California Bound by

The New York Daily Times, April 6, 1852

SS Northern Light
Captain Tinklepaugh
Sailed from New York City: April 5, 1852

NOTE: The Clipper ship Northern Light was running between Central America and San Francisco at this time and it arrived in San Francisco on May 25, 1852. The passenger list was different and it was commanded by Capt. Loring. (See: "San Francisco Ship Passenger Lists, Vol. I" by Louis J. Rassmussen, or the Maritime Heritage Project for additional information.

PORT OF NEW YORK .... April 5, 1852.

Steamer Northern Light, Tinklepaugh, San Juan, D. B. Allen.

Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Northern Light from this port for San Juan.---
First Cabin:
_orbin ( Corbin ?),C. P.
Abbott, J. H.
Allen, Edward
Allen, James
Alsop, Miss L.
Ancock, E., and wife
Andrews, J.
Armstrong, J.
Armstrong, J.
Armstrong, O. R.
Bailey, E.
Baldwin, J.
Barlow, B. F.
Bartlett, B. L.
Barton, Mrs.
Barton, R. A. S.
Barton, W.
Bassler, J.
Baum, E.
Beach, A.
Beardsley, F.
Beattie, George
Beattie, William
Benchley, Mrs. H., child and servant
Benjamin, H.
Benjamin, W. A.
Bennett ( Bensett ?), J.
Bennett, Jos.
Bennett, S. H.
Benson, Wm. S.
Bidings ( Billings ?), L.
Bigham, Wm.
Blain, J. D., wife, child, and servant
Blakesly, L.
Blood, R.
Bockins, C. G.
Boston, Mrs., and infant
Bowles, C.
Bowles, D.
Bowles, R.
Boynton, A.
Bradford, C.
Bradford, Mrs.
Bragg, G. F.
Bramhall, B.
Briant, J.
Brock, C. M.
Brooks, Mrs.
Brooks, W. E.
Brophy, P.
Brown, J. B.
Brown, Mrs.
Brownell, J.
Brubaker, E. P.
Brubaker, J. B.
Buchanan, S. E.
Bullard, W.
Burrows, C. E.
Burt, S. F.
Burtin, James W.
Cameron, J. A.
Carlton, D. B.
Carnghan, Jas. L.
Carpenter, L. G.
Carpenter, Mrs.
Carpenter, Thos.
Case, Isaac
Chamberlain, Eben
Chamberlin, E.
Chapman, J.
Chase, G. W., and wife
Chipman, J. B., Jr.
Choat, E.
Clark, E. M.
Clark, J., and wife
Clayton, J. T.
Cloud, John
Cody, Mrs. C., and child
Coffinger, Wm.
Cole, F.
Coles, J.
Collins, Mrs.
Condit, J. H.
Cook, D. W.
Cook, S. B.
Cooper, S. B.
_orbin ( Corbin ?),C. P.
Crandall, R.
Crane, N., and servant
Craven, J.
Crocker, B.
Crocker, George D.
Cross, H. H.
Crouse, G. H.
Crowell, Wm. E.
Cummings, E.
Cushing, M. G.
Cutler, L. C.
Daggett, Wm. F.
Dalrymple, F. B.
Davidson, A. N.
Davidson, E. B.
Davidson, Geo. E.
Davis, C. W.
Davis, D.
Davis, G. F.
Day, J. K.
Deam, J. S., and wife
Dean, T.
Delano, George E.
Deturk, O.
Devon, Wm.
Dickerman, S.
Dickesson, T.
Dietz, George
Disborough, D.
Disborough, Miss
Dodge, J. W.
Dodge, Mrs.
Doliver, T.
Donvar, J.
Douglas, G. W.
Downe, S. S., and servant
Doyle, James
Drew, D.
Dudley, J.
Duffield, J.
Dunlap, William
Dunne, A.
Dunstan, M. G., and wife
Dyer, S.
Ehenge ( Ehienge ?), M.
Ehmendorf ( Enmendorf ?), P. D.
Elliott, S. D.
Ellis, W.
Elwood, A.
Emerson, J. B.
Emery, C.
Erit, W. F.
Eschenberg, J.
Eschenberg, J. R.
Faas, J. J.
Farwell, L.
Ferguson, J.
Fetzer, J.
Forrest, J.
Foster, C. M.
Foster, F. A.
Fraky ( Fraley ?), Abm.
Fredericks, A. J.
Fredericks, G. N., and wife
Freeman, J.
French, Mr.
Frink, Wm. R.
Fuller, W. R.
Fulton, W. F.
Gallagher, Mrs., and two children
Garden, J. W.
Gates, H. K.
Gay, L. S.
Gerhart, E.
Gibbs, W.
Gilman, E. V.
Gilman, H.
Glass, F. G.
Goodman, C. K.
Goodman, S. H.
Goodspeed, J.
Greenwall, H.
Greenwall, M.
Grimes, P.
Grove, Mr.
Grove, Mr.
Grove, Mrs., 2 Misses Grove and servant
Grove, P.
Hague, J.
Hague, S.
Hall, A. S.
Hall, T. S.
Hanards, S. M.
Hardwick, I.
Harris, J.
Harrison, A. J.
Harter, James
Harvey, H. M.
Harvey, Mrs. H. M., and four children
Hayes, Henry
Hayes, John
Hayes, M.
Hendershot, W.
Henry, Jas. B.
Hill, B. S.
Hill, E. P.
Hill, W.
Hobert, J. P.
Holbrook, T.
Holden, R.
Holmes, A.
Holmes, A.
Holmes, E. H.
Holmes, Fph. (Rph. ??)
Hopkins, E. W.
Howe, Mrs. E. V.
Howes, F. B.
Hoxie, S. B.
Hoyt, R. M.
Hoyt, Wm. B.
Hubbard, W. H.
Hull, A.
Hull, J. A.
Humphrey, B.
Hyde, O., Jr.
Irwin, Mrs.
Jackson, C. L.
James, J., and child
James, Mrs.
Jervey, Mrs.
Johnson, C.
Johnson, J.
Johnson, Miss J.
Johnson, Mrs. M. A., and child
Johnson, S. S., wife and servant
Johnson, Wm.
Kastmel ( Kastniel ?), C.
Katz, S., and wife
Kavanaugh, C.
Keely, D.
Kendall, Mrs., and child
Kendall, W. T.
Kenny, C. V.
Kimball, N. R.
Kimberly, B.
King, Mr.
Kingman, W.
Kingsland, T. G.
Kingsley, L.
Kirchner, A.
Knapp, D., wife and child
Knight, D. E.
Kune, Maria
Landin (??), J.
Langdon, Mrs.
Larue, J.
Lee, J. H.
Leger, Mrs. G. W. and five children
Leise, John
Leonard, William
Lindinerth, N.
Lochna, G. W.
Lochner, J.
Lockwood, H.
Luce, I.
Lutherland, M.
Lyons, J. B.
Magil_on ( Migilson, Magilion ?), Thos.
Maguire, Dr. F. L.
Maguire, J. P.
Maguire, James P.
Maguire, T.
Mahan, M. H.
Mandelbaum, S., and wife
Manning, J.
Martin, G. H., wife and child
Matthews, C.
McCay, A.
McDonald, J, and wife
McKever, Mrs., and two children
McMullen (??), J.
Meals, D.
Meigs, Chas. A.
Meigs, D. T.
Merriam, P. C., and wife
Meyer, L.
Meyer, Mrs. and Miss
Miers, Jas.
Mil_echop ( Millechop ?), J. H.
Miller, D. F.
Miner, S.
Minor, Jas.
Montague, R.
Montgomery, D.
Montgomery, Wm.
Moore, A. S.
Morris, J. J.
Morris, R.
Morrison, D. S.
Morton, M.
Moss, F.
Moulton, J.
Mudgett, J. H.
Murphy, Wm.
Murray, H. K.
Newton, R., and servant
Nichol, Geo.
Nichols, C., and boy
Nichols, Mr.
Nichols, Mrs.
Nolds, J. C.
Nye, Mr., and wife
Obdill, Mrs., and child
O'Brien, J.
Olds, M. L.
Olson, S.
Olveny, P.
O'Neil, E.
O'Neil, J.
Ordway, W.
Orvis, C.
Osborn, A.
Owens, J. C.
Owens, M.
Palmer, M.
Palmer, S.
Parsons, S. S.
Patterson, Jas.
Patterson, Mrs. James
Patterson, Wm.
Peakes, J.
Peck, D.
Peck, H.
Peck, P. G.
Peck, William
Pemberthy, W., wife and two children
Pendleton, E.
Pennington, F. G.
Phair ( Phairs ?), H., and son
Phair ( Phairs ?), T.
Phairs ( Phair ?), Mrs. T., and two children
Picke, J. K.
Place, W. S.
Please, Mrs. P.
Poulterer, T. J.
Powell, Geo. L.
Preble, C. B.
Prouty, E. S.
Provest, T. A.
Ramsay, R.
Randall, M.
Ray, A. McNeil
Redfield, Thos.
Reed, Alex
Reed, G. B.
Reed, Wm. sen.
Reed, Wm., jr.
Reno, L. G.
Reynolds, O.
Riley, E.
Riley, J.
Riley, M.
Roach, Mr.
Robbins, C.
Robertson, E.
Robinson, B. W.
Robinson, J. C.
Robinson, J. W.
Robinson, M. H.
Rogers, J. H.
Rollins, H. P.
Rooster, Wm.
Rouser, N. J.
Rowe, Miss
Rowe, Mrs.
Rowe, Mrs., and 2 children
Rowe, W., and brother
Sabborn ( Sanborn ?), N. H.
Safford, D.
Sanders, G. W.
Sargent, B. C.
Saxton, A.
Schaffner, J.
Schinder, A.
Sealy, L.
Seibolt, G.
Sergent, Geo.
Shiel, T.
Sifford, D.
Smith, A. S.
Smith, C. F.
Smith, H.
Smith, S,
Snow, J. W.
Snowden, Wm., and child
Spink, S.
Spink, Wm.
Sprague, W.
Stevens, Geo.
Stevenson, J. C.
Stevenson, P.
Stone, Mrs. Mary
Stoughton, H.
Strain, M.
Strong, C.
Strong, S., Jr.
Stuart, C.
Stupp, Wm.
Sturges, S. C.
Swain, J. M.
Swain, S.
Swift, R.
Swininton, G. H.
Taber, F. E.
Tale, A.
Tale, Geo.
Taylor, C. O.
Temant, J. H., and boy
Temple, Wm. H.
Templeton, S.
Tenny, George, and servant
Thierris, Mrs.
Thompson, Miss M. A.
Tibbals, Mr.
Toll, Wm.
Traphagen, N. R. D.
Traynor, J.
Treadwell, J. P.
Tucker, T. W.
Tupper, H. L.
Turner, J.
Turner, P. C., Jr.
Tuttle, B.
Underwood, C. B.
Unz, O., and servant
Van Ness, C.
Van Sycle, Mr.
Van Sycle, W. B.
Veatch ( Veach ?), G. W.
Victory, J. W.
Vincent, Mrs.
Vincent, Mrs., and three children
Voorhis, H.
Wagner, Wm.
Wait (??), Waters
Walker, J. B.
Ward, Jas.
Warner, W. A.
Washburn, Henry
Wason, D.
Watson, Mr.
Way, Isaac J.
Webster, M.
Wells, Jas.
White, H. L.
White, J. H.
White, J. J.
Wicks, l.
Wilcox, J. M.
Wilde, A. T.
Wilkins, C.
Williams, D. F.
Williams, Wm.
Wilson, B.
Winslow, S. N. F.
Winterbottam ( Winterbottom ?), S. H.
Wisseman, F. C.
Wolf, Mrs., five children and infant
Wolff, Ludwig
Woodruff, C.
Woods, B. T.
Woods, N. H., and wife
Wright, C.
Wright, E. R.
Young, C.
Zigler, Wm.

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