Movements for California
The ship Regulus, Capt. Bradford, cleared at Boston February 24, for California. She takes out the following passengers:--
The Bunker Hill Trading and Mining Company, as follows:
Bicknell, Luke
Broback, John A.
Brooks, Isaac
Bryant, Amasa (Amaza ?)
Bufford, J.H.
Drew, Charles M.
Everett, Samuel G.
Fish, William
French, Levi R.
Gillis, _.
Hawes, Albert F.
Hayden, Geo. H.
Howard, James H.
Kelley, A.R.
Kendall, William H.
Knight, Francis P.
Leavitt, S.D.
Lewis, Chas. H.
Mathews, Melvin
Melcher, Chas. H.
Philips, Charles C.
Quigley, Wm. H.
Richardson, Charles W.
Smith, John C.
Southworth, Albert S.
Sparks, Ebenezer M.
Stewart, William
Stoddard, Solomon
Sweeney, Miles
Tase, Jas. H.
Wardwell, Gideon C.
Weaver, A.B.
Wright, Benjamin S.
Additional members of Company:
Allen, Charles, West Boylston
Allen, Jacob, Amesbury
Andrews, J.M., Pawlet, VT
Barrell, Joseph, Eastport, ME
Barri, John W., Portsmouth, NH
Batty, Stephen, Providence, RI
Beals, Hiram B., East Stoughton
Beals, William H., Stoughton
Beckman, G.H., Amesbury
Bowen, William A., Providence, RI
Bradford, Daniel, Duxbury
Bradford, Thomas B., Kingston
Brainard, Zachariah, Windsor
Brown, Ephraim, Salisbury
Brown, John P., Reading, VT
Brown, William A., Providence, RI
Brown, William, Albion Village
Bryant, Charles E., Plympton
Burlingham, Charles, Woburn
Capron, George E., Worcester
Carleton, John D., Woburn
Clapp (Glapp ?), William, Dorchester
Clapp, Stephen, Dorchester
Clark, Edwin M., Oak Dale, MA
Clark, James, Jr., Gloucester
Clemons, Joel, Wells
Cobb, Daniel S., South Boston
Cox., John A., Malden
Currier (Carrier ?), Amesbury
Ellenwood, W.F., Woburn
Felloes (Fellows ?), West Boscawen
Fish, Winslow L., Manchester, MA
Fiske, Lemuel P., Fall River
Flanders, Alfred, Amesbury
Foster, Jerome, Pawlet, VT
Gould, Abraham I., Jr., Andover, MA
Hall, Gardiner S., North Providence, RI
Hawes, Franklin S., Dorchester
Hawes, Lafayette, West Boylston
Hawthorne, Lucius, 2d, Springfield
Hayden, Chas. H., Pembroke, ME
Hazelton, E.F., Lowell
Hill, Dr. Moses, Manchester, MA
Howe, Jason L., Springfield
Howe, Leland, Townsend, VT
Howe, Marshall, Pawlet, VT
Jewett, Jarvis, St. Johnsbury, VT
Johnson, John, Amesbury
Kirwin, Patrick, New Bedford
Lane, Warren, Portsmouth, NH
Langford, Charles, Gloucester
Lee, Edwin, North Providence, RI
Lewis, Daniel, Pawlet, VT
Libbey, Cyrus, Portland, ME
Lilley, Charles, New Bedford
Lynde, Nathan, Jr., Charlestown, MA
Martin, John W., Woonsocket, RI
Moore, Jona, Wells
Murphy, Weymouth, Portsmouth, NH
Osgood, Benjamin, Salisbury
Oxnard, William F., Portland, ME
Parker, William M., Manchester, NH
Pattengill, Ezra L., Perry, ME
Phelps, C.W., East Ruport, VT
Robbins, George, Newfame
Robinson, Abbot, Pawlet, VT
Rogers, Amos C., Danbury, VT
Rogers, Amos E., Danbury, VT.
Sargent, Thomas W., Gloucester
Sawyer, Edward A., Amesbury
Shafter, John d., Athens, VT
Slade, Geo. W., Fall River
Smith, Chas. L., Fall River
Smith, James G., Pawlet, VT
Smith, James L., Swampscot, MA
Snow, Henry, Hampden, ME
Southworth, Thomas, Fall River
Stanley, William, South Boston
Stillwell, Wm., fall River
Thurston, John T., North Providence, RI
Tibbets, Henry, Hamilton
Tombs, Joseph H., South Boston
Usher, Daniel, Providence, RI
Valentine, Edward L., Ashland
Waldron, Frederick A., Providence, RI
Walker, James, Woburn
Warner, Chas. A., Granby
Williams, Thomas, Salisbury
Wilson, Geo. W., Cavendish, VT
Woodbury, Alpheus, Gloucester
Worthley, William B., Manchester, NH
The schooner Edwin, Capt. Cheever, sailed from Boston on the 1st inst. for Chagres, with the following passengers:-
Adams, Dr., Gilmanton, NH
Allen, S.E., Boston
Borden, James
Branger, Arthur, Watertown
Brown, Moses, Salisbury
Davis, James, Boston
Dunlap, Horace, Salem
Eastman, J.J., Pittsfield, NH
Frost, B.G., Sandwich, NH
Frost, Samuel, Boston
Howard, John, Boston
Howard, Levi, Boston
Jameson, Francis, Salem
Kidder, Wm., Newburyport
Lyford, H.T., Barnstead, NH
Mansfield, _., Boston
Moore, Edmund M., Lowell
Moore, John M., Newburyport
Nelson, David O., Byfield
Sadler, Francis, Salem
Sanborn, C., Barnstead, NH
Sanger, T.D., Lowell
Thompson, Richard M., Newburyport
Tibbits, Dr., Gilmanton, NH
Watson, Wm., Boston
Wentworth, _., Boston
The Charlotte will probably be off tomorrow, with about
120 passengers, among whom is Parker H. Pierce, Jr., left behind
by the Leonore."
The ship Sweden, Captain Cotting, sailed on the 1st instant, from Boston for California, with the following passengers:--
(see also Boston Daily Evening Transcript)
Mount Washington Company:
Cass, V. Baxter, South Boston
Haskell, John, South Boston
Pike, Charles, South Boston
Prescott, True P., South Boston
Rowe, Amarish F., South Boston
Stevens, John, South Boston
Stickney, William W., South Boston
Street, C.H., South Boston
Roxbury Sagamore Company:
From Roxbury:
Bumrell (Rumrell ?), E.B.
Burrell, Benjamin M.
Burrell, Charles B.
Carrier (Currier ?), Eldridge
Cogswell, M._.
Collins (Callins ?), Isaac
Davenport, L.D.
Gorton, John H.
Hancock, L.H.
Head, James R.
Holmes, Joseph
Jones, Alex.
Jones, William
Litchfield, Edwin
Lo___. Alvin
McIntosh, E.D.
Morse, Franklin
Rand, Isaac H.
Scott, Isaac
Skilton, William
Taylor, Henry R.
Tolman, John, Jr.
Twiss, Francis A.
Whorley, H.H.
From Boston:
Allen, Albert
Bailey, Benjamin
Benson, Anthony
Clough, William
Cooper, George H.
Drew, I.M.
Drew, Luther
Eastman, Joseph S.
Elliott, W.H.
Gowan, Benjamin
Graffam, Stephen M.
Gregory, Geo. A.
Gwinn, E.H.
Hartwell, F.
Hopkins, Alex.
Lord, Moses I.
Mills, C.B. (E.?)
Moore, George C.
Moore, James B.
Nevers, Samuel
Osgood, Hiram P.
Parker, Thomas
Patten, F.W.
Tileston, William H.
Tonney (Tenney, Tunney ?), Wm.
Treadwell, Leonard L.
Additional Members of Roxbury Sagamore Company:
Adams, Samuel, Portland
Bailey, G., Cambridgeport
Balcom, D.O., Lowell
Ballard, Richd. S., Framingham
Ballon (Ballou ?), George
Ballon (Ballou ?), John Q.A.
Bateman, G.E.
Belknap, Appleton, Framingham
Bicknall, Alfred, Augusta
Boxton (Buxton, Sexton ?), Benjamin, Cambridgeport
Boxton (Buxton, Sexton ?), Henry Cambridgeport
Buckminster, Miles, Keene
Bullard, Rufus, Westford, MA
Burkett, John T., Warren, ME
Burns, S.L., Concord, MA
Campbell, Thomas W., Gilmanton, NH
Carpenter, Jesse, Thompson, CT
Carter, Elijah
Cartwright Thomas, Roxbury
Ch_ch (Clinch ??), B.M., Roxbury
Chisam, Harvey, Lowell
Chuch (???), C.,Calais, ME
Colson, Eben, Bath, ME
Cram, E.D., Concord, MA
Crocker, Isaac, Lowell
Dale, Anson, Walpole, NH
DeFreitas, L.I., Reading, MA
Dickenson, Oren, Keene
Dorrance, John R., Providence
Downer, James, Abington
Downs, John I.
Edwards, Joshua, Lowell
Elliott, Dr. _.
Ellis, Leander D., Sandwich
Emerson, Joel D., Lowell
Erskine, M.B., Westford, MA
Fellows, Stephen, East Andover
Fuller, Charles H., Concord, MA
Gannett, J.C.H., Providence
Gerard, Stephen, East Andover
Goodwin, G.K., Dover, NH
Gragg, George T., Roxbury
Hager, George, Keene
Hatch, Dr. Thomas E., Keene
Hatch, Reuben, Keene
Hay, Sidney, Saratoga, NY
Holmes, B.F., Keene
Howard, Robert, Charlestown
Hussey, M., Jefferson, ME
Kelley, Dr. I., Bristol, NH
Kilton, I.M., Grafton
Knowles, Richard, South Boston
Langley, Samuel, Shirley
Leathe, Edwin T., Cambridgetown
Leonard, W.V., Augusta
Lindsay, Israel H.
Lock (Look ?), E.H., Langdon, NH
Loveday, Robert, Jr., Newton
Loveday, Robert, Newton
Marrell, I.W., Troy, NY
Mason (Maxon ?),Charles, South Berwick
Mason, Hiram, Lowell
Matthews, I.S., Troy, NY
McAllister, I., Jr.
McClure, Moses V., Cambridgeport
Miller, J.R., Warren, ME
Miller, John, Jr., Warren, ME
Montgomery, Samuel, Warren, ME
Moore, Hadlock, Josiah B., Lowell
Moore, Peter R., Lowell
Morse, I., Portland
Morse, Willard, Paris, ME
Norton, Benjamin B., Warren, ME
Ordway, William, Turin, NY
Orme, Charles A., Cambridgeport
Packard, Lewis C., Providence
Parker, Dr. James O., Shirley
Parker, G.
Patten, E.C., British Provinces
Patten, Robert F.
Pearson, John T., Woburn
Pillsbury, William O., Augusta
Poor, Charles A.
Porter, Samuel, Sterling
Potter, John
Puffer, N.B., Concord, MA
Rand, Bradford B., Framingham
Ready, William H., Westford, MA
Reed, Albert, Calais, ME
Revere, Nathan L., South Bridgewater
Revere, William, South Bridgewater
Richardson, Job, Charlestown
Sharp, James M., Lowell
Smith, Chas. H., Calais, ME
Smith, George
Smith, James, Abington
Snow, L.
Stratton, Charles E., New Ipswich, NH
Sweet, A.W.
Tasker, G.W.
Teele, Edw. L., Cambridgeport
Thayer, J.P., Cambridgeport
Towne, Thomas, Belfast
Truman, T.D.
Tufts, Benjamin, Cambridgeport
Wall, Peter, Bangor
Watts, D.C., Warren, ME
Webster, T.P., East Andover
Wells, Thomas G., Walpole, NH
Whiting, E.
Williams, F., Reading, MA
Wilson, Allen T., and wife
Wood, Francis, Woburn
Wright, David N., Keene
Wright, Phineas, Woodstock, CT
Wyman Oliver, Lowell
_blkcom (?), A.T. –East Boston
Belcher, John –East Boston
Briggs, Philip – Clarendon, NJ
Brown, Jos., Jr. –Petersham
Chadbourne, Stephen H.
Choate, Daniel, --Cambridgeport
Congdon, W.B. – Clarendon, NJ
Cressman, James W. – Clarendon, NJ
Davis, Phineas –Cambridge
Dudley, B.A.
Eldridge, Samuel – Clarendon, NJ
Gardner, I.H. --Boston
Gaskill, D.W.C. -- Clarendon, NJ
Gilman, Benj. S. –Bangor
Hall, C.H.
Hall, Caleb B. – Clarendon, NJ
Hastings, James –East Boston
Jenkins, Chas. S. –Barrs (?), MA
Johnson, Albert – Clarendon, NJ
Johnson, Josiah –East Boston
Loud, Samuel D.
Marshall, Jacob
McIntyre, Edw. B. –Lancaster, NH
Morrill, John A. –Cambridgeport
Olmstead, Jas. T. --Boston
Parker, Isaac S. –Cambridgeport
Smith, A.D. –Clarendon, NJ
Sprague, Jas. –South Weymouth
Sprague, Jesse H. –South Weymouth
Titcomb, Alfred
Titcomb, Ichabod
Webster, Henry Augustus –Boston
Wilbur, W.L. –East Boston
Wilson, A.H. – Clarendon, NJ
The following persons left Newark on the 1st instant, and will proceed by the overland route:--
From Belleville:
Baldwin, Louis B.
Canfield, Moses
Casterline, Benjamin
Crockett, John R.
Darcy, John S.
Fowler, Thomas
Gray, Andrew J.
Gray, Charles
Jaralemon (Jeralemon ?), Abraham
Kinney, W. Donaldson
Lewis, William T. (Contact: Gwen
Meeker, S.H.
Pennington, J.A.
Young, Thomas
Additional members of wagon train:
Baldwin, Augustus – Jersey City
Bond, Robert –Lyons’ Farm
Boughton, Caleb –Elizabethtown
Cartwright, Alex. J., Jr. –NY
Denman, Job –Springfield
Doty, J.T. –Elizabethtown
Emery, William – Jersey City
Emery, William, Jr. –Warren County
Gillespie, C.B. – Jersey City
Hicks, C. – Jersey City
Hunt, John (Dr. Darcy’s servant)
Jobes, Asfield – Jersey City
Johnson, Henry L. – Jersey City
Lewis, James, Jr –Hanover
Martin, G.W. – Jersey City
Martin, Jos. H. – Jersey City
Overton, Isaac –Jersey City
Overton, John B. – Jersey City
Richards, John – Jersey City
Sayre, George – Jersey City
Seeley, T.W. –NY
Woolsey, B.F. – Jersey City
NOTE: The New York Herald published two listings for the Algoma in the same newspaper. There are several inconsistencies in the lists in both spelling and group membership.
Passengers in the bark Algoma, Capt. Skaats, sailed from Philadelphia, March 1, for California:
Algoma Mining and Mercantile Company:--
Addis, John
Baker, Wm.
Barnstead, Thomas S.
Berry, Benj. L.
Boswell, John D.
Currin, James C.
Hammond, Samuel
Hickman, Harbeson
Jones, Franklin L.
Lemon, James
Mayhew, Furman M.
Middleton, John
Peterson, Geo.
Potts, Ignatius
Read, Henry
Smith, Joseph S.
Additional passengers:
Barbie, Geo. , Philadelphia
Bingham, Thos., Jr., Philadelphia
Brunner, Wm. , Philadelphia
Coffin, L.B. , Philadelphia
Goois (Goods ?), Wm. J. , Philadelphia
Hall, James E. , Philadelphia
Johnson, Francis W.G. , Philadelphia
Jones, Jefferson P., Wilmington, DE
Keise, Geo., Summit Hill
Lemon, Rodolph, Philadelphia
Lents, Amos, Mauch Chuck
Leyson, John, Mauch Chuck
Leyson, Reed, Mauch Chuck
Lockhart, Josiah, Philadelphia
McLean, Douglass, Summit Hill
McLean, John, Summit Hill
McLean, Samuel, Summit Hill
Protherd, Wm., Mauch Chuck
Stevenson, Saml. C. , Philadelphia
Ward, John P. , Philadelphia
Mauch Chunk Co.:
Burbank, H.C., Mauch Chunk
Duncan, James, Mauch Chunk
Evans, John, Summit Hill
Fattier, Chas. E., Mauch Chunk
Haghes (Hughes ?), Robt., Summit Hill
Jones, Owen., Summit Hill
Jones, Thos., Summit Hill
Kelly, Thos. D., Mauch Chunk
Lewis, Wm., Summit Hill
Lippincott, B.R., Mauch Chunk
Lyndal, Wm. E., Mauch Chunk
Nichol, Robert, Mauch Chunk
Pitman, Francis, Washington, D.C.
Ramsey, F.A., Mauch Chunk
Roberts, Edwd., Summit Hill
Roberts, John, Summit Hill
Snyder, P.H., Mauch Chunk
Sterling, W.G., Wilkesbarre
White, Chas. L., Mauch Chunk
The bark Algoma left Philadelphia, on the 1st inst., for California, with the following passengers:
Algoma Mining Company--
Barnstead, Thomas A.
Baker, Wm.
Hickman, Harleson
Smith, Joseph S.
Berry, Benj. L.
Peterson, George
Currin, Jas. C.
Adois, Ives
Potts, Ignatius
Boswell, Jno. D.
Middleton, Jno.
Mayhew, Furman M.
Read, Henry
Jones, F.L.
Lemon, James
Hammond, Sam’l.
Mauch Chunk Company—
Burbank, H.G. (or H.C.)
Duncan, Jas.
Evans, John
Fetter, C.R. (or C.K.)
Fitman, F.
Hughes, Robert
Jones, Owen
Jones, Thos.
Kelly, T.D.
Lents, Amos
Lewis, Wm.
Leyson, Jno.
Leyson, Rees
Lippencott, B.R.
Lyndal, Wm. E.
Nichol, Robt.
Prothard, Wm.
Ramsey, F.A.
Roberts, Edw.
Roberts, John
Snyder, P.H.
Sterling, W.G.
White, C.L.
From Philadelphia--
Barble, Geo.
Binghams, Thos.
Brunner, William
Coffin, L.B.
Good (Goed ?), W.J.
Hall, J.E.
Johnston, F.W.G.
Lemon, Rodolphe
Lockhart, Josiah
Stevenson, S.C.
Ward, J.P.
From Summit Hill—
Douglas, Jefferson P., from Wilmington, Del.
Kelse, Geo.
McLean, Douglas
McLean, John
McLean, S.
“The departure was witnessed by at least a thousand persons.”
The bark Ralph, (Capt.) Cross, has been purchased for
California by a company of twenty persons in Philadelphia, among whom is
Orrin Baily, the present clerk of Mayor Swift.
Passengers in the brig Jennett, Capt. Brown, from Baltimore:--
Anderson, W.W.
Clark, John
Denis, John
Dobb, Joseph
Dresser (?), H.
Elliott, John
Godolpho, Arthur
Greer, Monso (?)
Harrison, Wm.
Homer, Dr.
Houty, O.O.
Jenkins, J.M.
Kelly, E.C.
Klei__ (Kleirs ?), Charles F.
Lane, James
Lyons, Wilson J.
Paris, S.P.
Peagare (?), Henry
Perry, John E.
Redfield, C.
Redfield, H.A.
Reinhart, _.
Reynal, G.
Sullivan, Michael
Taneon (?), Felip
Werths, Edward
Wilson, James
Winermeller, John A.
The steamship Isthmus cleared at New Orleans, on the 19th ult., for Chagres, having on board the following passengers bound to California:--
Baird, J.H.
Bartlett, F.G., and servant
Berthe (Bertha ?), Joseph E.
Booker, H.H.
Brown, George
Carroll, James C.
Cochran, Jerry S.T.
Coles, J.P.
Connally, J.S.
Coulter, Sol.
Davenport, Dr. M.
Davidson, Robert
Davis, E.L.
Dorian, Joseph
Freanor, James L.
Goln (Goin ?), Wm.
Hall, Robert
Hayden, Chas. S.
Herre, W.F.
Higginbothen (Higginbathan ?), C.
Jones, Edward
Jordan, H.F.
Kugn (?), Lewis
Latimer, N.D.
Little, Washington G.
Lott, E.
Maunsell, Edward
McKinsey, Wm.
Millspaugh (Millepaugh ?), Edward
Morse, P.A., and servant
Norris, James
Nunnally, Wm.
Sanborne, Charles H.
Sheldon, S.B., and servant
Taylor, John
Weber, Christian
Webster, J.T.
Wheeler, H.C.
Wheeler, J.T.
Wheeler, L.M.
Wheeler, W.H.
Wright, Augustus
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