California Bound by

New York Daily Times, May 22, 1854

SS George Law
Captain Fox
Sailed from New York City:

Port of New York .... Saturday, May 20.

Steamship George Law, Fox, Aspinwall, M. O. Roberts.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship George Law, for Aspinwall and California --
Ahden (Aliden ?), Mrs. On., infant and servant
Alder, A.
Alexander, J. M.
Allen, Geo.
Allen, L.
Allen, S.
Ames, J. B.
Ames, W. G.
Anderson, J.
Arthur, C. S.
Aunderson (Anderson ?), A.
Bacon, N. S.
Bailey, Mrs.
Baker, A. W.
Baker, W. W.
Ball, W.
Barbier, A., wife and infant
Barrons, J. T.
Barstow, R.
Beeshay, J., and son
Besson, S. A.
Birdsall, S.
Bissell, J. B.
Bitts, F. B.
Bitts, P.
Black, Miss
Blager, W. H.
Boaker, A.
Boaker, O., Jr.
Boger, D.
Boley, A. A.
Booth, J. T.
Boume, Miss O.
Bourne, R.
Bowers, Wm.
Boyle, Miss
Briggs, M.
Bryan, M.
Bryan, M., Jr.
Bryan, Miss
Bunker, P.
Burgarall, T.
Burnes, Capt.
Burnham, S. B.
Busch, J.
Cammidta, D.
Campbell, B.
Carpenter, H.
Chase, C. J.
Chesnut, J. A.
Clark, F.
Clark, H. M.
Clevelove, J. G.
Cochran, W.
Copeland, J.
Crane, W. W.
Crawford, P.
Crowley, J.
Dave, Mr.
Davett, B., and lady
Davidson, G. K.
Deeth, J.
Dennis, J.
Donaldson, Maj., lady and son
Doqen (Doquen ?), W. R.
Doyle, N.
Drury, T. H.
Dryo, J. H.
Eade, J.
Ellis, C. P.
Emmons, P. W.
Fanington, E. W.
Farnham, N. L.
Feely, C., and lady
Fisher, W. D., and wife
Fitch, C., Jr.
Fitzgerald, J.
Fitzpatrick, M.
Forman, Mrs. F., and 2 children
Fox, R.
Fuller, R.
Gamble, J.
Gardand, B. T.
Gaumert, T.
Gillen, Pat
Ginot, J.
Gracia, P.
Graham, J. M.
Greenlief, Mr., and lady
Greenman, M. J.
Griffin, C.
Grubb, Mrs. J., and 3 children
Grubbs, Miss S.
Grubbs, T.
Gusho, R.
Haddock, W. C.
Haight, S., lady, infant and servant
Hamblin, O. T.
Hasbager (Hashager ?), J.
Hathaway, R. B.
Herman, T. J.
Hestona, J.
Hill, D.
Hill, Miss E.
Hill, Mrs. J. B., and child
Hill, S. J.
Hilton, C.
Hinkley, P. A.
Hodgens, D. M.
Holder, C.
Howill, J. T.
Hubbell, W.
Hunt, Miss A.
Jacoat, A.
Keese, H.
Kellogg, A.
Kelly, R.
Kendall, Mrs.
Kermer, S.
Kettery, A.
Keyder, A., and wife
Keyes, J. N.
Kibby, R.
King, O.
Knox, W.
Langdon, H.
Larch (?), J.
Leathe, R. A.
Lennox, Mr.
Lermitt, Mr.
Lermitt, Mrs.
Lewis, M.
Lockwood, H. M., and servant
Lothian, A.
Lothian, A.
Maginn, C.
Maramer, H.
Marmar, F.
Marshe, J. C.
Martin, P., and child
Mauren, R.
Mayer, E.
McAllister, P. H.
McCoy, W., and lady
McDonald, A.
McKay, T.
McKee, A. F.
McKee, J.
McKeon, J.
McKeon, S.
McLaughlin, E.
McLooly, J.
McTruch, J. (boy)
Merchant, J.
Merrill, Chas.
Miller, H.
Miller, L.
Mitchell, Mrs.
Momens, A.
Moth, D.
Murphy, J.
Murphy, M.
Mutual (?), Mrs., and friends
Nelson, J. M.
Newman, M.
Nichols, J. T.
O'Brien, J.
Oney, M.
Packer, W. S.
Patchin, C. H.
Patterson, B. T.
Patterson, G. W.
Perbam, J. P. M.
Pettinger, C. E.
Pipps, J.
Ploe_get (Ploeiget, Ploeget ?), L.
Porter, J.
Powers, C., and wife
Prunce, L.
Pryer, L.
Purdy, S.
Putney, C. M.
Rainer, Jno.
Reed, O. M.
Rhodes, W.
Roberson, G, and lady
Roberts, I.
Roger, J. W.
Runner, T.
Rynders, B. F., lady and child
Sanderson, J. J.
Savage, Mr.
Sheean, G. S.
Sidell, D.
Signal, M.
Simmon, S.
Skelding, W.
Smith, C.
Smith, H.
Smith, J. A.
Spooner, J.
Starr, H.
Stiles, W. H.
Storrs, A.
Stoughton, J. W.
Strabourgh, M.
Sulivan, Miss
Sulivan, P., wife and 3 children
Sutherland, Mr., sec. to Maj. Donaldson, U.S.A.
Thompson, L.
Tierman, J. H.
Toumey, B., and wife
Van Duersen, Abraham
Van Vost, D. W.
Vesey, G.
Voltavar, B.
Waggoner, C.
Walder, (?)
Wardle, H. D.
Welch, M.
Wesling, H.
Wesling, S.
Whipple, Mr.
White, Mrs.
White, R.
White, W.
Whitlock, A.
Wicked, W. H.
Wilcox, J. R.
Williams, W.
Wixon, Mrs., infant and servant
Woodring, A.
Wysham, Mrs.
Young, N.
and a full compliment in the steerage.

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