Annexed is a list of passengers by the ship Sarah and Eliza, Capt. Bass, sailed 14th inst., for San Francisco.
Atkinson, J. B.
Bishop, J.
Bishop, William
Blakely, John D.
Brown, H.C.
Chichester, Alfred
Clonk, T.P.
Ellis, Mr.
Finney, Richard
Gifford, F.A., and lady
Golding, J.D.
Hackett, James C.
Hanford, Benjamin T.
Harris, Lewis F.
Hicks, Mr.
Hoose (?), Isaac
Hutchinson, J.S.
Jenkins, William
Jones, Daniel Y.
Jones, E. Floyd
Jones, Robert
Lockwood, Charles
Luddington, Charles
Luddington, Howley Y.
Luddington, John C.
Minor, Perry
Moore, S.W.
Morris, Dr. J.E.
Niblo, William
Personett, Moses W.
Post, Edwin F.
Russel, Francis C.
Saxton, P.
Simon, Sigmund
Talbot, George
Travis, William
Udall (Udell ?), G.W.
Vail, Charles
Webb, Henry
The following passengers sailed in the brig Sarah,
Capt. Higgins, for Chagres:--
_ubit (Cubit ?), Wm.
Aurand, A.
Bashford, L.
Blair, G.
Bliven, B.B.
Brown, T.
Brown, W.B.
Capron, W.F.
Chase, Mr.
Chase, Mr.
Colburn, Mr.
Coles, J.
Davis, A.R.
Egleston, B.
French, J.
Gallup, J.
Gann, A.
Gannett, L.
Gibson, J.H.
Gillespie, S.M.
Glassford, C.
Grant, A.G.
Halton, Mr.
Howell, G.
Hunt, Mr.
Hunt, P.
Johnson, Capt.
Johnson, Mr.
Johnson, R.
Kinney, R.R.
Lawyer, I.
Manly, T.S.
McCowan, Mr.
McKinney, J.
Miller, E.
Miller, S.M.
Myrick, J.W.
Nichols, C.
Preston, M.G.
Reudry (Rendry ?), V.
Russell, Mr.
Sexton, O.F.
Smith, S.
Smith, T.H.
Springstead, F.
Struter, P.
Taylor, A.
Tompkins, A.G.L.
Toner, Mr.
Underhill, J.J.
Vanderburg, L.B.
Wilson, T.A., and son
Wright, J.A.
Young, C.A.
Annexed is a list of passengers in the schooner Wm. B. Davis,
sailed on the 13th inst., for California, via Galveston:--
Gridle, Hy.
Lake, J.S.
Wilson, Miss E.G.
Also, the following members of the Carson Association, bound for California, via Galveston:--
Ackley, G.
Adams, _.
Anderson, W.T.
Backster, C., Jr.
Bassid, N.H.
Bennett, J.L.
Bevins, W.M.
Bohm, W.F.
Boyd, J.J.
Burkhalter, D.
Canfield, C.F.
Carroll, J.
Clark, H.H.
Clements, C.
Davidson, C.R.
Downing, J.H.
Eules, W.
Everett, J.
Fosse, J.M.
Frost, Wm. S.
Gilbert, W.C.
Gray, George W.
Hall, J.A.
Harper, J.
Higgin, H.M.
Hinckley, J.H.
Hitchcock, J., Jr.
Howell, B.H.
Huyler, A.
Kennett, G.
Larkin, W.H.
Lincoln, G.L.
Miner (Minor ?), J.
Nash, G.H.
Nash, J.F.
Newell, J.K.
Osborn, J.M.
Platt, J.R.
Reeves, T.R. and H.
Revels, H.
Riker, P. and A.S.
Smith, W.H.
Soule, A.G.
Sumner, W.L.
Taylor, A.S.
Turner, A.
Wallis, J.
Wood, H.
The bark Velasco, Capt. Spencer, cleared at Boston on the 10th inst., for San Francisco, with the following passengers:--
The Narragansett Trading and Mining Company consisting of:--
Bucklin, E.W., of Pawtucket, Treasure
Cleveland, Henry, of Pawtucket, RI, Vice President
Lune, Wm., Of Pawtucket, secretary
Nickerson, Isaac, of Pawtucket, 2d mate
Roberts, Wm., of South Scituate, RI, President
Sayce, Thos. W., of Providence, 1st mate
Spencer, Giles, of East Greenwich, Captain
From Pawtucket:
Baker, Ebenr.
Baker, Ezra
Baker, Orrin
Baxter, Nath’l.
Bonney, Wm. P.
Bowen, Harvey
Carter, Hiram
Chase, Wm. H.
Cooke, C.G.
Cushman, Henry B.
Graham, Sam’l.
Hathaway, Wm.
Horton, J.
Humes, Geo.
Jenks, Danl. A.
Johnston, Wm. H.
McCormick, Thomas
Mowry, Spencer B.
Perry, Davis
Perry, Hiram L.
Pierce, Silas G.
Read, Lenonard B.
Reynolds, Allen
Richardson, C.J.
Saunders, Thos.
Sears, Abr’m.
Smith, Jas.
Templeton, John
Winn, Freeman
Young, John D.
From Providence:
Andrews, Asa A.
Arnold, Obadiah
Atkinson, Jno.
Brown, Elisha
Burt, Leander P.
Chase, Nelson
Dexter, Paul
Fish, Fred’k. E.
Fletcher, Abraham
Lambert, Jonathan
Maxey, Levi A.
Messenger, Alfred
Murray, George W.
Page, James D.
Randall, Chas. J.
Read, John
Reynolds, A.
Sheperd, Wm. L.
Williams, Hy. G.
Additional members:
Allen, Wm. H., of Central Falls
Arnold, Hy. M., of Woonsocket
Austin, Horace, of Central Falls
Burgess, John M., of Central Falls
Cady, Jas. G., of Gloucester, RI
Capron, Sandford T., of Lonsdale
Elsbree, Shirley A., of Valley Falls
Fales, Lewis, of Blackstone
Fisher, Luther W., of Thompson, CT
Ike, Herbert A., of Attleborough
Jenks, Nelson B., of Smithfield
Kelly, William, of Blackstone
Kott (Kett ?), Francis, of Blackstone
Leonard, Sam’l. N., of Central Falls
McCarty, Jas., of Central Falls
Mowry, Winsor A., of Woonsocket
Nourse, Lucius, of Lonsdale
Parsons, Wm. P., of Fairfax, VT
Perrin, Orrin, Jr., of Thompson, CT
Pierce, Francis E., of Rehobeth
Read, Thos., of Central Falls
Sayles, Geo. W., of Blackstone
Shepardson, Nath’l., of Hopkinton, RI
Skinner, Christopher E., of Attleborough
Smith, Benj., of Johnston
Taft, Robert, of East Greewich
Taylor, Allen, of Olneyville
Wade, Laban C., of Woonsocket
Walker, Leonard, Sesconk
Whipple, Welcome, of Cumberland
In the brig Emily Bourne, from New Bedford, for San
Francisco, in addition to those before published:--
NOTE: Emily Bourne passenger list first published February 11, 1849.
Replacement passengers for Sam’l C. Jones and A. Lincoln, who
returned home.
Stockbridge, George M.
Howland, Jonathan D.
Additional passengers:
Barnaby, James E.
Barnaby, Jas. M., of Taumtom (before incorrectly printed Joshua Beaton)
Beeden, John, New Bedford
Buckley, Dennis, New Bedford
Buckley, Jas.
The schr. John Allyne, Capt. Brownell, cleared at
New Bedford on the 12th inst., for San Francisco. She takes out the members
of the John Allyne Mining and Trading Company, viz:--
Brownell, Allen, Fairhaven, captain
New Bedford:
Baker, Bethuel H.
Bourne, Benjamin F.
Braley, Jasper W.
Brayton, David, Jr.
Buffington, Ira
Craso (Oraso ?), Frederick
Hall, George
Howland, David
Mayhew, Philip S.
Moore, Isaac
Parker, James D.
Ricketson, Henry A.
Swift, Thomas W.
Terry, Isaac F.
Wait, Leavit
Additional members:
Allen, William D., Pocasset
Bruce, William, Boston
Davis, Samuel, of Rehoboth
Gifford, Nathaniel T., of Westport
Hayden, Charles B., of Westport
Munro, John N., of Rehoboth
Nye, Frederick F., Falmouth
White, Christopher, of Tiverton
Davis, Samuel, 1st assistant engineer
Everet, T.C., first officer
Griswell, John S., 3d officer
Jones, Owen, carpenter
Longer (?), Geo., 1st assistant engineer
Mackilvaine, C.J.M., purser
Murphy, Daniel, chief engineer
Potter, Lieut. David D., commanding (Lieut. David Dixon Porter, U.S.N.)
Taylor, _., 3d assistant engineer
Tooms, Robert, surgeon
Van Buren, T.A., 2d officer
Winshop, Thomas, 2d assistant engineer
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