San Francisco Genealogy
Obituaries and Death Notices
McS - McZ

This is a miscellaneous collection of newspaper obituaries, funeral notices and death notices submitted by San Francisco researchers and volunteers. If an entry has a contact name, you may contact the researcher with questions about the families mentioned, but understand that they have *not* volunteered to provide copies for people. Source information for each entry is provided for your convenience so that you can obtain a photocopy on your own.

"McSHANE--In this city, May 2, 1888, CATHERINE McSHANE, wife of John McSHANE, and beloved sister of Cormack and Patrick CARBERRY, a native of Letterkenny, County Donegal, Ireland, aged 40 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral this day (Friday), at 8:30 o'clock a.m. from her late residence, corner Eighth and Folsom Streets; thence to St. Joseph's Church, where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 o'clock a.m. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery." Source: San Francisco Daily Morning Call, 4 May 1888. Transcribed by Carolyn Schwab.
"McSHEA--In this city, August 28, 1942, George E., beloved husband of Helen M. McSHEA, loving faher of Helen E. and Royal E. McSHEA, brother of P. J. McSHEA, Mrs. Emma KNIGHT of Detroit, Mich., and Jennie McSHEA of Stockton. A member of Morning Star Lodge No. 68, F. & A. M., of Stockton; San Francisco Bodies No. 1, A. A. O. N. M. S., and Rotary Club. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon, 1 o’clock, at the mortuary of Halsted & Co., 1123 Sutter Street, under the auspices of Mount Moriah Lodge No. 44, F. & A. M." Source: San Francisco Examiner, 30 Aug 1942, Page 17. Transcribed by Cathy Gowdy.

"McSWEEGAN--Margaret." Source: San Francisco Examiner, 22 July 1894, p. 7.
"McSWEENEY--DUTCH FLAT (Placer Co.), May 12 - Dan McSWEENEY, an employee of March Bros., while demented, cut his throat with a razor, just missing the large arteries of the neck. He was taken to the Utah Construction Company's Emergency Hospital at Dutch Flat and treated. A brother, Tim McSWEENEY, resided in San Francisco." Source: Sacramento Bee, 12 May 1913. Transcribed by Betty Loose.

"McSWEENEY--In this city, May 24, Denis McSWEENEY, a native of County Roscommon, Ireland, aged 61years and 2 months. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral TO-DAY (Thursday), at 2:30 o’clock p.m., from his late residence, No. 318 Lilly avenue, between Laguna and Buchannan, Page and Oak streets." Source: San Francisco Daily Morning Call, 26 May 1881. Transcribed by Jill Crowhurst Chesnik.
"McSWEENEY--Rev. T." Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 2 Sept 1915. Transcribed by Sylvia Mast.
"McVERY--In this city, February 28, Nancy McVERRY[sic.], a native of Ireland, aged 54 years." Source: San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin, 1 March 1895.
"McVEY--Dispatch from San Francisco, June 4 -- A stranger who gave his name as McVEY, suicided at the Alta Lodging House, Sacramento street, today. The body is not yet recognized." Source: Stockton Daily Independent (San Joaquin Co., CA), 5 June 1872. Transcribed by Dee.
"McVICKER--In this city, June 26, at his late residence, 56 Chesley street, Alexander, McVICKER, beloved hisband of Ann E. McVICKER, nee COUSINS, and father of Alex N. McVICKER Jr., and Mrs. Maggie BOLGER, a member of the Longshore Lumbermen's Protective Association, No. 224, a native of Cushindall, County Antrim, Ireland. (Ireland, Dublin Freeman and New York papers please copy.) Friends and acqaintances are respecfully invited to attend the funeral Wednesday, June 29, at 8:30 o'clock, from the late residence, 56 Chesley street, thence to St. Joseph's Church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 o'clock. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery." Source:San Francisco Chronicle, 29 June 1904.
"McWADE--The British ship, 'Cape Breton', has arrived in San Francisco from Rio de Janiero and was placed in quarantine on account of having been visited by yellow fever and coming from an infected port. On May 9th, Henry McWADE, one of the seaman belonging to the vessel, died of the dread disease, he was a native of Glasgow, aged 28 years." Source: Russian River Flag (Healdsburg, CA), 29 Aug 1878. Transcribed by Jeanne Taylor.
"McWILLIAMS--Interment in San Francisco, Feb. 16, John McWILLIAMS, Scotland, 50." Source: Alta California, 28 Feb 1853. Submitted by Martha Richards.
"McWHIRTER--In this city, November 22, Esther, mother of Jennie and George McWHIRTER, aged 46 years. Funeral to-day, at 1 p.m., from No. 31 Second avenue." Source: Daily Alta California, 24 Nov 1885.
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