California Bound by

New York Daily Times, June 20, 1854

SS Star of the West
Captain Tinklepaugh
Sailed from New York City: June 20, 1854

Port of New York .... Tuesday, June 20.

Steamship Star of the West, Tinklepaugh, Puente Arenas, C. Morgan.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Star of the West, for Puenta Arenas --
Atkinson, Mrs. J. P.
Austin, J. C., wife and child
Austin, Mrs. John
Burns, E. S.
Button, F.
Carrington, Mrs. C., and sons
Chapman, Wm.
Clarke, W. H.
Darling, Mrs. L., and 2 children
Darly, M.
Davis, H.
Dent, Mrs. G. W., and 3 children
Dombridge, C., and child
Felch, B.
Fennien, Miss A.
Fern, F.
Finlay, R., and lady
Fulda, M.
Gazelli, James
Goddin, Mrs. V.
Henton, G., wife and infant
Hentz, P., and wife
Iles, Mrs. W. H.
Jackson, Mrs. M.
Johnson, J. N., wife and infant
Johnson, Miss, and servant
Jones, Wm. Carey, and servant
Kosholand (Koshbland ?), Mr.
Lewis, Charles G.
Linden, Miss E.
Little, Mrs. J. A.
Lundie, P. B.
Marshall, R., and wife
Martin, C.
Masten, Miss R.
McAlpine, C. R.
McLadyen, J.
Morgan, Joseph
Pardee, J. T., wife and child
Park, C., and wife
Peck, W. B.
Pinkham, W. J.
Porter, N.
Potters, A. F., wife and 3 children
Reed, Mrs. C. L., and infant
Roberts, W. B.
Ryan, Lawrence
Ryan, Miss Mary
Ryan, Miss W.
Ryan, Mrs. A., and 7 children
Saly, F. D.
Sappington, J.
Scott, James
Taylor, J. M., wife and child
Travers, S. F.
Tryon, James, and wife
Upton, Miss
Van Arsdale, Mrs. & W.
Vivas, Rosario
Vonrons, W.
Ward, S.
Washington, W. C.
Webb, J.
Westheimer, J. F., and wife
Whitman, Mrs. G. W., and son and daughter
Williams, C.
Williamson, Wm., and 2 children
Wolcott, S. M.
and over 200 in the steerage.

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