California Bound by

New York Herald
New York City, New York
January 18, 1849

California Emigration.

The California emigration is still going forward with vigor. The bark Eugenia has left for Vera Cruz 134 passengers. The Harriet T. Bartlett sailed yesterday for Chagres, having on board about 70 persons, mostly young men, intelligent and enterprising, for California. A host of vessels are busily engaged in loading and preparing for the same destination. The Morrison, lying at the foot of Old Slip, is particularly deserving of notice; as is also the new steamship Panama, under command of Captain Comstock, which will sail on the 15th of February.
The schooner Olivia, of ninety tons burden, sailed on Tuesday from pier foot of Rutgers Slip for San Francisco with about 20 passengers. Captain Paulson, and Dr. Tinker, surgeon.


In Bark Eugenia

Agneau, T.J.
Arschimann (?), J.
Atwood, John
Barker, S.
Bartow, B.W.
Blackman, H.G.
Blake, L.
Brenton, F.
Broughton, F.G.
Crane, Norman
Fordham, R.B.
Garnisot, J.
Hall, W.J.
Harris, T.
Hawley, M.
Hopkins, C.E.
Ice, A.W.
Minturn, L.
Mulford, D.G.
Nye, W.F.
Perret, H.A.
Rogers, J.W.
Simmons, C.M.
Stone, D.C.
Van Coneghan, Dr.
Voorhees, John
“…and Capt. Hutton’s company of 101 persons, whose names we could not get. Cargo assorted.”

[Another, more extensive, passenger list for the Eugenia was published in the NY Herald, January 19, 1849.]

In bark Madonna

Bailey, Nathaniel J.
Bluxome, Isaac, Jr.
Dennison, C.H.
Osgood, John K.
Van Valkenburgh, J.H.

In schooner Samuel Roberts

Gilman, Lucius
Hawley, James
Mead, Henry
Sheper, Mr.
Towlinson, Charles R.
Van Bergen, Mr.
Welling, C.H.

In bark H.T. Bartlett

1st cabin:
Benson, John
Burrows, E.M.
Cheeseman, B.F.
Church, George W.
Fook, A.W.
Hahman, T.G.
Henshaw, J.P.
Loomis, C.B.
Moses, O.H.
Pond, B.F.
Whittemore, H.M.

2nd cabin:
Baker, Geo.
Bates, Henry
Berkheart, F.
Bloodgood, C.
Crowell, Eugene
Derons, Capt.
Dykeman, D.S.
Fay, Jeremiah
Fay, John
Hazen, Kelsey
Holden, C.W.
Kiersted, Edwin
Kink, _.
Prindle, _.
Prindle, Asa
Rice, E.
Sword, John
Thurston, Asa

Almeida, F.
Anner, Nelson S.
Baxter, H.
Bergh, J.J.
Berner, Jacob
Bird, V.
Brown, Mr.
Brown, Thos.
Burgess, J.B.
Deschan, Josh
Dickenson, Benj.
Fleming, Peter
Goodhart, Joseph
Gordon, John
Hayne, Francis
Jeannet, J.
Johnson, Mr.
Jones, John
Maguire, F.
Mortiman, F.
Payne, Wm. C.
Ramsay, G.S.
Raux, E. (F. ?)
Reed, O.L.
Reese, A.
Silvia, J.N.
Smith, F.
Smith, John
Somerby, A.W.
Stevens, M.
Tacot, A.
Taylor, Elisha
Taylor, Frederick
Taylor, H.S.
Vickmeyer, Edw.
Wood, H.P.

[From the Baltimore American, Jan. 17 (1849)]

For California – The schooner Sovereign, Capt. Peterson, sailed from this port this morning, for Vera Cruz, whence her passengers, the Friendship Association, startr for the “promised land,” by the overland route via Mazatlan. As vessels constantly touch there on their run up the coast, passages are expected to be readily secured, making the trip in some forty days. The passengers by the Sovereign are:--

Bowers, S.T.
Bowly, Geo. H.
Bryson, Bernard A.
Colgan, Joseph
Cooper, F.
Cooper, J.L.
Cooper, T.S.
Crabbs, Israel D.
Deal, Dr. Wm. Grove
Downing, David
Dyer, Abraham
Elder, John
Evans, H.M.
Franklin, Lewis
Gardiner, John H.
Ghrist, Daniel E.
Grove, M.F.
Hamilton, William A.
Henry, John H.
Howard, A.
Hubbard, Wm.
Hull, D.
Johnson, James
Kelly, Richard
Kelly, William B.
Love, J.S.
Massett, L.C.
Mitchell, J.
Morris, Wm. P.
Nusz, Sylvester
Preston, Wm. T.
Ranson, Joseph
Shidle, John T.
Shirley, John
Shrine, Alfred
Tippet, Charles
Trump, Wm.
Tyson, Dr. L.
White, Levi S.
Yocum, James E.

“Among them is a clergyman of the Episcopal denomination and two physicians. The company, as a whole, is as highly respectable and well intentioned a body of young men as go from any section of the old States.”

[From the Boston Adviser, Jan. 17 (1849)]

The pilot boat Anonyma cleared yesterday for San Francisco, under the command of Captain Charles T. Treadwell, formerly of the bark Lucia Maria. The A. is 75 tons burthen. Captain Treadwell intends to make the passage through the Straits of Magellan. The A. is intended for a trader on the coast of California. Her crew consists of the following persons:--

Cole, Josiah L., carpenter (goes out as a green hand before the mast, works his passage and pays $100)
Gardner, John F. (formerly a Boston pilot)
Lane, Wm. L., steward
Sanchez, Felix
Snelling, George H., Boston
Spencer, Wm. (formerly a mate of a vessel)
“She carries three passengers.”

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