California Bound by

New York Daily Times, June 6, 1854

SS Prometheus
Captain Turner
Sailed from New York City: June 5, 1854

Port of New York .... Monday, June 5.

Steamship Prometheus, Turner, San Juan, C. Morgan.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Prometheus, for Puenta Arenas --
Abbott, Mrs. S., and child
Allen, M., wife and infant
Andrews, H.
Ashle, Miss S. E.
Ashley, S. J., wife and 2 children
Aslip, Mrs. N. J., and infant
Athearn, Miss R. (see: Athern)
Athern Mrs. L., and 3 children (see: Athearn)
Athern, Miss S. (see: Athearn)
Baldwin, Mrs. Wm. W., and 2 children, 3 and 6 years
Bardwell, J.
Barineons, B.
Bassett, H. D.
Beach, J.
Bebee, Mrs.
Bennett, J., and wife
Booth, E. A.
Booth, Mrs. E.
Booth, Mrs. S.
Bramhall, C., and wife
Christian, Miss Annie
Clayton, G.
Clayton, J.
Craggs, P. H.
Crawford, H.
Cuthbert, Mrs. R.
Dawes, Mrs. Wm.
Dawson, Mrs. M., and 2 children
Donnelly, Mrs. R., and 2 children
Dunn, Mrs. Annie
Dwight, D. A.
Ellis, F.
Fay, A. G.
Febeger, G., and wife
Feix (Felix ?), Mrs. M., and 2 infants
Fetler, Mrs. B. N., and infant
Field, E., and wife
Flores, Miss A.
Ford, J.
Ford, J.
Freeman, Mrs. L.
Furlow, Mr.
Gilliard, J.
Glass, A. L., wife and 5 children
Goldwater, Mrs., and 3 children
Green, Geo.
Grubbs, Mrs. F.
Hambly, M. C.
Hambly, Miss A. W.
Hambly, Miss M. J.
Hambly, Mrs. T. C., and servant
Hansen, S.
Harmon, A. F.
Hayes, Mrs. Abby J.
Hefworth, Mrs. J. P., and child
Heslef, Mrs. A.
Higgins, A.
Hill, G. H., and child
Hilliard, Mrs. A., and infant
Hogarth, Geo.
Hutchinson, G. W.
Isabella, Mrs.
Jackson, Mrs., and servant
Jeffers, C., wife and child
Jeffers, E. G.
Johnson, Mrs. J. M., and child
Jones, G.
Kennedy, G. W.
King, R.
Kinney, Mrs., and child
Knox, John
Laning, Wm.
Lawless, Mrs. J., and 2 children, 11 and 7
Lawless, W.
Leddy, Jas.
Levi, C., wife and servant
Loring, S. M., and wife
Manny, J. B.
Martin, J. W.
Mastick, F. W.
Mastick, L. B.
McConnell, Mrs. H., and 4 children
McCuen, Mr.
McDivit, N.
McFerren, Jas.
Miller, Miss Mary
Miller, Mrs., and 2 children
Millet, Mrs. E.
Minnet, Perry
Molton, Mrs. A. W.
Nash, L.
Nash, Miss Ann
Nash, Miss Mary
Nash, Mrs. C., and 4 children
Nash, T.
Neal, W.
Nesbitt, Mrs. F. A., and infant
Nickinson, J., and wife
Norton, G. B.
Parks, C., and wife
Philbrick, Mrs. J., and 2 children
Post, F., and wife
Quinn, R.
Reed, Thos. J.
Reed, Thos. J.
Rees, C.
Richit, Miss E.
Robbins, J. W., and infant
Ryan, Miss Maria
Sheaver, J.
Silva, F., wife and 2 children
Simmonds, E.
Sinot, M., and wife
Slater, Mrs. L. A., and 2 children
Smith, Wm.
Squire, Mrs. E. W., and 3 children
Stearns, Dr. A. K.
Stevens, Miss Sarah
Stoarns, Mrs. E. J.
Sullivan, Miss H.
Sweetland, Mrs. S. F.
Taft, C. H.
Tash, Mrs.
Tenzi, Mad. D., and child
Travis, D.
Travis, E. R.
Turner, E.
Turner, Mrs. J., and 2 children
Underhill, Mrs. B., and child
Vansyckle, Mrs. J. W., 2 children and servant
Wallbridge, F. E.
Washer, Mrs. C., and infant
Webster, Mrs. D. S., and 3 children
Westheimer, N.
Wheatheigh, C.
Williams, A. F., wife and child
Williams, Miss J.
Willis, W. M.
Winn, T., wife and 4 children
and a full compliment in the steerage -- Total, 512.

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