California Bound by

New York Daily Times, January 6, 1852

SS Prometheus
Captain Churchill
Sailed from New York City: January 5, 1852

PORT OF NEW YORK .... Jan. 5.

Steamship Prometheus, Churchill, San Juan de Nicaragua.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Prometheus, for San Juan --
Abbott, J.
Adams, C.
Adams, J.
Adams, John S.
Adams, John
Akerman, Wm.
Alden, H. T.
Allen, J. M.
Armstrong, Mrs., and two children
Ashley, Mark T.
Baker, John, and wife
Ballard, John H.
Bancker, Mrs. A., and serv't.
Bangs, R.
Bansom, A.
Barnes, R. E.
Barrett, T.
Barry, A. H.
Bartlett, C.
Bean, F.
Bean, M.
Bean, S.
Bean, W.
Bernard, Mrs. B.
Berry, Samuel
Bevan, M. H.
Bird, W.
Birdsall, Geo., wife and four children
Bittenbauner, J.
Black, R.
Blamey, N. J.
Blamey, Richard
Blandford, Charles
Bliss, Q.
Bond, M. P.
Booth, George A.
Booth, J. F.
Borsch, N.
Bovington (??), G.
Boyd, D.
Boyd, G.
Brackett, J. W.
Briggs, Wm. H.
Brittain, A. W.
Brodwick, S.
Bromley, R. S.
Brown, H. B.
Brown, Joel
Brown, Mrs. and child
Brown, S. L.
Bryant, C. T.
Bryant, J. W.
Buckley, F.
Buckley, G.
Buckley, R.
Bucton, R. B.
Burlingame, Giles
Burton, J. P.
Buswell, G. H.
Buswell, O. B.
Butler, O.
Butts, Geo.
Calderwood, George
Carrington, D.
Carter, Henry
Carver, Oliver
Castle, F.
Chase, E. B.
Chipman, E. L.
Clark, E. W.
Clark, Mr.
Clark, W. H., and wife
Clerken, Philip
Coch, Joseph
Cole, Benjamin
Cole, Corus
Cole, David
Cole, John
Collins, Mr.
Condon, H.
Condon, J.
Condon, Seth
Conrad, A.
Conrad, S.
Copeland, George
Cornell, G. W.
Cornell, P.
Corwin, S., Jr.
Cosgrove, P.
Crane, Asa
Crayton, John
Crayton, Robert
Cronkelite, Hosea
Crosby, Anthony
Crosier, F.
Croyland, John
Curnass, B. F.
Cushen, J.
Cushen, Jos.
Davey, Robert
Davidson, T. W. G.
Davis, J.
Davis, W. H.
Day, G. B.
Deizel, D. L., wife and two children
Dennett, S. R.
Dillon, P. F.
Doane, E. W.
Dodge, B.
Dodge, Wm. H.
Donavan, John
Donohoe, M.
Dorman, Wm. F.
Dorr, N. G.
Doyle, J. W.
Drake, J. H.
Drake, Samuel A.
Dunn, A.
Dunning, S.
Dyer, H. P.
Dyer, O.
Eastman, J. M.
Eastman, John
Eaton, Lyman
Edmonds, Chas.
Elliott, John
Elliott, John
Evans, C. W.
Farrard (?), J.
Ferbush, H.
Ferguson, Barney
Fitch, Wm. H.
Flanders, P. M.
Flanders, Seth
Flannegan, F.
Flint, N.
Fogg, A. H.
Folsom, J.
Ford, F. S.
Franjoy, J.
Gaffrey, Paul
Gallup, H.
Gay, A. M.
Gilbert, James S.
Gilley, J.
Gleason, C.
Gleason, L. W.
Godley, S.
Goin, T., and wife
Goldthwaite, T.
Goodby, M.
Goodwin, C. H.
Grant, L. W.
Graves, Wm. M.
Gray, Jas. M.
Green, A.
Griffin, H.
Guiney (Gulney ?), Wm.
Gulliver, Jas. M.
Gunbe, C. F.
Hall, M.
Hanover, H. F.
Hardy, J.
Harloe, M. H.
Harrison, G. W.
Harvey, G.
Hatch, C. E.
Hawks, A.
Hell (sic), E. N.
Helmer, C. J.
Henderson, W. L.
Hidden, M. S.
Hide (Hyde ?), J.
Higgins, E. G.
Hill, J.
Holbrook, W. H.
Holman, T. H.
Hosford, Geo.
Hosford, W.
Houghton, C.
Howard, Mrs. M. H.
Hubbell, C.
Hudson, Mr.
Hunt, S. F.
Huse, Thomas
Isaac, J.
Jackson, Edward F.
Jackson, S.
Jenner, Mrs., and four children
Jennings, M.
Jennison, W.
Jones, Cyrus
Jordan, Geo.
Kane, James
Keefe, Dennis
Keefe, Mich
Keefe, Mrs. D.
Keller, J. H.
Kelley, Hugh
Kelyea (Kilyea, Kalyea ?), John
Kennman, W. W.
Kent, D. Q.
Kent, R. S.
Kerrins, Terrence
Kin_en (Kinsen, Kinnen ?), J.
King, A., Jr.
King, R.
Kingsley, W.
Knapp, W. L.
Lamb, H.
Lamb, P.
Lambert, F.
Lancaster, J. B.
Larimer, W. J.
Lawless, John
Lawrence, B.
Layton, Joseph
Leyer, Anton
Linsley, J. B.
Lockwood, M. F.
Lonegaw, P.
Loomer (Loemer ?), Alden
Loring, T. A.
Lowrey, R.
Lowrey, S.
Lunsley, Mrs.
Maes, Mrs., and two daughters
Mallon, E., and wife
Maloney, James
Markland, W. N.
Marshall, M.
Martin, A.
Martin, Charles
Martin, Leonard
Mason, D.
Mason, J.
Mason, L.
Mather, John
Matthews, G. R.
Matthews, N. O.
McCane, P.
McCormick, J.
McCurdy, A.
McDonald, E.
McDougall, M.
McGowan, D.
McIntosh, Geo. A.
McIntosh, J.
McLaughlin, E. B.
McLusky, C.
McManus, P.
McMartin, Miss H.
McMaster, A. P.
McMaster, Levi
McWilliams, H.
Mead, A.
Mead, Geo.
Mead, Isaac
Mead, W.
Mealey, Roger
Meech, J. H.
Meek, E. G., lady, three children and nurse
Mettler, Jacob
Meyer, L.
Middich, C. W., wife and daughter
Miles, E. F.
Miles, W.
Miller (??), Miram
Mills, C. A.
Mitchell, David
Mitchell, J.
Moody, W. H.
Moore, H. W.
Morey, Erastus
Morgan, J. A.
Morgan, John
Morrill, N. W.
Morrison, A. G.
Moss, D. S.
Moulton, Wm.
Moyer, G. W.
Mulhanan, John
Mullen, Barnard (Contact: Gloria Mullen Morris)
Mullin, J.
Munroe, M. E.
Murray, John
Nason, T.
Nesh (Ne_sh ?), J.
Newcomb, J.
Newell, F.
Nichols, L.
Niles, A.
Niles, C.
Nixon, George
Northrop, H. C.
Northrop, J. B.
Norton, Ab'm. W.
Nye, R.
O'Brien, G.
O'Donnel, Jeremiah
O'Donnel, John
Olomore, Alex
Oram, Morris
Osgood, N.
Otis, B.
Packard, C.
Parnell, J.
Parsons, Joel
Patterson, J. E.
Pearkes, F.
Pearkes, G.
Peck, A.
Peck, D. E.
Peel, J., Jr.
Peel, John, and serv't.
Peel, M.
Peel, M. A.
Perry, E. B.
Perry, E. J.
Pettigrow (??), N. A.
Pierce, F.
Placer, David
Platt, C. W.
Platt, H. B., and wife
Plumb, C. H.
Plumb, J. B.
Pomroy, J.
Powers, Edw.
Prag, C.
Pratt, W. T.
Preston, L. O., wife and son
Preston, Mrs. L., and child
Preston, T. J.
Pusher, George
Pusher, P.
Pusher, Timothy
Rafford, R.
Ragg, Mrs., and two children
Randall, N.
Ranney, G. C.
Ray, Henry
Raynor, C. L.
Reed, H.
Reed, J. W.
Reed, N. G.
Reed, W. M.
Reinhart, C.
Richardson, J.
Richardson, J. R.
Riddle, M.
Robinson, John
Roe, Benjamin
Rogers, C.
Rogers, Thomas W.
Rooney, Mrs. J.
Rooney, Thomas, and two boys
Rugg, Ur_a_ (?)
Ruig (Rugg ?), David
Russ, D. T.
Ryan, Morris
Sammis, E. B., and wife
Sampson, George
Saunders, F. O.
Scott, H.
Seaman, C. H.
Shannon (?), T.
Sheakley, James
Shepard, A.
Shettuck, George
Shofler, John
Simpson (Simpset ?), J.
Simpson, J. W.
Simpson, W.
Sisson (Bisson ?), W.
Smith, C., and wife
Smith, Chas. L.
Smith, David
Smith, E. L.
Smith, G.
Smith, Henry
Smith, J. B.
Smith, J. C.
Snell, W. H.
Spalding, R. W.
Spear, James
Spencer, A. F.
Spencer, H.
Spring, Richard
Stapleton, S.
Steeper (?), W. O.
Stephens, M.
Stetson, B.
Stevens, L. W.
Stickney, Daniel
Stretch, John
Strong, B. F.
Strubt (Strubl, Strubi ?), J.
Swafey, N. G.
Swan, N. A.
Swift, H. A.
Sylvester, Miss
T_olop (?), D.
Taggart, A.
Taylor, F.
Teufler, Ober
Thomas, Joel
Thompson, Mr.
Thompson, William
Thorp, W.
Tiffany, A., and wife
Tinkham, L.
Tobin, George
Turner, J. O.
Turner, M. J.
Tuttle, C. W.
Underwood, J. N.
Van Alstyne, Geo.
Van Keuren, A. S.
Van Pelt, G. W.
Van Sickle, J. H.
Veeder, Myron
Vesey, John L.
Wadleigh, M.
Walker, R. G.
Ward, George
Ware, A. H.
Ware, Wm.
Watson, W.
Watts (Waits ?), Bailey
Weaver, W.
Weed, Jacob
Weill, Mrs. J., and son
Weit (Wert ?), E.
Welton, J. S.
Weter, S.
Wheeler, John
White, Mrs. J.
Williamson, J. T.
Wilson, Geo.
Wilson, J.
Wilson, R. H.
Winney, D.
Winney, Mrs. D.
Winslow, Edw.
Wolf, Mrs.
Wood, R.
Woodbury, Joseph
Woodman, C.
Woodruff, A. L.
Woods, H.
Woods, S. N.
Woodworth, Mrs. E.
Wooster, D.
Wright, G. W.

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