California Bound by

On the night of February 16, 1853, the SS Independence went aground during its passage from Panama to San Francisco. For details, visit the Maritime Heritage Project. Visit the Maritime Heritage Project for details.

New York Daily Times, April 25, 1853:

[We republish from the Daily Times of April 11 (1853), the following list of passengers who left New-York for San Juan, on the 20th January last, on board the Northern Light, and are supposed to have connected with the Independence. It is probable that a large proportion of these persons, were passengers on board the ill-fated vessel at the time of the disaster. Added to this list, we also give the names of a large number of passengers, who left New-Orleans in the Daniel Webster on the 22d of January, intending to connect with the Independence There are as yet no means of determining the proportion of this number, in all nearly nine hundred persons, who succeeded in obtaining passage by the Independence. The publication of the names of the passengers from the Atlantic side, may at least serve to allay anxiety, until we shall receive detailed accounts. --- Ed. Times.]

NOTE: On April 26, 1853, the Times published a list of the passengers who were lost in the SS Independence disaster. An asterisk denotes passengers who were lost. Additional information is state of origin.

New York Times - April 26, 1853


Abbott, Joel
Aberle, David
Aixon, J.
Argall, Wm.* (Wis.)
Arnott, Jacob
Ayres, James F.
Ayres, Mrs. M. S.* (Mrs. Ayrs and child, Ga.)
Babcock, Harry C.
Babcock, Wm. S.
Bacon, Wallace
Bacon, Wm.
Baker, Elijah* (Mass.)
Baker, Philip* (Mass.)
Barker, David. M.
Barton, Morris
Bateman, W.* (Ohio)
Baum, Jacob* (N. J.)
Baxter, Freeman
Baxter, Mrs. Freeman
Bean, Hiram C.
Beck, Nehemiah
Bell, Wm.
Bellows, Charles D.
Bignall, Wm. K.* (Mich.)
Bishop, Daniel F.
Bloomfield, Mrs. A.
Bochard, John
Bordon, Wallace
Bowen, Alex. C.
Brewington, Richard M.* (Bewington, St. Louis)
Brown, Alex.
Brown, John
Brown, Wilkinson* (Wm. Brown, Mass.)
Bruce, Henry
Buffun, Ed.
Burgess, Thomas
Byars, Danl. H.
Caldwell, Jas.
Cameron, Benjamin F.
Carmichael, A.* (Ohio)
Carter, Peter
Chase, Walter
Chauncey, Micajah* (St. Louis)
Childs, Sandford
Colin, Ethiel Bernharn* (E. Collins, Eng.)
Cook, E. G.
Cook, Z., Jr.
Corey, W.
Cox, Peter
Cross, Jas.
Cross, Lewis B.
Crotts, John
Cullen, Chas. R.
Daley, Danl.
Davidson, Sam.
Davidson, William
Davis, Geo. F.
Davis, John
Day, Lewis
Dexter, Lewis P.
Dickey, B. F.
Dickey, Mrs.
Douglass, Robert H.
Doyle, Wm.* (New York)
Drake, Ezekiel R.
Drown, E.
Drown, Mrs. E.
Earnhartt, Hy.
Felt, Jas. D.
Felt, Lauren P.
Fesendem, P. R.
Finch, Wm. H.
Findley, David
Fisher, Aaron
Fisher, Charles
Fleming, James
Ford, Hiram* (Michigan)
Freet, Michael* (?) (M. Frost, Germany)
Fuller, Loomis P.
Garrett, Edw.* (Ohio)
Gartrell, Thomas M.
Gillis, Ino.
Gilmore, Andrew
Gilmore, C.
Gilmore, Fredk.
Gilmore, Samuel D.
Gitting, Robert
Gorton, Harvey
Gorton, Jos.
Granniss, Christian D.* (?) (Charles Grannis, Ill.)
Gray, Lemuel L.
Green, Joseph
Greenback, Joseph W.
Greenfield, Hiram S.
Guighon, J.
Hale, J. O.
Hale, Oliver* (Mass.)
Hall, Chris.
Hall, E. N.
Hall, J. F.
Hall, Mrs. C.* (Mrs. Hall and child, Ill.)
Halstead, Jas. T.
Halstead, Joel
Hardman, Lewis* (?) (Hartman, New York)
Hardy, Charles C.
Harvey, F.
Hatch, R.
Hatch, W. B.
Hemphill, Abram
Holes, Walt
Howe, Geo. W.
Howland, C. M.
Howland, J. T.
Howland, John
Howland, Mrs.* (Mrs. Howland and 3 boys, Wis.)
Howland, S. C.
Imrie, Wm.
Ingles, George W.
Ingles, Mrs. Elizabeth* (?) (Mary and Maria Ingolls, O. T. (Oregon Terr.))
James, Joseph
Jeffers, Jas. G.* (J. T. Jeffries, Ohio)
Johnson, Jos. G.* (Johnson, Boston)
Kimball, George
Kittredge, Asa* (Ill.)
Knox, Richard A.* (R. I.)
Lackeny, Maria
Lapeer, George W.
Leadley, John H.
Leballister, Wm.
Lewis, James P.
Light, Edwin* (Gen. E. Light, New York)
Light, Everett
Light, Jas.* (New York)
Light, Mrs. Edwin
Lincoln, Alvin
Lincoln, Lemuel
Lincoln, William
Manning, Edward K.
Masterman, John
Mavin, Ed. C.* (E. C. Marvin, Penn.)
McCandless, M.* (W. H. McCandless, Ohio)
McDonald, Matthew
Mendoza, J.
Mittimore, James H.
Morris, Geo.* (?) (Jno. Morris, Albany)
Morse, Wiley
Mosher, Hy.
Mosher, Robert* (New York)
Mott, Harper
Moulton, Wm. S.* (Mass.)
Muffin, Francis
Muffin, G. W.
Muffin, Mrs. Francis* (Mrs. M. Muffin, New York)
Murphy, Daniel
Murphy, John
Murphy, Mrs. Mary A.* (Boston)
Myers, Jacob* (New York)
Nellis, Edwin
Nelson, Jas. D.
Newell, Edward H.
Newell, Wm.* (Ill.)
Nichols, David* (Geo.)
Nichols, James A.
Nolan, L.
O'Neal, Thos.* (New York)
Orr, Wm.
Owens, David
Parker, Aaron
Parker, Michael
Parmater, James C.
Paul, Sam. S.
Pell, Hy. W.
Penny, Andrew*
Perkins, Geo.
Peterson, Charles P.
Pierce, Mrs. William
Pierce, William
Porter, Saml.
Pruden, Saml.* (New York)
Rearim, Jas.* (James Rearson, N. H.)
Rembolt, Richard
Reynolds, Alex. B.* (N. J.)
Richardson, Abiatha
Richardson, Isaac
Richmond, Hy. E.
Robbins, S.
Roberts, Henry J.*
Rordon, Wm. L.
Schenck, Ed.
Scofield, Mrs. W. E.
Scofield, William E.* (W. A. Schofield, Penn.)
Scott, Allison* (Ohio)
Scott, Wm.
Searls, Wm. A.
Seward, A.
Smith, Henry
Smith, Ira
Smith, Isaac P.
Sparhawk, John* (N. H.)
Stanley, Lieut. F.
Stauss, Hy.
Steele, J.
Stephens, Samuel
Stevens, W. W.
Stevenson, L. C.
Stockdale, R.
Stokes, Wm. G.
Stone, John
Sullivan, Mrs. Fanny
Sutton, L. c.
Sweet, Lorenzo
Tallon, James* (St. Louis)
Taylor, Henry
Taylor, Robt.* (Boston)
Taylor, Simon Timon* (Simeon Taylor, N. H.)
Thayer, Cyrus
Thieme, John
Turner, A. W.
Turner, Andrew B.
Tyler, Caleb W.
Van Saun, Wm.
Vaughan, Thos. S.
Ward, Benjamin F.* (Mich.)
Ward, Chas. A.* (New York)
Weatherington, Alex.
Weatherington, Jos.
Weaver, Jacob
Weddell, Miss A. G.
Weddell, P. M.* (B. M. Weddell, Ind.)
Welch, Mrs. Ann* (Boston)
Westhoff, John* (?) (Ventroff, Ill.)
Wheeler, Hy.
Whitney, Warren
Williams, John* (Ohio)
Willoughby, J. R.
Wilson, Thos. M.* (Penn.)
Zium, H. C.* (Henry C. Zin, Ind.)
and 273 in the steerage.

NEW-ORLEANS. (via SS Daniel Webster)
Abraham, E. H.* (Ohio)
Abraham, J. H.* (Ohio)
Adler, M.* (W. Adler, Tenn.)
Allan, J. A.* (J. Allen, Texas)
Allan, J. H.
Andreau, M.
Arnault, Mr.
Barnum, S.* (Ohio)
Beaumont, D. W.
Bentiss, Stephen
Berwin, G.* (Tenn.)
Berwin, M.* (M. M. Berwin, Tenn.)
Berwin, Merdel* (Tenn.)
Bonaca, Miss J.* (Miss Julia Banecum, St. Louis)
Booll, C., lady and family
Bracewell, T.
Carrington, A. A., and lady* (both deceased; Ark.) [The Carrington children, Julia (5) and Frank (2), survived. If you know what happened to them, please contact: Donna]
Carrington, Miss Julia
Charles, H.
Cody, Jesse
Collett, W.
Coote, Mr.* (C. J. Coot, boy, St. Louis)
Dean, Miss Ann
Dorley, Z.
Dunham, A. M.
Dunham, M.
Elwell, E.
Elwell, J. S.
Elwell, Wm.
Euler, H.
Fish, Charles
Fury, M.
Good, C. W., and lady
Greiner, W., and lady* (Griner and wife, Cincinnati)
Haber, Mrs. F.
Hatch, J. G.* (Texas)
Hazleman, D.
Holbrook, T.
Hollis, J. F.
Howard, C. W.
Keller, Jacob* (?) (J. Kelley, New Orleans)
Kendall, E.
Kolp, J.* (Cincinnati)
Lemon, Adolphus
Lemon, Frank
Lemon, Mrs. P., and child* (?) (S. P. Leman and 2 children, Miss.)
Lemon, P.
[Daniel Freeman, a descendant of Philip Leman's brother, provided us with this information: Philip Lion Leman (b. 1818, London, England) and sons, Adolphus Leman (b. 1847, Missouri), and Benedictus Leman (b. 1849, Missouri) perished in the wreck. His wife Sophronia Hendrickson Leman (b. 1825, Ohio) and son Frank Leman (b. 1848, Missouri) survived.]
Maher, Mrs. Julia
McGovern, K.
McLinden, M.
Meyer, D.
Mills, W. H., and lady
Miner, T. E.
Murphy, John
Murphy, P.
Peed, W.* (Wm. Pied, La.)
Robinson, Peter
Robinson, Simon
Robinson, T., and lady* (Mrs. T. Robinson and 3 children, St. Louis)
Rogers, A. F.
Schelley, P.
Schmidt, J.* (Mo.)
Seymour, Mrs. E.
Siez, Charles
Simms, P.
Simms, R. F., and servant
Sitter, W.
Spotts, G. W.
Sumers, S. P.
Sutton, H. B.
Tarr, D. F., and lady* (J. B. Tarr, Mo.)
Tarr, Horace
Taylor, J. J., and lady
Townsend, A.
Vedtress, George T.
Watson, Asa* (Asa Watson (boy), St. Louis)
Watson, Elcie
Watson, Ella
Watson, Isadore
Watson, J. S., and lady
Whiteman, Miss B.* (New Orleans)
Willis, E.* (Ill.)
Wood, O., and lady
Zinzer, Mr., and lady
and 231 in the steerage.

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