California Bound by

New York Herald
New York, New York
January 26, 1849


In the Capitol, from Boston, for San Francisco, (additional.)—
George H. Whitmore, surgeon, of Roxbury.

In the Charlotte, from Newburyport, for San Francisco:--

From Newburyport:
Atherton, Peter
Bartlett, William, Jr.
Brown, Charles M.
Brown, Charles W.
Brown, James B.
Goodwin, Amos
Gorwaiz, Thomas
Jacques, Amos F.
Marsh, Franklin
Musso, James M.
Pratt, Benjamin, Jr.
Rand, Rufus
Sawyer, George
Stovel, Charles B.
Sweetster, Henry
Titcomb, James K.

From Lynn:
Damon, John F.
Folsom, James W.
Hill, Henry A.
Hovey, John
Newhall, Augustus A.
Plumstead, Augustus G.
Rhoades, Francis D.
Sanborn, B.O.
Smith, William

Additional passengers:
Boardman, Charles G., Amesbury Mills
Brown, John L., Salisbury
Christian, Edwin J., Amesbury Mills
Fanning, George F., Jewett City, CT
Follansbee, Jacob T., Hampstead, NH
Foster, Albert, Clinton
Gullifer, Henry, Kendall’s Mills, ME
Gupton, Wm. M., Waterville, ME
Hudson, Wm. K., Waterville, ME
Kendall, Rufus, Kendall’s Mills, ME
Kimball, Geo. F., West Amesbury
Nye, Samuel P., Amesbury Mills
Page, Greenleaf, Clinton
Reed, Wm. K., Amesbury Mills
Tenney, Michael, Salem
Tenney, Wm.,Salem
Wardwell, Charles, Andover
Waters, C.H., Waterville, ME
Waters, Gardner, Waterville, ME
Willey, Wm., Salem


The ship Jane Parker, Capt. Jordan, sailed yesterday from Baltimore, for Califonia. The following are her passengers:--

From Baltimore city:
Baden, Robert
Balderston, Yarnall
Bayles, B.
Beveridge, David F.
Brown, J.E.
Carson, Joshua
Carson, W.M.
Collins, T.S.
Cook, William
Ducas, John
Gillingham, Geo. H.
Griffith, R.R.
Hall, Edward W.
Harris, David
Hogg, John
Hull, William
Jamisen, C.C.
Johannis, John G.
Johnson, Wm. O.
Jones, George W.
Martin, Dr. James S.
Matlack, R.C.
McCeney, Julius
McConkey, William
Miller, Edward
Morris, Madison
Myers, James A.
Orrick, Benjamin
Pieda, Paul
Pierce, Dr. Wm. A.
Reany, George W.
Rogers, J.
Rogers, S.S.
Rogers, W.G.
Shield, Washington
Smith, James R.
Stewart, William E.
Wagner, John B.
Wilson, James C.

From Hartford county, Md.:
Atler, J.
Burke, John W.
Case, Mr.
Dalrymple, Wm. H.
Gough, Charles
Guyton, S.
Hall, Edward
Jenkins, George W.
Johnson, William
Stump, Samuel
Stump, Wm. H.
Withers, Isaac
Yellott (Yellett ?), George

Additional passengers:
Barroll, Edward J., Annapolis, Md.
Chapin, Virginius P., Clarksburg, Harrison county, VA
Dorsey, A., Ellicott’s Mills, Md.
Grason, John, Queen Anne’s county, Md.
Grason, Thomas, Queen Anne’s county, Md.
Mauldin, John, Jr., Cecil county, Md.
Murray, John, Cambridge, Md.
Webster, J.D., Carroll, county, Md.
Weeks, R.G., Petersburg, VA
Wood, Charles, Frederick county, Md.
Wood, Elias, Frederick county, Md.
Wright, Lawrence, Ellicott’s Mills, Md.


Subjoined is a list of passengers going on the ship Architect, Capt. Gray, which leaves to-morrow morning for San Francisco:--

NOTE: There are two passenger lists for the ship Architect. The lists are combined and differing name spellings are enumerated.

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