SS Star of the West
Captain Tinklepaugh
Sailed from New York City: November 19, 1853
Steamship Star of the West, Tinklepaugh, San Juan, Chas. Morgan.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Star of the West, for San Juan --
Abbott, Miss C., and servant
Adams, J. C.
Alexander, R. J.
Anderson, D.
Atherton ("Btherton" in list ?), C. N.
Atherton, Isaac
Backus, P.
Barnes, R.
Bateaux, D.
Beedy, D. W.
Beigstrom, H.
Benhard, F.
Berganz, Miss
Berganz, Mrs. , and servant
Bevin, Mrs.
Blake, E.
Blanchard, E.
Blatchly, W. L.
Blum, E.
Blum, J.
Blume, Chas.
Boardman, J.
Boland, D.
Bosworth, W.
Bottcher, D.
Bowen, Ellen
Brader, H.
Bradley, Mrs.
Brady, F.
Braman, P.
Brigham, John
Brown, J. M.
Brown, Mrs. S. M., 2 children and servant
Bryant, D.
Buchanan, John
Burbank, O.
Burgoyne, Wm. M.
Burrill, T.
Butler, Ellen
Campbell, Ellen
Cannon, J. B.
Carley, J.
Carran (Curran ?), H.
Carroll, Margaret
Casgeofe, P.
Cassen, C.
Casterlin, B. B.
Chamberlain, Mrs. E.
Chamberlin, Wm.
Chanaback, W.
Chaney, W.
Chase, L. M.
Chevallie, H.
Claghorn, E. H.
Claghorn, E. H.
Clapp (??), E.
Clark, R., and wife
Clemens, J.
Clemens, J.
Clinton, Miss M. A.
Clough, W. B.
Coates, R., Jr.
Coes, G. H.
Coffee, J., and wife
Coffren, C. H.
Coffrire, Mrs. J., and child
Cold, Mrs., and 2 infants
Cole, H.
Coleman, C. F.
Collinder (Colliader ?), H. W.
Colling, H. M., and wife
Comfoot, H.
Comstock, Mrs. B. B., and 2 children
Conway, M.
Cooper, James
Copp, H. W.
Cotting (Cutting ?), Capt. J. G.
Cousins, Eliza
Crawford, Wm.
Cross, D.
Cunningham, Miss Sarah
Curran, T.
Curry, James
Cushman, H.
Davis, A. N.
Davis, S. F.
DeGraw, H.
Delano, C. W.
Dencker, J.
Dengin, C.
Dice, C.
Doane, A. C.
Doane, Chas.
Dobbin, A.
Dol_ing (Dolling ?), Capt. E. P.
Dolan, J.
Doloff, Mrs.
Doritz, P.
Douglass, J.
Douglass, W. T.
Dugas, P., wife and boy
Duhing (Dohing ?), F., and wife
Dunlay, J.
Dunning, E.
Dunning, W.
Durham, T.
Dyer, C.
Egan, W., and wife
Eleutt, H. A.
Elliott, D.
Ellis, F. C.
Ellis, H. B.
Ellis, L.
Emery, A. C.
Ervin, Miss M.
Erwin, Mrs. Ann
Eut, H. H.
Evan, J.
Evans, H.
Evans, Jno.
Farran, A.
Field, D. B.
Field, T.
Finchley, S. S., wife and infant
Fish, Miss Mahala
Fletcher, A.
Fogg, J. S., and wife
Fogg, O. B.
Frank, G.
Frank, J. R.
Frankel, H.
French (Frensh ?), Mrs. A.
Furlong, P.
Gallagher, Nancy
Gallagher, P.
Garland, J. P.
Garvey, Jas.
Gayler, R. R.
Gaylor, H. C.
Gelston, Wm., and wife
Gibles, J. W.
Gibson, D.
Gilman, Chas.
Glines, A.
Gordon, J.
Gordou, Miss A.
Gould, Miss Julia
Gouldthread, T.
Govern, Miss Ann
Graf, A., and wife
Grant, J. C.
Greemman, J. F.
Green, Capt. Samuel
Green, George
Green, M.
Green, Mrs. and daughter
Green, W. F.
Green, W. H., and wife
Greenhager, Miss Julia
Greenhager, Mrs. J., and child
Grogan, M.
Grossenson, J.
Hackett, T. W.
Haimbue, M.
Haines, Jas.
Hait, Thos.
Haley, P.
Hall, J. G.
Hannegan, C.
Harris, Wm.
Hart, Geo.
Hart, M. B.
Hassey, S.
Hatten, Wm.
Hawkins, Mrs. A.
Heill, R. T.
Henderson, J.
Her, P.
Herrick, T. C.
Hess, G.
Hess, G. B.
Hewn, Miss
Hobby, G.
Hovey, J. A.
Hoye, M.
Hoyt, T.
Hughes, T. J.
Hunt, L.
Huse, J. J.
James, D. W.
Jennings, J. D.
Jennisen, C. W.
Johnson, H.
Johnson, T.
Johnson, W.
Jones, J.
Jones, Mrs. J., and 2 children
Jones, Mrs. Wm. P., and child
Jones, S. G.
Kealy, M.
Kearney, Miss M.
Kelley, J. R.
Kemp, H. R.
Kendall, J.
Kendall, Jas. R.
Kenna_ (Kennar, Kennay ?), J. W.
Kennedy, M.
Keyes, D. W.
King, J.
Kirk, R., and wife
Knight, E. H.
Lary, C.
Lee, Jas.
Levack, P.
Levi, M., wife and 2 children
Lewis, E., and wife
Lewis, Geo. W.
Lewis, John G.
Lewis, T.
Loughlin, W., wife and 3 children
Love, T., and wife
Low, S.
Lowe, L.
Lutz, J. B.
Lyllis, Miss Ellen
Manes, N.
Mann, A.
Mann, J. S.
Martin, Wm.
Matthew, G., wife and infant
Matthewson, J.
Matthewson, Miss C.
Matthewson, Miss P.
Maxwell, W.
Mayhew, H.
McArdle, Mrs. J.
McCaffrey (McCaffray ?), P.
McCaffrey, M.
McCantbridge (McCathridge ?), Mrs., and infant
McCarty, E.
McCarty, Miss Mary
McCullis, J. T.
McCune, R.
McDermott, J.
McElroy, Bridget
McKelvey, Wm.
McLaughlin, J., wife and 2 children
McNab, H. D.
McPherson, H.
McPherson, O.
Medina, C.
Medina, Madslee, and servant
Miller, A.
Miller, John
Miller, M.
Miller, Thomas
Milne, A.
Moody, W. H.
Moore, E.
Morgan, A.
Morion (Morton ?), Mrs. J.
Morrell, F. D.
Morrell, Geo. W.
Morrill, Mrs. Joseph
Morris, M. C.
Morton, Hugh
Mosley, D. H.
Muir, Mrs.
Muller, Hans
Murphy, John
Musler, C.
Nash, J. M.
Nason (Mason ?), Mrs. D. B., and child
Nelson, C. C.
Nelson, D.
Nesbitt, Mrs. Wm., and 2 children
Newell, Z.
Newman, J.
Newman, M.
Nichols, Mrs. R., and 3 children
Nichols, W.
Oakes, A.
O'Neil, J.
Orr, John
Paige, O.
Parchurst, M. A.
Paris, Madame
Park, J.
Park, R., and wife
Parker, S.
Parks, C.
Parobeau, Miss Therese
Parsons, George
Patten, L.
Pattin_ (Patting ?), A.
Peabody, L.
Peacock, Geo. W.
Peasley, J.
Penson, Miss Emma
Penson, Mrs. John, and 2 children
Perkins, A.
Phelan, M.
Philips, J.
Phillips, G. A.
Phillips, J. S.
Pierson, C.
Pike, W.
Potter, H. B.
Potter, Ira
Potter, L. G.
Potter, Mrs. J., and child
Powell, L.
Pratt, W. H.
Prince, D.
Prince, E.
Proctor, J., wife and 3 children
Quirk, Mrs. P., and infant
Raindler, G.
Rankin, J.
Rankin, Miss E.
Rawson, N. C.
Reaf, M.
Reycher, F.
Reynolds, J.
Rice, Thomas
Riley, Catharine
Riley, Julia
Riley, Miss M.
Riley, T.
Robinson, C.
Robinson, C.
Robinson, G.
Roby, B.
Rocks, Mary
Rogers, Geo. E.
Rogers, M.
Rose, H.
Rosenbaum, J.
Ross (Rose ?), J. A.
Roterman, J.
Roube, B. G.
Rowe, C.
Ryan, D.
Ryno, A. B.
Ryno, D.
Sanborn, M. R.
Sanborn, S.
Sanderson, Mrs.
Sawyer, J. N., and wife
Schneller, Miss Mary
Scott, Wm.
Seaman, Wm.
Sears, L.
Sharp, T.
Shiverick, N.
Shoemaker, M.
Simmons, H. F.
Simmons, J.
Simmons, Mrs. L. G.
Simmons, P. S.
Simonson (Simorson ?), E. H.
Sims, James
Sloman, W.
Smith, Andrew
Smith, C.
Smith, E.
Smith, J. W.
Smith, Jno., wife and 2 children
Smith, M.
Smith, M., and wife
Smith, Miss
Smith, Mrs. J. B., and child
Smith, Mrs. Mary
Smith, P.
Smith, Wm.
Smithson, R. C.
Sommers, A.
Sontare, P.
Soule, P.
Spear, W.
Sprague, H.
St_wes (Stowes ?), A. G.
Stephens, Miss
Stetson, J.
Stone, L.
Stone, N.
Swan, F. W.
Taylor, C.
Taylor, C.
Taylor, J. H.
Tefft, J. M.
Thomas, Wm., and boy
Thompson, H. F.
Thompson, J. C. H.
Thompson, J. D. D.
Thompson, Miss J. B.
Thompson, Mrs. M.
Thompson, Wm. S.
Tierneyer, F.
Timmin, C.
Tinker, H.
Tommay, P.
Toplitz, F.
Totman, F. C.
Trask, J. J., and wife
Tuller, W. H.
Tyrell, J.
Vallaly, Miss Rosanna
Van Allen, L. C.
Vickey, Mrs. Thomas, and infant
Wales, M.
Wample, J. A.
Warner, C.
Waterbury, J. G.
Waterman, J.
Wearing, Mrs. E.
Weaver, J. H.
Weaver, J. R.
Weed, J. V.
Weed, O. H.
Week, Mrs. J.
Weir, W. B.
Weiten, D.
Welch Catharine
Welch, J.
Welch, M., and child
Welch, Margaret
Welch, Mary
Wentzel, George
West, C. S.
West, Miss
Whipple, A. D.
White, G. L.
Whitman, J. C.
Williams, J. M., and wife
Wilson, J.
Winn, J. M.
Winslow, J.
Wise, J. J.
Wolf, J. J.
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