SS Star of the West
Captain Tinklepaugh
Sailed from New York City: March 20, 1854.
Star of the West, Tinklepaugh, San Juan, Charles Morgan.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Star of the West, for San Juan --
Adams, D., and wife
Albertson, C.
Albertson, E.
Allans, Mrs., and child
Allen, C. G.
Alton, Mrs. A. S., 2 children, and servant
Annis, T.
Applebee, T. W.
Atkins, T. J., wife and infant
Baldwin, G. W.
Ballinger, E.
Baner, F., and wife
Baner, Miss M.
Barker, A.
Beman, Mrs. J.
Bishop, E. L.
Bonton (Benton ?), H.
Branch, O. B.
Brant, B. P.
Bromfield, A.
Bronson, A.
Brooks, Mrs. S. H.
Bryson, P.
Butler, Horace
Calif, Q. O.
Campbell, Miss Kate
Carlton, Mrs. Capt.
Chambers, S. P.
Clapp, S. S., and wife
Clough, E. E.
Collins, M.
Colman, L.
Colton, D. D.
Concklin, C.
Conger, Mr.
Crabtree, Mrs. M. A., and child
Croxdale, H. F.
Curtiss, Miss Augusta
Darke, N.
Davis, J. A.
Delano, J. W.
Devoe, Alexander
Downs, D. S.
Doyle, E. G., wife , and servant
Doyle, Miss F.
Doyle, Mrs. A.
Edmonds, F. H.
Feery, Miss B.
Fleming, J.
Fleming, J. M.
Foot, J. W., and wife
Ford, Mrs. E.
Fraser, E. S., wife, and child
Frazer, T. F.
Freeland, J.
Fritz, H.
Gallagan, Miss Catherine
Gallagan, Miss Ellen
Garfield, H. L.
Gay, Mrs. A. C., and child
Gibbs, E.
Giles, Mrs. R.
Globe, Mrs., and 3 children
Goodheart, Geo.
Goodheart, Mrs. J.
Griffin, Miss C.
Grovesback, L., and child
Halin, F. A.
Hall, Mrs. B. N.
Hanbold, F., wife and boy
Hansel, A.
Hanson, D. B.
Hardy, J. W.
Harrington, Mrs. W., and child
Hayes, Mrs. J.
Herdman, N.
Hicklin, E.
Hickson, J.
Hill, S. D., wife, and 2 children
Holbrook, Mrs. M. A.
Holton, C.
Hopper, G. W., and wife
Hull, S. A.
Hutchinson, D.
Jellison, L.
Johnson, M.
Jones, E. W.
Keith, Miss C.
Kelley, Mrs. M. E.
Kennedy, A.
Kenny, Mrs. J., and child
Keyes, E. B.
Keyes, E. W.
Keyes, J. H., and wife
Keyes, Mrs. J. W., and child
Kiler, J.
Kingsbury, H.
Kinlay, J.
Lake, D.
Lake, D. C.
Laverty, H.
Law, C.
Lelo, Wm.
Lieber, Miss Mary
Loucky, Mrs. A., son and servant
Madden, Miss Sarah
Malloon, Mrs. M. A., and 4 children
Maloy, J. B.
Manning, W. F.
Mason, Wm. W.
Mayhew, John
McCullough, Mrs.
McLaughlin, Miss Mary
McMullen, Miss Margaret
Minot, George
Mitchell, J. H.
Mooney, Mrs. B.
Morris, J. H.
Mosher, G.
Mother, Mrs. C., and child
Nash, Mrs. J. M.
Nishall, J.
O'Keefe, Miss C.
Overton, J.
Overton, R.
Page, Miss
Pardee, C.
Pardee, Miss H.
Pardee, Mrs. P., and 3 children
Parmelee, Mrs.
Parsons, O.
Phillips, F.
Phillips, J. P.
Phillips, R.
Place, S.
Platt, A., and wife
Porter, Mrs. Mary
Princely, T. W.
Quinn, N. P.
Race, Wm.
Robinson, J.
Rock, Mrs. R., and child
Rodebush, G. W.
Rood, H. E.
Rood, Mrs.
Sachs, S,
Sanger, W.
Saunders, Mrs. T., and servant
Sayles, Joseph, Jr.
Scott, Mr.
Sharp, J., wife, and infant
Smith, H.
Smith, Joseph
Smith, Mrs. H.
Snow, H.
Southworth, H.
Tirrell, G.
Todd, J. F.
Towne, P.
Travel, S.
Tucker, J. H.
Upham, E. E.
Valentine, J., wife and 2 infants
Van Snyckle, G. W.
Vandyke, W. B.
Washburn, L., wife, and child
Weeks, W.
Welch, Miss Mary
Wheelan, Mrs. E.
Wheelock, W., wife and child
Wilde, D., and wife
Wilde, Mrs. B., and infant
Williams, W. A.
Willits, Mrs. and child
Wilson, C. L., wife, infant, nurse, and servant
Wilson, Mrs., and 2 infants
Wilson, Wm.
Winans, Mr.
Winsor, W. S.
Wright, F. M.
and a full complement in the steerage.
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