California Bound by

New York Daily Times, September 5, 1854

SS Prometheus
Captain Turner
Sailed from New York City: September 4, 1854

Port of New York .... Monday, Sept. 4.

Steamship Prometheus, Turner, San Juan, C. Morgan.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Prometheus, for Puenta Arenas --
Ahearn, Miss Mary A.
Angel, E. A.
Baker, Mrs. J. C.
Barran, Mrs. M., and infant
Barran, Mrs. Mary, and infant
Beelan, F. A.
Belan, F. A.
Benedict, Miss Mary A.
Bennett, Mrs. C.
Bernard, Miss
Bond, Mrs. E. S.
Bowers, Miss J.
Boyd, Thos.
Broadbelt, J.
Burke, Geo. C.
Burt, D. M.
Carter, J. T.
Cavalho, B.
Chester, Geo. B.
Coombs, Chas.
Cox, Miss
Crocker, E.
Culver, C. H.
Delap, L.
Des Rocher, C. L.
Digman, Miss M.
Driaid, M.
Driefus, Edw.
Drummond, Mrs., and 2 children
Duffy, Mrs. E., and infant
Duke, J.
Dunn, J.
Eade, Geo.
Eade, Jos.
Eade, Saml.
Ewalt, Mrs. A., and servant
Ewell, L. J., wife, 3 children and servant
Farrell, Mrs. A. E., and child
Frazier, F.
Freisenheisen, Mrs. J., and infant
Geller, Wm., and 3 children
Goldsmith, Mrs. J., and 3 children
Goodall, T. H.
Grant, E. C.
Griffiths, Thos.
Grover, J. W.
Hacking, J. H.
Haggan, Mrs. D.
Hamilton, J.
Harris, Dr. D.
Harron, Miss Lucy A.
Harron, Wm. M.
Heine, Miss Johann
Hollister, Mrs. D. S., and infant
Horner, Wm., and wife
Howard, M. J.
Howland, Miss C.
Howland, Miss E.
Hughes, Mrs. M. L., and child
Hunt, Mrs. J. K.
Hyde, J.
Jackson, Miss Mary
Jones, D. W. Ap.
Kain, Mrs. C., and infant
Keelan, Mrs. Martha
Kelly, D.
King, Miss Mary
King, Mrs. M. S.
King, R. S., and 2 children
Koppell (Koppoll ?), Miss H.
Lamezan, Miss E.
Lamezan, Mrs. S., and child
Lane, O. Z.
Larague, S.
Locker, Miss Mary J.
Lucas, Mrs. D., and 4 children
Ludlam, A., wife and 3 children
Marsh, Mrs. R.
Martin, Capt. C. R.
McAllister, J. H.
McCafferty, Mrs.
McClaresey, Mrs. J.
McElroy, Miss E.
Mehan, Mrs. E.
Minot, Mrs. A.
Mintz, Mrs. A., and child
Mitchell, Miss Jenny
Morgan, Capt. J. A., and son of 9 years, 3 children and servant
Morgan, Miss Mary L.
Mumford, F. S.
Murphy, J.
Newillas, Mrs. E., and child
Ostick, E. F.
Packard, L. C.
Paxson, Miss J.
Perry, Wm.
Perry, Wm., Jr.
Phillips, R. B., and wife
Potter, Mrs. J.
Powell, A., Jr., wife and 2 children
Pu_nam (Putnam ?), R. (B. ?) H.
Pushlaker, Mrs. J., and infant
Reed, C. H.
Reed, Mrs. Jos., and 2 children
Richards, C.
Richards, F.
Seavey, Robt.
Seymour, Miss Mary
Shipley, Master R.
Shipley, Mrs. M., and 2 children
Shipley, Wm.
Silverstone, Mrs. H., 2 children and servant
Slocum, Geo. B.
Smith, W. H.
Sprague, Z., wife, daughter and servant
Spring, F. S.
Steinheiser, J., and son
Stephenson, H. L.
Stephenson, J.
Sullivan, Mrs. J., and child
Sullivan, Mrs. Mary, and infant
Swedel, H. R.
Sylvester, E., and wife
Taber, Mrs. M., and infant
Thee, Mrs.
Thomas, R.
Thomson, wife and infant
Thurston, Mrs. N.
Ustick, Miss Mary
Valcke, Mrs. Marie
Wallace, Jas.
Wallace, Miss M.
Weeks, S. P., and wife
Wendle, W., wife and 3 children
Whalley, C.
Wheeler, Rev. O. C.
Wheeler, Rev. S. S., and wife, 3 children and servant
Whitney, J. D.
Whitney, W. K.
Zedick, J.
and a full compliment in the steerage.

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