SS Prometheus
Captain Turner
Sailed from New York City: July 5, 1854
Steamship Prometheus, Turner, San Juan, C. Morgan.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Prometheus, for Puenta Arenas --
Anderson, Mrs. S., and infant
Atmy (?), W. S.
Bahan, Mrs. M., and infant
Boreas, H., wife and infant
Bosworth, J. W.
Boyle, J., wife and infant
Bramham, G. S., and wife
Branham, H. N.
Branham, Jos.
Brooks, E. C.
Brower, Mrs. J. D., and 4 children
Butter (Butler ?), Mrs.
Cabali (Canali ?), F., and wife
Carlton, W.
Cohen, Miss Louisa
Cohn, H.
Cohn, Mrs., and infant
Cook, E., wife and suit. (??)
Corbutiet, J.
Corbutiet, Wm.
Davenport, B., and wife
Davis, Mrs., and 4 children
Devol, P. H.
Doherty, Mrs. Geo.
Dolbier, J.
Dow, H. T.
Duvell, J. S.
Earll, Mrs. C., and 2 children
Fell, G. W.
Ferguson, Miss L. L.
Fitzgibbon, Miss E.
Fitzgibbon, Miss M. A.
Forrest, Mrs. L., and child
Fox, Mrs. Margaret
Francis, Samuel
Frederick, M.
Freeman, Mrs., and infant
Gallagher, Mrs. M. E.
Griffin, Mrs. M.
Grinnell, Mrs. E., and child
Hall, E.
Harvey, Miss J.
Hayback, A. D.
Held, M.
Hoff, Mrs.
Hoffman, H.
Holhan, Miss Ann
Johnston, J. H., wife and 2 children
Kay, L.
Ketcham, H.
Keyes, Capt. E. D.
Kotchland, M.
Langley, S. A.
Levy, Miss
Lufkins, A. J.
Lyon, J.
Lyon, W. H.
McCormick, N. M., wife and 2 infants
McGowan, J.
Mee, Jas., and wife
Miller, Charles
Mish (?), P. H., wife and infant
Morty, Mrs., and suit. (?)
Murray, John
Neefu, J. L., and wife
Newland, D.
Nickerson, J.
Norton, Miss C.
Owen, A. M.
Park, T. P.
Phelps, S.
Pincas, Mrs., and infant
Reinhardt, E.
Robinson, Mrs., and 4 children
Rogan, Mrs. C.
Salter, F.
Shaw, G.
Sheriden, , Miss Catherine
Silberstern, S.
Smith, Miss
Stout, H. C.
Suntimer, M.
Suntimer, Miss E.
Thompson, J., and wife
Weeds, N. H.
Wells (Wellis ?), James
White, E. A.
Wilber, T. B.
Wilson, Miss H., and niece
Wilson, Miss L.
Wilson, Mrs. G. D., and 2 children
and 211 in the steerage.
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