California Bound by

New York Daily Times, Wednesday, September 21, 1853

SS Star of the West
Captain Tinklepaugh
Sailed from New York City: September 20, 1853

New York Daily Times, Tuesday, September 6, 1853

Port of New York .... Tuesday, Sept. 20.

Star of the West, Tinklepaugh, San Juan de Nicaragua, Charles Morgan.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Star of the West, for San Juan del Norte --
Alina, S.
Allbe, J.
Allbee, D.
Andrews, C.
Aquilar, A.
Arnold, Mrs. S. K.
Backan, C., and wife
Backus, Miss H.
Bailey, Captain E. M.
Barker, A. H.
Barker, L., and wife
Bartlett, H. T.
Barton, O. E.
Baxter, F.
Beal, H. C.
Beason, William
Bedford, S. W.
Bell, W. A.
Bennett, Geo.
Benson, W.
Besseelue, C. R.
Bjorklund, R. T.
Blair, W.
Bloomingdale, E.
Bogardus, Mrs. A.
Bohen, B. J.
Bohlens, H. W.
Bolton, A.
Boullemet, C., wife and 2 children
Boyle, W.
Bradley, F.
Brady, E.
Brady, J.
Brickwedle, D.
Brown, W. H.
Bruch, Chas.
Brush, Mrs. C., and 2 children
Buchelen, U. F. and Mary
Burdorf, H.
Burns, J. R.
Burns, Mary
Burt, E. H.
Bush, Mrs., child and servant
Ca_ahan (Calahan ?), Miss
Caholan, D.
Cain, R. R.
Callahan, C.
Callahan, M., and wife
Campbell, Nelson
Canahan, James
Cannon, John
Carlon, John, and wife
Carson, J.
Carter, L.
Casamigliss, B.
Casserly, E.
Chase, G.
Chembley, C.
Chubbuck, Mrs. L. F.
Clark, E. G.
Clark, T.
Clewson, C.
Clom, A.
Co_e (Cole ?), George H. J.
Cochran, T.
Cochroar, Isaac
Coil (Coll ?), C.
Connell, S.
Connerton (__nnerton ?), M.
Cook, A. C.
Cook, F.
Crapar, J.
Creaser, A.
Crowley, Mrs. Margaret
Cuespru, P.
Cullen, P.
Cullins, R.
Curtin, M.
Danby, M.
Davis, A. J.
Davis, C. W.
Davis, J.
Dean, Mrs. T.
Deeney, P.
Deighton, J.
Deke, E.
Delahuy (Delahay, Delahoy ?), J. C.
Depew, Wm. G.
Devanny, C.
Devany, P.
Devois, S.
Dixon, C. E.
Dobinson, T.
Dolan, J., and child
Dolle, A.
Dommett, Wm. E.
Donnelly, P.
Donovan, Mary
Doty, W. H.
Doyle, G.
Driscoll, J., and wife
Drummond, R.
Dunn, S.
E_tson (Estson, Eatson ?), E. D.
Eddy, R. A.
Edwards, J.
Ellis, Mary
Englis, H. A., wife and 3 children
Esterbrook, J.
Fairbrother, B. F.
Farnam, W. H.
Farrell, John
Farrell, Thomas
Ferre, H. R., and wife
Fetzer, L.
Field, Mrs.
Finnegan, M.
Finneky, E.
Fisher, Dr., and wife
Fisk, J. J.
Fleming, Mrs. Wm., and 2 children
Fletcher, S. H.
Fling, T.
Fontana, S.
Foote, H. A.
Ford, E.
Ford, John
Foreman, Christopher
Foreman, George
Foreman, N.
Foster, J.
Frank, L.
French, L.
Froller, J.
Furlong, S.
Gaddlening, R.
Gamble, John
Gatrace (??), Wm.
Gerneta, F.
Gerneta, O.
Getchell, E.
Gibbs, C.
Gibly, J.
Giddings, A.
Gilman, A.
Gladding, G. H.
Gline, J.
Graham, A.
Greely, Mrs. Jane
Green, J. S.
Green, Wm.
Grieschen, L.
Griffin, A.
Grispman (Griepman ?), John
Gummer, Miss
Gumslwald, H.
Hale, E.
Hamblin, S.
Hamblin, W. F.
Hancha, Mrs. L.
Handland, J. C.
Hanser, A. W.
Harding, D. W.
Hargrave, A., and wife
Harpin, _.
Harris, J. H.
Harris, S.
Harrison, P.
Hart, D., wife and infant
Hazletine, C. B.
Hedges, C. H.
Henderson, S. J.
Hennesy, Theo.
Hildreth, A.
Hing, H.
Ho_n (Horn, Holn, Hoin ?), R.
Hobbs, P. R.
Hoffman, P.
Hoogs, W. H.
Howland, Miss
Howland, R.
Hubband, M., and wife
Hubret, L.
Hudson, D., and wife
Hughes, J.
Hughes, J.
Jones, W.
Jordan, R.
Kegan, J.
Kelly, J.
Kelly, Samuel
Kendall, L. N.
Keyser, Geo. J.
Keyser, John, wife and 2 children
Kidder, Wm.
Kiewzle (Kiewzie ?), G.
Kimball, Mrs. M. A.
Klein, J.
Koher, John
Koppell, M.
Kraft, Miss Sale_ne
Kuntz, C. P.
Lahay, D.
Lambert, G.
Lane, Mrs.
Langel, G.
Langhor, C.
Langley, S.
Larkin, Miss C.
Lathrop, B. G.
Lawrence, L. H.
Lea_itt (Leavitt ?), N. K., wife, infant and boy
Leddington, G. L.
Lee, R.
Lehr, T. H.
Leper, Wm.
Lese, E.
Lesyunsky (Lesyunski ?), Miss B.
Lesyunsky (Lesyunski ?), Mrs. H. S., infant and servant
Lewes, J. S.
Lighthart, C.
Lippman, M.
Long, Miss E. B. (see Roseile)
Long, S.
Love, E. A., and child
Lynch, J.
Lynch, J.
Lynch, Mary
Lynch, Mrs. Jas.
Mack, A. J.
Mack, S. T.
Madigem, D., wife and 3 adult daughters
Mager, Mrs. P.
Malmglen, J. W.
Malmglen, N.
Malody, Mr.
Maltby, R.
Maltby, T.
Mankins, B. F.
Mansfield (Mausfield ?), A.
Margin, P.
Marshall, A. S.
Marshall, Wm. B.
Martin, J.
May, P.
May, T.
Mayer, P.
McAllister, H. H.
McCune, W. H.
McEacharn, D.
McElroy, J.
McGaffery, L. R.
McGill, Wm., wife and child of 4 years
McGinn, D.
McGinn, P.
McGinnis, Mrs. W.
McGonigle, J. J.
McLaughlin, J.
McTadden, S.
Mead, Michael C.
Mead, Wm.
Meehan, C.
Meyer, C.
Millard, E.
Miller, Miss E.
Miller, Wm.
Miller, Wm. L.
Mills, John
Miner, J. O.
Mitchell, J.
Mitchell, P.
Moch, A.
Moody, H. J.
Moore, W.
Mor_on (Morton ?), P.
Morgan, E. L., and wife
Mulford, C. W., and wife
Mulgrew, Mrs. F., and 3 children
Murphy, D.
Murphy, E.
Murphy, J.
Murphy, J.
Murphy, M.
Murphy, Martin
Murphy, P.
Murphy, P.
Murray, J.
Nayler, C., and wife
Nayler, Miss F.
Neil, C. C., wife and infant
Nelson, R.
Newberry, G. C.
Newhouse, H.
Newmark, H.
Newsom, D. F.
Nichols, C. S.
Nordg_en (Nordglen ?), H.
Norton, B.
Norton, J.
Nye, A.
Oberkirch, M.
O'Brien, J.
O'Conner, M., wife and child
O'Harran, J.
O'Neill, J. J.
O'Neill, Miss
O'Neill, Mrs. Ann
O'Neill, P.
Osgood, W. A.
Patrick, Mrs.
Perkins, M.
Perry, E. T.
Perry, H. E.
Perry, M.
Peterson, J.
Phibbs, Mrs.
Phillips, Mary A.
Pierson, P. S., and boy
Pike, N.
Pilger, J. A.
Pilkie, F.
Pistorions, R.
Plummer, W. L.
Pray, D.
Pridgeon, J.
R_lls (Rolls, Rells ?), J.
Reardon, J.
Reyser, P. B.
Rhees, H. P., and wife
Rhina_d_ (Rhinalds ?), Mrs. J.
Richardson, E. G.
Richardson, G.
Richardson, J. H.
Rickle, J. J., wife and child
Roberts, G.
Robinson, R.
Rogers, Mrs. J. C.
Rogers, W.
Roseile (Roselle ?), J., wife and Miss E. B. Long
Rothaubb, J.
Rousell, L.
Rudduch, Mrs. M., and 2 children
Rung, F., wife, 3 children and servant
Ryan, Jas.
Saddlernire, Miss E.
Salvny, J.
Sami, J. J.
Samson, S.
Samuels, S.
Sanderson, J.
Sarte (??), David
Savage, A.
Sayre, Geo.
Schaack, J.
Schimelfenig, F.
Schmall, Geo.
Schroder, C.
Schwah_, J.
Seamans, O.
Searls, N., and wife
Sh_oder (Shroder ?), L.
Shannon, Miss
Shaw, W.
Sheal, A.
Sheridan, W.
Sherman, Capt. W. T., wife and infant
Shofing, A.
Siebel, J.
Silabee (Silsbee ?), Miss A. E.
Silabee (Silsbee ?), Miss M. P.
Simon, J.
Simon, P., and child
Sinclair, J.
Small, G. H.
Smith, A.
Smith, E.
Smith, E. J. J.
Smith, J.
Smith, R. B. R.
Snyder, B.
Sobb, C.
Solomon, S. O.
Solomon, W. C.
Southworth, J. J., and wife
Stearns, D. W., wife and boy
Stearns, Miss P.
Steele, J.
Stewart, Mrs. R.
Stewart, R.
Sturin (??), J. D.
Sullivan, Wm.
Sutherland, D., wife and child
Taylor, Miss
Terroll, P. P.
Theil, E.
Thompson, W. W.
Thrush, M.
Tilton, B. J.
Towe, R.
Towle, J. W.
Tromble, C. H.
Tuffar, J. W.
Tuone, Mrs. E., and infant
Usher, J., and wife
Vail, Geo.
Van Bergen, John
Vassell, S.
Veatch (Vestch ?), J., and wife
Vickinel (Vickinal ?), W.
Walker, J.
Walraven, E.
Ward, J. N.
Watrous, Chas.
Watrous, H.
Watson, E.
Webber, C.
Weeks (Wecks ?), Wm.
Weif, A., and wife
Weiller, A.
Weisenhelfe, Mrs. M.
Welch, A. J.
Welch, Jas.
Weller, Thomas
West, J.
Westby, J. C., wife and child
Whittemon, C.
Whittier, H.
Wilcox, J.
Willard, R.
Williamson, W.
Willis, H. P.
Wilson, E.
Wilson, J.
Wilson, James
Wines, H.
Wintroff, M. M.
Wood, J.
Woodruff, G. W.
Worth, John H.
Young, Thomas
Youngs, Thos.

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