Movements for California
The following persons comprise the “Manhattan California Overland Association,” who sailed on Wednesday in the bark Mara, for Vera Cruz:--
NOTE: Partial passenger lists for the bark Mara were published in the Herald on 2-1-1849 and 2-2-1849.
Allen, H.D.P.
Allstan, C.B.
Angus, T.
Austin, H.
Barnes, F.J.
Barnes, H.M.
Bates, E.
Beck, W.
Beebe, A.
Bonstel, Lewis H.
Boylen, J.B.
Bradway, H.K.
Brandamore, N.B.
Brown, D.C.
Brown, Ralph
Brown, W.K.
Burdick, M.
Campbell, G.
Case, G.W.
Chandler, S.E.
Clark, J.R.
Clelland, J.
Cogwell, J.M.
Conklin, S.
Corbusen, William
Cowper, R.
Crane, S.P.
Daniels, C.
Davis, S.
Dayton, O.V.V.
Demont, S.
Dickey, C.P.
Dosher, H.
Earl, J.S.
Felt, H.
Ferris, A.C.
Fielding, J.G.
Forster, F.
Friell, W.
Gantz, G.H.
Gaskill, J.
Gill, R.T.
Gillett, V.B.
Gould, E.
Goulden, J.C.
Greene, Thomas
Griffith, Francis
Griffith, J.W.
Griswald, J.W.
Hall, Thomas
Hastings, B.H.
Hawkins, F.D.
Hawkins, Thomas
Hibbard, A.
Hill, H.
Hodgkins, L.R.
Holden, R.S.
Holmes, M.
Hotto, W.F.
Huff, W.F.
Hurd, B.C.
Irwin, J.
Jennings, P.
Jones, T.
Jones, Wm.
Keen, S.R.
Kemsen, J.K.
Kessing, M.
Kinny, M.
Klenk, P.
Leach, W.
Leighton, J.
Lent, S.
Lewis, S.W.
Lockwood, A.
Louderback, Wm.
Lusk, S.
McAllis, J.
McCully, J.S.
McDonald, J.
McFall, M.
McGregor, E.
McKenny, J.
Mead, G.
Mecker, J.V.
Melville, R.S.
Merton, G.H.
Messerve, J.
Miles, A.
Miller, C.
Miller, P.S.
Millward, J.
Molliner, R.G.
Montford, H.
Moody, S.
Mordey, W.
Morrison, S.
Mulford, L.
Mumby, E.H.
Mumby, J.H.
Murphy, W.B.
Negbower, L.
Nivison, J.
Nix, Edward
Noonan, G.
Olds, W.B.
Olmstead, J.D.
Passage, A.
Patterson, J.
Penny, A.
Pesche, A.
Pesche, Chas.
Pierce, H.T.
Pillow, J.K.
Platt, E.M.
Platt, J.M.
Preston, R.B.
Robertson, J.
Rogers, T.
Ropie (Rople ?), James
Rossiter, J.
Scardifield, G.
Schultz, A.W.
Simmons, W.H.
Sinclair, N.R.
Sitiners, W.D.
Smith, J. Campbell
Stickey, Isaac
Stickle, E.
Stickle, G.
Struth, Julius
Sullivan, E.
Swift, George
Taylor, H.W.
Taylor, J.C.
Thayer, G.
Thompson, J.G.
Tompkins, C.T.
Towney, A.
Trueax, J.
Tryon, G.C.
Turkington, J.
Ullman, E.
Van Winkle, J.S.
Van York, J.F.
Verplanck, J.B.
Walker, J.
Ward, C.F.
Ward, H.E.
Weed, J.W.
Weyman, J.
Weyman, J.H.
Williston, Henry C.
Winans, B.H.
Woodruff, S.F.
Yates, G.Y.
The Nantucket Inquirer of Wednesday ststes that a company, consisting of the
following gentlemen from that place, go out in the Falcon,
intending to proceed immediately to San Francisco and the gold mines:--
Cook, Charles W.
Field, Alfred E.
Field, Caleb W.
Palmer, Joseph E.
Swain, Joseph C.
Worth, Henry C.
Wright, George W.
These gentlemen, along with Mr. Jonathan Wright, of Boston, who was one of Colonel Fremont’s exploring party, have formed themselves into a mining association. They go out, furnished with tents, abundant supplies for two years, a complete apparatus for mining and testing gold.
The bark Drummond, Captain Pierce, cleared at Boston
on the 1st instant, for California, with the following passengers:--
From Boston:
Baldwin, F.E.
Bryant, Amaea (sic)
Carr, J.R.
Cleaves, E.
Colver, Hiram W.
Emery, Thomas
Faxon (Paxon ?), Edwin
Gay, J.W.
Gregory, John, Jr.
Jameson, Humphrey
Kendall, E.A.
Rowell, Leonard F.
Sigournay, A.
Whitmarsh, Joseph A.
Other passengers:
Adams, H.M., of Wilbraham
Bliss, P.L., of Springfield
Boynson, F.Z., of Weathersfield, VT.
Boynson, R.C.M., of Weathersfield, VT.
Bruwer, Merriam, of Wilbraham
Burnett, Enoch (Enech ?), Jr., of Belchertown
Cargall, Geo. C., of Wells River
Colby, G.W., of Wilmont, NH
Cook, Albert, of Somerville
Cummings, Henrick, of Wells River
Cummings, Hiram, of Duxbury
French, Richard G., of Charlestown
Frost, Francis S., of West Cambridge
Fuller, Samuel, of Wilbraham
Gates, H.E., of Canada West
Gibbons, James, of Barton, VT.
Grush, S.W., of Beverly
Hall, Geo. A., of Roxbury
Hancock, Henry, of Wells River
Hancock, John, of Bath, NH
Holman, John, of Wilbraham
Kellogg, E.B., of Norwich, VT.
Lindsay, George J., of Charlestown
Lindsey, A.O. of Charlestown
Lindsey, J., of Charlestown
Mallett, Charles T., of Charlestown
Merriam, Albert, of East Cambridge
Smith, D.C., of Sandbornton, NH
Soule, Henry, of Duxbury
Stimpson, Stephan A., of Charlestown
Trescott, Joseph C., of Wells River
Tupper, W.H., of Wilbraham
White, John B., of Jamaica Plain
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