The Pacific mail steamship Panama, Lieut. D.D. Porter, U.S.N. (Lieut. David Dixon Porter, U.S.N.), commanding, sailed yesterday for the Pacific. She went off in fine style, and “walked the waters like a thing of life.” A large crowd was on the piers to witness her departure, and they made the welkin ring with their cheers.
Annexed is a list of her passengers:--
Allen, Major, U.S.N.
Bailey, Major
Barr, William M.
Binsley, Mr.
Bradbury, Mr.
Capron, Edward G.
Cook, E.C.
Derby, Lieut. Geo. A., U.S. Topographical Engineers
Ellet, C.
Fitch, Rev. Mr.
Frey, Jos. M.
Gillender, E.
Greene, Charles C.
Hayes, E.M.
Hester, Mr.
Hester, Mr.
Hoop, Anty. J.
Hoyt, Josiah
Hyer, John G.
Judah, C.D.
Ken, J.
Knapp, Mr.
Lamoreaux, George W.
McAllister, Mr.
Mitchell, C.
Morrison, J.C., Jr.
Oatles, Charles
Pearson, Luther
Smith, Mr.
Truman, Mr.
Ward, S.
Hardcastle, Captain Edward L.F., and servant
Bond, J.B.
Davison, E.F.
Tilton, Lieut., U.S.N., commanding brig Perry, Brazil squadron
Allaire, Mr.
Baush, Jacob
Beach, Horace
Blankman, Hy. G.
Boice, Nathaniel
Caller, Mr.
Cochrane, J.
Dickinson, Henry C.
Dye, Joseph H.
Fitzgerald, E.
Gregory, Mr.
Haff, John P.
Holdredge, Charles W.
Johnson, Mr.
Kimmell, John F.
McNair, William
Merchant, S.D.
Nevitt, Mr.
Nunns, Mr.
Pratt, Othello C.
Rogers, Mr.
Simpson, James
Skinner, Henry
Stewart, Wiliam
Stowell, William
Turney, William H.
Utica Mining Company of ten persons
Waller, George C.
Ward, William (“party of five sent out by William Ward.”)
Whitney, D.J.
“and seven others of Albany.”
“She carries out thirty thousand dollars in species. We expect to hear of her arrival at Panama in two months from this.”
The ship Elizabeth Ellen, for
San Francisco, left her wharf on Friday, 16th inst. at noon. In tow of steamer
Jacob Bell, and, there being no wind, she came to anchor in the lower bay, and
went to sea early on Saturday morning. The following are the names of the passengers
on board:--
Allen, Wm. H.
Anson, Stephen
Aphdyke, Corn’s.
Auchmoody, Isaac
Babcock, J.F.
Bailey, George
Barnet, George
Barr, Lewis
Bates, Jacob B.
Batterman, C.C.
Beach, Jno. H.
Bee, Fred. A.
Beecher, Callender
Bowman, John
Brabt, Alfred
Brown, Dr.
Bryan, Francis
Burde, G.
Burkhart, Theodore
Burnett, George W.
Burnett, Thomas
Burr, Henry A.
Carlish, B.B.
Chapman, F.L.
Child, Marcus
Clark, N.N.
Clark, Wm. Q.
Clay, Thos.
Coddington, Archibald J.
Coffee, Aug.
Cohen, Abram
Coles, A.W.
Collamer, John
Collins, James W.
Collins, John G.
Collins, Phillip
Collins, Robert
Cook, J. Dudley
Cook, Russell T.
Cory, Lewis, and lady
Cotrell, L.B.
Cramer, David
Crane, Joseph and T.
Crane, N.S.
Crockett, Edward
Crow, Thomas D.
Crow, Thomas M.
Darrow, Jas. H.
Darrow, John
Darrow, Ralph
David, R.
Dawson, Jno.
De Forest, James
De Freest, Martin
Deane, E.A.
Defreest, Wm. B.
Dickinson, D.H.
Divine, Davis
Dorwin, J.H.
Dorwin, L.M.
Dunning, David C.
Earle, S.B.
Farrell, Jas.
Farwell, Abram
Farwell, Jonathan
Fleming, James
Fleming, John
Fletcher, Edward P.
Flood, Jas.
Forsyth, Robt. H.
Franklin, Walter F.
Gagy, Caspar
Garvey, Jno.
Gazley, A.H.
Gedney, E.
Genung, A.W.
Gilbert, Wm.
Goodale, F.W.
Gordon, Wm.
Graham, Dan., lady and 3 children
Greely, Joel
Gustin, Joseph M.
Haff, John P.
Hall, Jonathan
Halstead, Geo.
Harris, Channing M.
Hart, J.L.
Hartshorne, D.C.
Hathorne, Chauncey
Haughey, E.
Heath, C.J.
Horsfall, J.H.
Howell, Chas. S.
Hyatt, Edw.
Jones, L.F.
Kinney, G.W.
Knowles, Joshua
Kopman, Sydney
Kranth, Fred. K.
Kratzenburgh, Stephen
Lambert, John
Lawrence, Saml. W.
Lee, G.W.
Levy, Morris
Levy, Newman
Love, Alex.
Luther, D.H.
Luther, Thomas M.
Luther, Wm. H.
M’Carty, George
M’Laughlin, Jas.
M’Laughlin, John
M’Mann, Jas.
Manning, Wm. H.
Mason, R.Z.
McDonald, J.
McFarland, J.
Melville, G.P.
Miller, John H.
Molenaor, Jackson
Morrow, Lyle
Morse, Albert
Myer, Andrew J.
Myer, William A.
Noble, Aaron
Norton, G.
Norton, Geo.
Noxon, B.D., Jr.
Osgood, J.A.
Page, Robert
Paul, Mr.
Peebles, Benjamin K.
Pierce, David
Pratt, Wm.
Price, John B.
Price, Joseph G.
Pridmore, John
Ranke, Lewis K.
Rickleston, John
Roe, John
Rogers, Robt.
Ross, Charles H.
Rouse, Rich.
Sanborn, Henry
Schloss, Morris
Schlosser, Joseph
Schwartz, Victor
Schwawelder, Chas.
Scott, S.A.
Shedtman, H.
Sherwood, Elijah
Sherwood, Joshua
Shook, Cornelius
Sibree, Charles
Sibree, H.
Southard, Dan. D.
Stewart, C.C.
Stilt, C.H.
Story, George
Sumner, Alanson A.
Sumner, Robert
Taylor, Henry
Terry, J.A.
Thompson, A.
Thompson, Jas. F.
Tooker, C.
Townley, Israel C.
Trigler, H.J.
Tyrell, M.H.
Underwood, D.C.
Vail, Lewis M.
White, George
Whitehead, Jon. M.
Wilkinson, S.
Williams, Theodore
Williams, W.D.
Wilson, Thomas
Woodruff, Job
Woolworth, S.D.
Yohe, George
Young, O.H.P.
Zolver, John
The following is a list of the passengers in the ship Audley (Audly) Clark, sailed on the 15th, at Newport, R.I., for California:--
Arnold, Joseph W.
Babcock, George W.
Barker, Jos. P.
Barlow, Thos.
Barstow, Josiah M.
Bartow, Richard
Beatty, Geo. (E-mail correction from relative: Beattie, George.
Contacts: Ellen Beattie Hare & Brian
Bliss, Jeremiah C.
Brown, Benjamin
Carpenter, Oliver
Caswell, John C.
Chaffee, Zachariah
Chambers, E.
Clark, Charles B.
Clarke, Robert P.
Coggeshell, W.A.
Cottrell, M.
Cox, John H.
Cozzens (Cezzens ?), Chas.
Cozzens, Benj.
Crandall, George
Cranston, Thos.
Crooker, Isaiah
Cummings, C.E.
Damarest, Jas. H.
Dennis, A.W.
Dennis, Wm. E.
Dennis, Wm. T.
Dyer, A.F.
Fales, Chas.
Fludder, Wm. H.
Freeborn, John
Friend, Sam’l. B.
Goff, S.R.
Graham, R.
Hale, Freeman M.
Harrington, Hiram C.
Hatch, Weld.
Hudson, John S.
Johnston, Levi
Kenyon (Keayon, Keeyon ?), E.P.
King, Jos.
Knowles, Irving H.
Lake, J.
Langley, George W.
Lawton, Wm. K.
Lewis, Moses A.
Lyon, Joseph M.
McKenzie, John Y.
Murphy, Frederick A.
Pierce, Arnold
Riggs, Joseph M.
Sayer, Benj. A.
Slocum, George B.
Southwick, J., Jr.
Southwick, Jas. M.K.
Spooner, John H.
Staigg, Geo.
Stevens, Wm., 3d
Stewart, Edson
Tilley, George H.
Tompkins, John
Vaughn, Geo.
Wardwell, Nathl. F.
Welch, William
Welser, Wm.
Wheaton, George H.
White, Wm. H.
Whitford, Amos T.
Young, Samuel
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