SS Illinois
Captain Hartstein
Sailed from New York City: November 20, 1852
Illinois, Hartstein, Aspinwall, M. O. Roberts.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Illinois, for Aspinwall --
_andon (Landon ?),W.
Alexander, Mr.
Allen, P. C.
Amosman, J.
Arney, G., and boy
Aronshan, T.
Baker, T.
Baldwin, R. F.
Barr, W.
Barton, J. E.
Barton, R. P.
Baxter, Wm.
Be_el, _
Bedhalen, G.
Bell, C.
Bell, W. W.
Bertrand, C.
Biles, C.
Birch, J.
Blackmaker, M.
Blaisdell, W.
Blish (Blesh ?), and lady
Blish, A. H., and lady
Borden, T. H.
Borland, Master
Boynt_n (Boynton ?), J.
Brown, H., and lady
Burgess, J. E.
Burgess, James E.
Burgess, R.
Burgess, Robert
Busen, Mr.
Carter, Mrs. J.
Church, W.
Cobb, Lyman
Colton, R. E.
Con_y (Coney ?), Capt. D.
Cook, W. B.
Cowan, J.
Cowan, P. C.
Daniels, Mrs., and 2 children
Daniels, Rev. J.
Davis, J.
Day, G. W.
Dixon, E. W.
Dunaberg (Danaberg ?), A.
Duplex, O. P.
Eckly, J.
Emery, R.
Emery, Robert
F_tye (Fitye ?), Mr.
Fa_ington (Farington ?), H. H.
Fant (Flint ?), E.
Fay, C. F.
Field, D. M.
Field, S. H.
Field, W. G.
Fitzgerald, C.
Fitzgerald, Miss Ann
Flanagan, T. H.
Flint, E. P., and servant
Foster, W. C.
Fox, Miss K.
Freeman, M. S.
Frierson, Mrs.
Fuller, Major, U. S. A.
Ga_din_r (Gardiner ?), Mrs. S. E.
Gardiae (Gardlae ?), Jas. R.
Gill, Charles
Gilmore, D.
Goldsmidt, D., Jr.
Goldsmidt, D., lady, 2children and 2 servants
Goodrich, S. S.
Goodwin, C. C.
Goodwin, J. O.
Gould, S. S.
Gray, C. A.
Grimer (??), D. W.
Hagen, Mrs., and child
Hagen, Rev. E.
Hake (Rake ?), F. A.
Hall, E.
Hamilton, E. W.
Hanan, Mrs., and child
Hine, M.
Hogg, C. H.
Howard, A.
Hoyt, R. L.
Hudson, Capt. (of the P. M. S. S. Co,)
Huntington, N. W., and servant
Ja_lsen (??), J.
Jackeys, Mr.
Jacob, A.
Jacob, Mrs., child and servant
Janacy (??), J.
Jewett, W.
Kearney, Mrs.
Keeler, Mrs.
Kelenard, Mrs.
Kinne, L. K.
Klipman, A.
Kohn, J.
Kramer, William
Kraner, S.
Lanbert, P.
Landar, W.
Larrabee, A. J.
Lawn, A. T.
Lawton, G. T.
Leaver, Edwin
Lefore, Francis
Lewis, J.
Lewis, Mrs.
Lillie, G. B.
Lodtman, O.
Long, J.
Longfellow, J.
Lord, D. S.
Lowry, W. H.
Mann, W. T.
Martin, James
Mason, H.
Mathews, Mrs. M.
McCabe, P.
McGlyne, Col. J., and lady
McIntyre, S.
Merveman, M.
Mitchell, J.
Mitchell, J. M.
Moore, Charles S.
Moran (Mogan ?), R.
Morton, J.
Morton, J.
Mowrey, Lieut. E.
Murray, John
Myers, M. S.
Newbery, Isaac
Newton, J.
Neye (?)_, _
Nichols, G. R. (?)
Niles, W.
Page, A.
Parkhurst, C.
Parsons, A. B.
Parsons, G. H.
Parsons, Miss
Parsons, Mrs.
Patterson, O.
Patterson, W.
Patton, Mrs. E.
Pauley, Mrs. A. H., and 3 children
Peckham, James
Pelegman, A.
Picker, L.
Pike, J.
Po_sen (Possen ?), P.
Poinsett, G.
Prescott, A. R.
Prescott, W. H.
Pressmaker, F. M.
Rake (Hake ?), F. A.
Raymond, W. R.
Reed, T.
Rice, J.
Rice, J.
Ricker, I. I. (?)
Robinson, J. N.
Russell, H. W.
Ryan, T., and boy
Scott, E.
Scranton, J.
Shartle (Shattle ?), James A.
Shaw, P.
Sichel, G.
Smith, A. S.
Smith, G. M.
Smith, G. P.
Spring, J. R.
Stapleton, S.
Sterman, G. P.
Stocker, Capt.
Sweeney, D. S.
T__ton (Tipton, Triton ?), W. F.
Ten Eyck (??), A. C.
Thompson, Mrs.
Timanus (??), W. J.
Timmins, Michel
Todd, W. L.
Tracy, Jas. R.
Tucker, E. G.
Underhill, J. W., and lady
Van Allen, J.
Vaughn, E. C.
Vu_le (Vurle ?), and lady
Was_h (??), M.
Watson, H.
Watterhouse, M.
Wheeler, E. D.
Whiting, B.
Wiggit_s (Wiggitts (?)), A.
Willey, Charles J.
Williams, A. C.
Williams, Lieut. R.
Wilmot, Mrs.
Wilmot, Rev. W.
Wilson, H.
Wilste, G.
Woodbury, J.
Woodward, W.
Woodway, Wm.
Yernon, J., wife and 2 children
Young, F. C.
Young, F. G.
Young, Thomas
300 in steerage including a large number Panama railroad
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