SS Star of the West
Captain Tinklepaugh
Sailed from New York City: July 20, 1853
Star of the West, Tinklepaugh, San Juan, Nic., Chas. Morgan.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Star of the West, for San Juan --
Adams, L. B.
Bailey, Mrs. Mary, and infant
Bates, J. S.
Bevens, John
Blumenthal, A.
Bowen, Mr., and wife
Boyle, Mannis
Burnham, N. S.
Byrne, P. O.
Byron, J. B.
Carlow, Mrs. F.
Carrington, F. A.
Carroll, Wm.
Carter, Charles
Cody, Michael
Cody, Miss M.
Cohen, David
Collins, Miss Ann
Davids, David
Davidson, H.
De Coma (De Cloma ?), F. J.
Dimond, James
Drew, L., wife and infant
Dunning, Mrs.
Edson, Daniel
Edson, Henry
Esquinel, Mr.
Evans, Wm.
Ewing, R. C.
Fleishman, B. F.
Fleisman, B.
Francis, A.
Frankenan, S. A.
Fuller, Chas.
Gallagher, Edward
Gallagher, James
Gallagher, Miss Ann
Garland, Mrs. Harriet
Gassert, Wm.
Glonber, H.
Haley, S.
Hicks, John
Hildreth, John D.
Hinton, Jesse
Hooper, C. T.
Johnson, Geo.
Jones, Samuel D.
Keadle, Geo.
Kennedy, Mary
Klien, Mrs., and 2 children
Kyne, Patrick
Lawless, J. B.
Lethaner, J. L.
Lockwood, John
Lynch, Thos.
Mathias, L.
Maxfield, Wm. C.
McCarty, J.
McColgan, J.
McMahor, Michael
McMahor, Miss Mary
Mentzel, Chas.
Meyer, David, and wife
Moll, Mrs., and 2 children
Monroe, J. B.
Morehead, R.
Morrington, Thomas, and wife
Murphy, Geo.
Murphy, Wm.
Myer, Geo. W.
Naguire, James
Newell, J. C.
O'Grady, Dennis
Parsons, A. N.
Pell, W., and wife
Pfeifer, John
Quigg, A.
Reichman, Mrs.
Reinstein, L.
Richardson, E. H.
Rogers, Walter
Rogers, Wilford A.
Russell, A. W.
Ryne, Mrs. Bridget
Sands, Ann
Sawyer, Jesse
Saxton, W. M.
Shephard, C. L. A.
Smead, Th., wife and child
Smith, Mrs., and infant
Smith, W. P.
Solomon, David, and servant
Spencer, J.
Sti_ter, Rudolph
Sutter, Joseph M.
Sweetland, B. R.
Thornton, A.
Urmy, W. S.
Valentine, Mrs. L., and child
Van Streetan, Benj.
Vanderpool, Mrs. A. E., 2 children and infant
Wakefield, Hale
Wiesmer, Mrs. Margaret
and others in Steerage.
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