SS Ilinois
Captain (not given)
NOTE: The SS Illinois
was not listed in the Marine Intelligence section of the New York Daily
Times for the immediate dates surrounding the date of the publishing of
this list.
In steamship Illinois for Aspinwall and California
Ackerman, A. A.
Ackerman, Mrs. E.
Adacy, J. B.
Agnew, S. J.
Annasan, M.
Annasan, Miss A.
Asmas, J.
Avery, J.
Avery, S. W.
Bailey, W. D.
Barry, Miss
Barry, Richard
Bartells, H.
Bassett, Miss
Beasley, R.
Bell, J.
Bickford, G.
Bixby, Mrs. F. M.
Boag, J.
Boyd, J. L.
Brutch (Bratch ?), P. K.
Bryan, J. J.
Bunnell, J.
Cahill, W.
Cain, Mrs. A., and 2 daughters
Campbell, T.
Campbell, W.
Campbell, W.
Carroll, J.
Cary (?), J.
Cassamien, R.
Chain, Miss A., and 2 servants
Chesnutt, J.
Chistamen, M.
Claura, F.
Cogswell, J. P.
Culberson, S.
Cullen, M.
Cummecun (?), T., and lady
Day (Bay ?), O. B.
De Zosco, Charles N.
Derman, J.
Detter, Miss C.
Dewey, Chas.
Donigan, J.
Duffy, J.
Dumas, Miss
Dunlap, J.
Dunn, J.
Durkee, J.
Durkelsteaf (?), S.
Ells, Mr.
English, J.
Ennis, R.
Fagan (Fagen ?), M
Falzenstein, J.
Farrell, J.
Farren, J. E.
Faulkner, J.
Faulkner, J.
Fink, G. W.
Flanagan, M.
Forsyth, R.
Francendina, M.
Frederick, J.
Frederick, Master
Freeman, J.
Freidman, M.
Fremont, Col. J. C., daughter and servant
Fritz, J.
Fritz, J.
George, R. A.
Gibson, J.
Gilbert, W. H.
Girc__sh (?), M., wife and 2 children
Goldsmith, Miss
Goldsmith, S.
Gosling, Mrs. A. M., and 2 children
Gosling, W. W.
Gray, J.
Green, L.
Hail, H.
Hail, W. H.
Han_in (Hanlin ?), J.
Hardy, Mrs. M.
Harrigan, J.
Hecht, J.
Heich, H.
Henry, B.
Holmes, (?), H.
Holmes, J.
Holmes, Mrs. J.
Holmes, Mrs. R.
Holmes, R.
Holmes, W. H.
Holt, J. A.
Holt, Mr., and wife
Hughes, B.
Hutman, H.
Jacobson, E.
Jones, William H., and lady
Jorden (Jordan ?), Mrs. E. B.
Kelly (Keily ?), P.
Kennedy, A.
Kennedy, R.
Klernklaus, C.
Klernklaus, M.
Krackner, A.
L_ing (Lying ?), D.
La_man (??), Miss
Ladd, G.
Lange, Miss P.
Lay, O. B.
Lehman, M.
Leraux, M.
Lieber, J.
Lieber, Mrs., 4 children and 2 servants
Lilly, R.
Lindaman, M.
Livingston, Miss A.
Livingston, Miss C.
Livingston, Miss M.
Livingston, Mr.
Lonter, R.
Lynn, J. W.
M_ery (Myers ?), W.
M_s_h (??), Mrs., son and daughter
Maine, M.
Mathew, H.
Mathoit, J. B.
Mattingly, J.
McCammerman, T.
McCarty, J.
McCarty, T.
McCay, W.
McCluskey, T.
McCready, W. R.
McGhee, J.
McIntyre, R.
McLaughlin, J.
McLaughlin, J.
McVay, W.
Meheyan, Mrs. B.
Morne, J.
Morrison, J.
Mulem, Mme.
Murphy, J.
Murphy, P.
Mylott, D. E.
Nasson, J.
New, J.
Norwood, H. A., and wife
Nos, Argos
Oliver, J.
O'Neil, J.
Ottinger, Mrs. J. L., and 3 children
Payne, J. R.
Pe_nock (Pebnock ?), J.
Pearce, F.
Peckham, J.
Pernock, J.
Peterson, M.
Phelps, A. W.
Phelps, J.
Phester, J.
Phillips, A.
Phillips, A.
Porter, A.
Porter, M.
Pottede, H.
Potter, H.
Presho, S. A.
Prohais, P.
Putnam, F.
Quigley, P.
Quirk, A. J.
Reed, Mrs.
Regan, W.
Reinhardt, C.
Richards, M.
Richards, N.
Riordan, J.
Robins, G. A.
Rodgers, T.
Rodgers, T.
Roe, E.
Rollins, J. A.
Rossis, Miss M.
Roux, Mrs.
Rouz, F.
Ryan, J.
Scharden (Schardin ?), H.
Seaman, Mrs. E.
Selmo_c_aft (?), Wm.
Shemer, M.
Sherman, E.
Shirley, J.
Sickles, J.
Simpson, A.
Smith, C.
Spaulding, M.
Stab_as (Stablas ?), F.
Stanton, Mrs. E.
Steffen, J. M.
Steffen, M.
Stoker, Miss A.
Sweet, M.
Syms, Mrs.
Syms, W. H.
Tappen, E. C.
Telbash, J. H.
Terry, W.
Theopus, B.
Thomas, D. W.
Thomas, J. C.
Thomas, J. O.
Tompkins, S. W.
Treill, T. P.
Triest, T.
Trunk, G. W.
Tuttle, R.
Val_um (Valcum ?), Mme.
Walcott, J. H. Walker, G.
Ward, B.
Washington, Miss P.
Waterman, G.
Waterman, Miss
Waterman, Miss C.
Waterman, W.
Welch, J.
Welch, J. H.
Wers, C. A.
Westerman, Mr.
Wetherby, J. A.
Whalen, J. B.
Wild, Capt.
Wilkies, W.
Williams, B.
Wintherup, J. S.
Witmier, E.
Wood, W. W.
and others.
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