California Bound by

New York Daily Times, January 6, 1853

SS United States
Captain Berry
Sailed from New York City: January 5, 1853

Port of New York ..... Wednesday, Jan. 5.

United States, Berry, Aspinwall, Jones & Johnson.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship United States, for Aspinwall --
Aardle, Mr.
Acus, E.
Adams, J.
Adams, S.
Alderson, S.
Ale_s, H.
Allen, A.
Alley, A.
Anderson, John
Arrowood, J.
Asbee (Aebee ?), J.
Bailey, _.
Bailey, A.
Baker, R.
Barney, H.
Bartram, W.
Basting, S.
Beckhart, R.
Beckwith, H.
Belmore, A.
Benneck, P.
Bennett, C.
Benton, J.
Berry, T.
Bert, F.
Bidwell, W. J.
Blakely, T.
Bloomer, J.
Boon, J.
Bradley, S.
Briggs, W.
Brinman, S.
Brite (??), H.
Brown, H.
Brummell, J.
Bucheldon, W.
Bulkland, S.
Burk, P.
Burnell, A.
Burnes (??), A.
Burnett, J.
Bush, Thomas S.
Butler, H.
Butterfield, H.
C_a_k (Clark ?), H.
Caggarsa, C.
Calloway, J.
Cammon, M.
Campbell, Wm.
Canerman (Camerman ?), E.
Cann, J.
Canon, A.
Canon, J.
Carroll, D.
Carter, G.
Chapman, G.
Charles, B.
Chittenden, Mr.
Church, Mrs.
Clark, A.
Clark, L.
Clark, Mrs.
Clark, P.
Clitler (??), J.
Coleman, A.
Coleman, C.
Coleman, J.
Collett, J.
Colley (Cotley ?), H.
Comer, Mrs.
Comer, T.
Cone, D.
Connell, Mrs.
Connely (Conneley ?), J.
Continay, J.
Copeland, Mr.
Copeland, R.
Cory, C.
Cowper, Miss
Crane, A.
Crites, Mr.
Crumb, Mrs.
Dalton, D.
Davis, G. B.
Daws, C.
Day, Mrs.
Day, S.
Dean, O.
Dean, T.
Dempsey, J.
Desendorf, J., wife and child
Dickinson, J.
Doughty, J.
Drener, J.
Egli_r (Eglier ?), A.
Elliott, W.
Englesson, Mr., and 2 boys
English, Mr.
Evans, J.
Falkerlaugh (??), J.
Falton, H.
Fas_m__, S.
Fisher, N.
Fletcher, W.
Flood, W.
Forbes, G.
Fowler, Mr.
Fraser, T.
Freed, J.
Freed, Mrs.
Freeman, J.
Frisk, A.
Fuller, E.
Fuller, Mr.
Gambroso, A.
Garfield, C.
Gassey, G.
Gausman, Charles
German, G.
Godfrey, E.
Gordon, Mr.
Gra_es (Graves ?), S.
Green, D., wife and 4 children
Griffin, M.
Grislen, P.
Grist, U.
Grover, L.
Grunman, D.
Grunman, H.
Guile, G.
H_me (Home, Hame ?), J.
Ha_ow, E.
Ha_ow, J.
Hackell, J., and boy
Hag, H.
Haines, D.
Hair, H.
Hall, T.
Hammond, J. J.
Hara, J. O.
Harding, S.
Harrington, H.
Harris, B.
Harris, J.
Harvey, E.
Hawes, Mrs.
Hayson, M.
Hayson, Mrs.
Heften, M.
Henderson, W.
Hentz, W.
Herbert, H.
Hicks, S.
Himes, J.
Himes, Mr.
Hodge, Mr.
Holley, A.
Holmes, H.
Horns, C.
Howard, A.
Hows, J.
Hows, Mrs., and 2 children
Hubbard, R.
Humstead, Miss C.
Hun (Han ?), C.
Hunt, J.
Hunter, H.
Hyde, O.
Jacobs, C.
Jacquet, G.
Jefrey, S.
Jennings, W.
Jessel, H.
Jewett, Capt.
Jewitt, S.
Johnson, B.
Johnson, J.
Johnson, M.
Jordan, J.
Kalmack, M.
Keller, Miss
Keller, Mrs.
Kelly, J.
Kennedy, J.
Kether (Ketner ?), W.
King, J.
Kintney, Mr.
Kufman, R.
L_tice (Latice ?), F.
Labrash, L.
Lebrua, O.
Lee, J.
Lennison, S.
Levin, J.
Lichten, L., and son
Love, D.
Luckin (??), P.
Lutzen, N.
Maloney, K., and wife
Malony, D.
Marau, L.
Martin, J.
Masters, J.
Mattice, H.
McCann, P.
McCarty, P.
McDonald, J.
McDonald, M.
McDonald, M.
McEhling, L.
McElroy, H.
McKenney, M.
McLeoad, D., and boy
McMahon, J.
Meager, R.
Mekins, D.
Mestein, S.
Milch, Miss
Miller, F.
Miller, N.
Miller, T.
Miller, W.
Mills, G.
Mills, Miss
Mitch (??), Mrs., and 2 children
Moore, F.
Moore, Mrs., and child
Morrell, J.
Morrison, J.
Morrison, W.
Morse, T.
Morton, M.
Morton, W.
Murbay, J.
Murray, H.
Myers, L.
Newton, D.
Newton, J.
Newton, Mr.
Otterson, D.
Parker, Mrs.
Parks, Mr.
Parks, Mrs.
Parr, J.
Parsons, Mr.
Peckhard, H.
Peirs, O.
Pennozer, J.
Phillips, J.
Pis_n (Pisan, Pisen ?), L.
Piston, J.
Power. R.
Powers, Mr.
Prescott, D.
Preston, W.
Price, Mrs. W.
Prior, J.
Putnam, A.
Ransom Mr.
Reynolds, F.
Rhodes, J.
Rhodes, J.
Rhodes, S. T.
Richards, T.
Richardson, S.
Rinebeck (?), P.
Robinson, E.
Robinson, J.
Ryan, M.
Ryton, C.
S_utter (Stutter, Stutler ?), S.
Samborne, Mrs.
Samborne, O.
Sayhaw, W.
Schatner, J.
Seami_ (Seamil, Seamie ?), J.
Senell, E.
Shude, S.
Simmons, J.
Simons, G.
Small, A.
Smith, Capt.
Smith, H.
Smith, H.
Smith, L.
Smith, Miss
Smith, Mrs., and 2 children
Smith, P.
Smith, W.
Smyth, J.
Snediker, S.
Snyder, J.
Snyder, Jno.
Solomon, A.
Solomon, G.
Spafforth, S.
Spear, G.
Spencer, M.
Starck, A.
Stephens, J.
Stevens, J.
Stewart, R.
Stone, E. L.
Storer (Stoner, Stover ?), N.
Story, M.
Stowell, R.
Stulten, J.
Sturtevant, J.
Sullivan, D.
Sumner, G.
Surves, G.
Sutleff, E.
Swartz, L.
Swooner (Spooner ?), H.
Thayer, H.
Thomkins, L., and lady
Tilton, A.
Tunnson (Tannson ?), J.
Valpy, L.
Van Slack, S.
Veinn, F.
Vollum (Vellum ?), Mrs., and child
Vorhies, G.
Vorhies, Mrs.
Vorhies, R.
Wagner, Mr.
Walcot, E.
Wall, F.
Warner, A.
Watkins, A.
Watson, S.
Wattace, J.
Wenzin, C, and wife
Whithead, J.
Whitney, H.
Wilbur, J.
Williams, W.
Wilson, (?)
Wilson, J.
Wilson, J.
Wood, A.
Wood, J.
Wood, P.
Woodneck, R.
Woodward, R.
Worht (Worth ?), J.
Worrell, J.

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