NOTE: many of the passengers listed aboard the SS
Prometheus appear on the passenger list of the SS
Independence which arrived in San Francisco on January 8, 1853.
Check both lists for given names, variations in spellings and different
initials. An "*" after a name below indicates that a name, or variation
of it, appears on both lists.
Prometheus, Churchill, San Juan, D. B. Allen.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Prometheus, for San Juan de Nicaragua --
A_nt_ll (Antill ?), B.*
Ackert, P.
Allen, O.*
Allen, S., and wife
Andrews, R.
Andrews, T.
Bacon, J.*
Bagley, T.*
Bancock, O. B.
Barnes, J.*
Begole, A. T.
Bendle, W.
Bennett, N.*
Berry, _. Q.
Berry, J.*
Bertrand, A.
Blake, James
Boyd, S. P.
Buttingham, Mrs. E. L.*
Carton, J.
Cheeney, E. J.
Clark, A.*
Clark, Mrs. M.*
Copeland, G.
Copeland, R.
Crearner, J. M. or McCrearner, J.
Dacy, D.
Daly, P.
Davis, B.
De_ere (Devere ?), C.
Delany, W. D.
Dening, J. F.*
Diflen (Dillen ?), J.
Dillon, S.
Donnery, E.
Donovan, D.
Edmunds (Edmonds ?), Judge J. W.
Eisen, A.
English, J. M.
Everett, J.
Flynn, T. O.
Fogerty, Mrs.
Frary, A. P.*
Frary, Miss
Gardiner, T.*
Gatchell, A. O.
Gay, H. S.
Gayner, C.
Ge_nisheim, M.
Gough, P.
Gray, J.*
Gray, R.
Guay, F.
Hammond, J.*
Hand, F.
Hardenberg, J. G.*
Hasbronck, J.*
Helt (Holt ?), Mrs., and child*
Henion, D.
Holsey, A. S.
Horn, Mrs. J. B.*
Hudson, T.
Hughes, P.
Jones, J.*
Keenan, P.
Kirsman, Robert
Lake, T. B.*
Lea, H. G.
Littlefield, J. W.
Louis, V., and wife*
Marshall, J. R.*
Martin, G.
McCrearner, J. or Crearner, J. M.
McGrath, J.
McGrath, T.
Mead, R.
Mead, W., and wife*
Meehan, J.
Meers, S.
Meland, J.
Miller, H., and wife*
Moore, D.
Mullihan, J.
Mullihan, P.
Mullin, P.
Neville, T.*
Norcum (Norcom ?), Dr. H. S. S.*
Nowland, H. U.
O'Dwyer, P.
O'Dwyer, T.
Osman, G.
Ostrander, H. J., and wife*
Parish, G.
Pease, C.
Pease, L.
Pennell, R.
Phillips, L.
Pike, T.
Pinkham, A. W.
Pomeroy, Mrs., and 3 children*
Presta, J., wife and 2 servants
Rhodes, B. H., and servant*
Rice, C. R.
Rice, L., Jr.
Riley, P.
Riordan, Mrs., child, infant and servant*
Rogers, S.
Rowe, W.*
Say, Mrs. T.
Sharp, Mrs. Louisa*
Shore, J.
Shumway, S. A.
Sidersarf (??), W.
Smith, E.
Smith, G.*
Summerville, Robert
Taylor, J. C.
Touns, M.
Trask, H.*
Traylow, H.
Tuttle, E. (F. ?)
Valentine, Mr. (Mrs. ?)*
Voorhees, G.
Voorhees, James
Wainwright, W.*
Walsh, J.
Watson, J.
Willis, E. B.*
Witcher, J. C.*
Wood, Col., family and party
Young, R.*
and 237 in steerage.
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