Panama Star
Panama City, Panama
August 11, 1849
NOTE: This list was published as shown below. There was no indication of the name of the ship the passengers arrived on or planned to board for the trip to California, assuming that California was their final destination. The initials following names are state abbreviations or a more specific place of origin.
Abel, GeorgeEaston, --PA
Anderson, J.G. --NO
Barkin, James O. --NO
Barnham, E.L. --Havana
Bluxem, J. --NO
Bodger, W.W. --VA
Boock, D.C
Boyd, W. --NO
Brown, F.C. --GA
Brown, Peter W. --NO
Brown, Wm --NO
Browning, J. --NO
Burdsall, J.M. --NYC
Burgess, Edward --NYC
Capp, W. --TN
Carman, Benjamin --NYC
Chase, Samuel --NO
Coleman, James --IA
Daniels, Maj. Joseph --Galveston, TX
Darke, H. --NO
Davis, Wm --NO
Delano, C.T. --Vicksburgh, MI
Denis, G.K. --Houston,TX
Donnelly, Hector --Havana
Dormady, Wm --NY
Drury, E.A. --St. Louis, MO
Dunbar, Capt. --NO
Duncan, J.H. --AL
Edwards, Rich --NY
Flower, H.L. --Cincinnati, OH
Ford, W. --NO
Foster, Walter R. --NO
Gaillard M.D., Edward --AL
Gaillard, R. --AL
Gorman, Jas --NO
Grarn, G. --Houston,TX
Griswold, Daniel --England
Hancy, Amos --Havana
Hicks, S.H. -NO
Hillman, Sam --NO
Hinchman, M.O. --NO
Howard, W.B.H. --NO
Howison, Henry --Washington City (D.C. ?)
Hoyt, Manson --Norwich, CT
Hoyt, Wm --St. Louis, MO
Hudson, Henry A. --Baltimore, MD
Hunt, Jno --NO
Hussey, John
Istham, C. --NO
Johnson, James --LA
Jones, George --NY
Jones, John M. --TN
Knowles, Peter --NO
Lawrence, Geo. --Dt (Detroit ??)
Lindexberger, S.E. --NO
Lowitz, E. --NY
Lusty, Thomas K.
Lynch, Thomas --NYC
Maxcon, G.W. --Chilicothe, OH
McCabe, A.J. --NO
McCabe, J.W. --NO
McDowell, R. --Westeonson (Wisconsin ?)
McGhoid (sp?), James --NO
McIntosh, W.B. --LA
McKeny, J. --NO
McMillan, H. --NY
McMillane, R. --NO
Milho, A. --NO
Morrison, Alexander --NO
Murphy, D.W. --NO
Murphy, D.W. --Houston, TX
Murphy, Robert L. --Houston, TX
Niret, Thomas --AL
Patmer, Norris W. --Wilmington, DE
Percifur, Thomas --Ookupsire, NY
Percy Westeonson --(Wisconsin ?)
Perry, George --TN
Pinkney, G.W. --NY
Price, Wm W. --NO
Prince, E. --NO
Rawle, E.S. --NO
Ryerson, Wm T. --NY
Sanchez, K.B. --FL
Simmons, George --TN
Simpson, Chas S. --Philadelphia, PA
Simpson, W.H. --NY
Smith, J. Thos Marsh --Baltimore, MD
Stuyvensant, Henry --NY
Thomas, C.F. Natchez, --MS
Thompson, James --Carolina
Thompson, Morris --TN
Thompson, R.G. --NYC
Thorp M.D., John F. (Signed for himself and thirty friends, members of the Lafayette
Company, Lafayette, LA)
Timpkins, W.H. --NY
Tobin, Jas --NO
Toole, James H. --NO
Tyson, F. Baltimore, --MD
Watters, Wm --Brooklyn, NY
Watts, Jonathan --NO
Weisser, H. --Pensacola, FL
Weld, Gilbert C. --NYC
Werthecomber, Philip --Vienna
Whiban (Waiban ?), Fred --NY
Wood, Wm H.
NO: New Orleans
NYC: New York City
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