; HARRIET E. SCHMIDT from JOHN SCHMIDT, on the ground of willful neglect. Judge Dwinelle directed the defendant in the divorce case of ROSE C. SCHULER vs. HENRY SCHULER to pay plaintiff $200 counsel fees and $50 per month alimony, commencing December 1, 1874, and payable in advance.

* Apr 7, 1875

The divorce case of AMANDA A. BARKER against JACOB BARKER, has been referred to the 12th District Court Commissioner.

* Apr 8, 1875

The BOULANGER habeas corpus came up for hearing in the 15th District Court on Tuesday evening [Apr 6, 1875], on the application of the father for the custody of the two children. Mrs. BOULANGER was examined and a further hearing of the case was continued until to-day.

In the 15th District Court, this morning, Judge Dwinelle decided to commit the care of the two children to the father in the BOULANGER divorce case. The little ones, the elder of whom is not over six years old, were placed on the stand, and asked which parent they preferred to live with. They both answered "Father". Just before the father let them away the mother was allowed to bid them good-bye. She embraced them and overwhelmed with grief fainted. It was an effecting scene and many of the spectators were moved to tears.

* Apr 15, 1875

Summons to appear in Court: THOMAS CROFT vs. KATE CROFT

* Apr 20, 1875

In the 15th District Court yesterday, MARY PEDLER was granted a decree of divorce from THOMAS C. PEDLER, on the ground of extreme cruelty. JULIUS LAUNDRY (JULIA LAUNDRY?) was also divorced from EDWIN LAUNDRY (EDWINA LAUNDRY?) on the same ground. The care of the minor child was awarded to plaintiff.

Summons to appear in Court: JOHN KI vs. AH MIN, wife of JOHN KI

* Apr 22, 1875

Judge Sharpstein yesterday granted SAMUEL F. SCHWARTZ a divorce from MARY E. SCHWARTZ on the ground of desertion.

* Apr 23, 1875

Summons to appear in Court: LIZZIE P. ANDERSON vs. WELLA P. ANDERSON

* Apr 24, 1875

Judge Sharpstein yesterday granted ISABELLA FRINK a divorce from JAMES R. FRINK, on the ground of habitual intemperance; SARAH E. DECK from RICHARD DECK, on the ground of willful neglect; MARY FITCH from GEORGE A. FITCH, on the ground of extreme cruelty.

* Apr 27, 1875

In the 3rd District Court yesterday, MARY C. PARKS was granted a decree of divorce from JOHN C. PARKS, and AMANDA KREKER from EDWARD KREKER.

* Apr 29, 1875

Summons to appear in Court: C. J. DALE vs. Wm. H. DALE [=WILLIAM H. DALE]

* Apr 30, 1875

Judge Morrison yesterday granted KATE ROBINSON a divorce from JOHN R. ROBINSON for failure to provide.

* May 1, 1875

The application of FLORA MUYBRIDGE for alimony from E. J. MUYBRIDGE was granted, yesterday, by Judge Wheeler to the amount of $50 per month, pending the result of the action for divorce. Judge Wheeler remarked that as MUYBRIDGE is earning from $300 to $400 per month at his profession, and Mrs. MUYBRIDGE has a child to support it was only fair that alimony should be granted. The question of the circumstances which gave rise to the suit could not be taken into consideration. [See also Jan 11!].

Judge Wheeler yesterday granted the following divorces: MARY KILEEN from JOHN KILEEN, on the ground of desertion [the name is quoted as KILLEEN in the summons, see Jan 5]; DELIA A. POULTNEY from GEORGE POULTNEY, on the ground of cruelty; MARY E. WARREN from JOHN H. WARREN, on the ground of intemperance and failure to provide; their child was awarded to the plaitiff.

* May 4, 1875

In the 4th District Court yesterday, ELIZABETH M. HAGGETT obtained a decree of divorce from ALVA C. HAGGETT, on the ground of desertion. The custody of the children was awarded to the plaintiff.

* May 7, 1875

In the 12th District Court yesterday, FREDERICA RUF was granted a decree of divorce from JACOB RUF, on the ground of extreme cruelty. JACOBINA GAY from JOHN GAY, on the same ground.

Summons to appear in Court: COLMAN ASHER vs. JEANETTE ASHER

* May 8, 1875

Summons to appear in Court: CHARLES W. WHITE vs. F. R. WHITE

* May 11, 1875

Summons to appear in Court: LEAH H. DEMPSEY vs. Wm. H. DEMPSEY [=WILLIAM H. DEMPSEY];
Summons to appear in Court: CHARLES P. GIBBONS vs. LUCY GIBBONS

* May 12, 1875

The 12th District Court Commissioner yesterday submitted his reports in the divorce cases of SARAH CARTER against GEORGE CARTER, and H. S. VINING against JULIA A. VINING. The case of JENNIE SILVA against MANUEL SILVA was referred to the Commissioner.

* May 13, 1875

In the 12th District Court this morning a default was entered in the case of ELVIRA A. PEEL vs. THOMAS O. PEEL, and the matter referred to the Court Commissioner to take testimony. A similar default and order was made in the case of RICHARD DOWLING and JULIA L. DOWLING.

In the 15th District Court this afternoon GEORGE ALLEN obtained a decree of divorce from PRUDENCE F. ALLEN on the ground of willful desertion. In the case of SALOMA STRINGER vs. CLARK STRINGER, Judge Dwinelle ordered the defendant to pay $145 a month alimony from the 1st of April, $200 counsel fees and $150 for the cost of Court expenses. The divorce cases of JOHN P. GEISHAKER against AUGUSTA E. GEISHAKER, EMMA B. GRAHAM against ALEXANDER GRAHAM, and DIANA SHAW against FRANCIS SHAW, were referred to the 3rd District Court Commissioner Tuesday [May 11]. The report of the divorce case of A. P. EVERETT against S. A. EVERETT was filed and submitted.

In the 12th District Court yesterday ISABELLA FRENCH obtained a decree of divorce from JAMES R. FRENCH, on the ground of willful neglect, failing to provide for fifteen years. Judge Morrison made an order yesterday afternoon in the divorce suit of SHIMMINS vs. SHIMMINS that the defendant mortgage his ranch at San Pablo for $500, at one per cent interest per month, and pay the money into the hands of the Court Clerk, who is directed to pay Mrs. SHIMMINS $75 per month from May 1st. The latter obtained a divorce recently, and her late husband refused to support her. [The husband was probably CHARLES SHIMMINS, who died in San Francisco in February 1879. Among things "found with or upon the body of deceased person by the coroner" was a map of "San Pablo rancho" and a sealed letter indorsed "Mrs. MARIA L. SHIMMINS", see].

* May 14, 1875

In the 12th District Court, this morning, Judge Sharpstein granted divorces in the following cases: ANNIE J. GOBERTZ vs. MARTIN GOBERTZ, SARAH CARTER vs. GEORGE CARTER, H. S. VINING vs. JULIA VINING. All are granted on the grounds of willful desertion. In the case of MARY E. CONLON vs. JOHN P. CONLON, an order was made on defendant to pay $70 a month alimony and $50 counsel fees.

* May 17, 1875

Judge Dwinelle has committed PATRICK TROY into the custody of the Sheriff, to remain in jail until he complies with the order of the Court to pay his divorced wife $20 per month alimony. A considerable quantity of divorce business was transacted in the 19th District Court, on Saturday [May 15, 1875]. The motion for alimony was denied by Judge Wheeler in the case of EMILY FARNHAM vs. JOHN H. FARNHAM. He thought there were some features in the case not very favorable to the lady [...much more...]

Some time since Mrs. VICTORINE DIAS applied to Judge Wheeler for an order for alimony from her husband ANTONIO DIAS; but the application was denied. Since then, she has given birth to a daughter. She has also renewed her application for alimony. The husband contested the prayer for alimony; but the Judge made an order requiring the defendant to pay $50 on the 1st of June, and $25 per month thereafter.

In the case of JOSEPHINE FORBES vs. GEORGE FORBES, the Court withdrew the order allowing the father to visit his children, it having been shown that he took advantage of the privilege to carry off one of the children. LAURINDA UTTER was granted a divorce from JOHN N. UTTER on the ground of intemperance, and AUGUSTA LEWIS from CHARLES LEWIS, on the ground of desertion.


* May 20, 1875

In the divorce case of ELIZABETH WINSLOW vs. EDWARD WINSLOW, the motion for the custody of the children has been continued for hearing in the 15th District Court until the next motion and law day.

* May 27, 1875

In the 12th District Court, yesterday, in the case of M. P. MORGAN vs. EMMA MORGAN, report and reference was made. In the case of CHRISTIAN BRENDEL vs. AMELIA BRENDEL, default and reference.

* May 28, 1875

A decree was entered in the 3rd District Court yesterday granting MARGERITE TETREAU a divorce from C. L. TETREAU. The custody of their two children was awarded plaintiff.

* May 29, 1875

In the 15th District Court, yesterday, Judge Dwinelle granted SARAH N. ALLEN a divorce from EDWIN ALLEN, on the ground of extreme cruelty, habitual intemperance, and failure to provide the common necessaries of life by reason of idleness, profligacy and dissipation. Plaintiff was allowed to resume her maiden name of SARAH NEAL DODGE. The case of ADELAIDE CHAMBERLAIN against EDWIN CHAMBERLAIN was referred to the Court Commissioner. In the 12th District Court, HILDEN C. GRAYBERG was granted a decree of divorce from CHARLES M. GRAYBERG, on the ground of desertion, and GEORGE S. BEESLEY from HANNAH H. BEESLEY, on the same ground. The divorce of SARAH P. THOMAS against JEROME THOMAS was referred to the Court Commissioner.

* May 31, 1875

In the divorce case of MARY E. WENTWORTH vs. NATHAN WENTWORTH, an order has been made requiring the defendant to pay the plaintiff $50 on the 10th of each month until further orders of Court.

* Jun 4, 1875

Divorces were granted to-day to the plaintiffs in the following named cases by Judge Sharpstein in the 12th District Court: GEORGE O. HILTON vs. HENRIETTA HILTON, RICHARD DOWLING vs. JULIA L. DOWLING, and CHRISTIAN BENDEL vs. AMELIA BENDEL [The last name BRENDEL was used in an article on May 27]. All were granted on the grounds of desertion.

* Jun 11, 1875

MARGARET WALLACE was granted a divorce this morning by Judge Dwinelle from ROBERT WALLACE, on the ground of willful desertion.

Summons to appear in Court: GERTRUDE F. UHLHORN vs. JOHN FREDERICK UHLHORN (p.4)

* Jun 12, 1875

In the 15th District Court yesterday, the case of MARIA BUNSON against ANDREW BUNSON was referred to the Court Commissioner.

* Jun 15, 1875

SOPHIE WILLIAMS was granted a divorce, this morning, in the 4th District Court from JAMES M. WILLIAMS on the grounds of willful desertion. The custody of the children was awarded to the plaintiff, who was permitted to resume her maiden name.

* Jun 16, 1875

Mrs. LUCY A. WHITING, the divorced wife of M. S. WHITING, was arrested this morning on an additional charge of petit larceny, preferred by her ex-husband (...more...) She was released on $100 bail deposited by Wm. HOLLIS (=WILLAM HOLLIS). [This is not a divorce case, but it is included here because it identifies the divorced couple precisely].

Summons to appear in Court: CLARA E. JAMES vs. CHARLES VIVIAN JAMES

* Jun 18, 1875

In the 15th District Court, this morning, MARIA BRUNSON was granted a decree of divorce from ANDREW BRUNSON, on the ground of willful desertion. [This couple was identified as BUNSON in a June 12 article]. JENNIE BRUSH was granted a divorce on the ground of extreme cruelty from RUBEN BRUSH.

Summons to appear in Court: CHARLES MARDEN vs. NANCY MARDEN

* Jun 22, 1875

The cases of MARY HASTINGS against FRANK HASTINGS and ADOLPH JOURDAIN against MARIE JOURDAIN were referred to the 4th District Court Commissioner yesterday.

* Jun 26, 1875

The divorce case of KATE LACEY against JOHN S. LACEY was referred to the 15th District Court Commissioner yesterday.

* Jun 28, 1875

FLORENCE IDA STEWART has filed a complaint in the County Clerk's office to obtain a decree of divorce from CHARLES A. STEWART. The parties were married in Santa Rosa, on the 18th of April, 1872, and they lived together as man and wife until the 1st of March last. The wife is 21 years of age, and the husband 28.

* Jun 29, 1875

Judge Sharpstein, of the 12th District Court, has issued an order requiring JAMES E. CARTER to show cause on July 9th, why a decree of divorce should not be granted to his wife, MARGARET C. CARTER. It appears from the complaint that the parties were married in Gilroy on the 8th of February, 1872. The wife is now 18 years of age and her husband 41. CARTER has treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner, by striking her and accusing her of improper intimacy with her physician [...much more...]

* Jun 30, 1875

ADOLPH JOURDAIN was granted a decree of divorce yesterday, in the 4th District Court, from his wife MARIE JOURDAIN.

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