California Bound by

New York Daily Times, September 20, 1854

SS Northern Light
Captain Tinklepaugh
Sailed from New York City: September 19, 1854

Port of New York .... Tuesday, Sept. 19.

Steamship Northern Light, Tinklepaugh, San Juan, C. Morgan.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Northern Light, for Peunta Arenas --
Avida, P.
Beal, Mrs. Wm., and 2 children
Begthein (Begthem ?), C., and wife
Blood, A. M., and wife
Butts, J.
Caler, Mrs. J. C., and 2 children
Carago, E.
Clossen, H. W.
Cloves, B.
Colburn, C., wife and servant
Collins, Mrs. J., and infant
Costiglioli, C.
Crampton, G., and wife
Daniels, C. W., and wife
Dickinson, J. B.
Dithner, Miss T.
Doyle, Mrs. J., and child
Duke, S.
Eagan, Mrs. E., and child
Evans, B. F., wife and child
Evans, Wm., wife and child
Gilman, L.
Hitchcock, Mrs.
Holabird, O. F.
Hopkins, J. P.
James, Mrs. C., and 5 children
Judson, Mrs. Wm.
Kanfett, R.
Kennedy, B. O. B.
Kennedy, E. D.
Kust, A., and wife
Langletz, Miss Amelia
Lawless, J. B.
Lawless, Jas., wife and 5 children
Levi, H.
Levy, J., wife and servant
Lofenberger, M., wife and 3 children
Mahony, Mrs. T.
Main, C., wife and child
Massenger, Mrs. S., and 2 infants
McClellan, C., and wife
McDonald, W.
McNamara, Mrs. M.
Messerve, Wm. J.
Meyer, J.
Millett, F. N.
Morse, Mrs. H.
Myrick, M. H.
Norcross, Mrs. E. P., and child
Patten, Mrs. E.
Peachy, Miss M. J.
Pearson, Robert
Peconinis, J.
Peterman, Miss A.
Pinkham, Geo., wife and 4 children
Priest, J.
Reichlin, F., and wife
Rigburn, Mrs., and 2 children
Ross, Chas.
Selfridge, G. C.
Selfridge, W., Jr.
Sharkey, D. L.
Shearer, Mrs., and 2 children
Sparrow, Miss S. S.
Steele, D. M.
Sterling, J., wife and child
Sternhiser, S., and boy
Sutter, J., wife and 2 children
Theurkanff, A.
Thorn, A. D.
Townsend, E. F.
Trainer, Mrs. M., and infant
Trenzove, Miss Mary
Trenzove, Mrs. P., and 2 children
Webb, B., Jr., and wife
Weiner, J. E.
and others in steerage.

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