California Bound by

New York Daily Times, October 5, 1854

SS Star of the West
Captain Turner
Sailed from New York City: October 4, 1854

Port of New York .... Wednesday, Oct. 4.

Steamship Star of the West, Turner, San Juan, C. Morgan.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Star of the West, for Punta Arenas --
Adams, Mrs. S., and child
Baker, J. W.
Barley, Mrs. B. F., and servant
Bavald, Miss D., and servant
Bazxani, L.
Beda, Miss
Bogardus, E. C., and wife
Bonney, Mrs. P., and infant
Bowman, Jas., and wife
Brown, Miss C.
Bu_ters (Butters ?), Wm.
Burlbert, G. D.
Clarke, Mrs. C. H.
Cochran, S.
Collins, S.
Cruthers, Geo.
Curtis, J. B., and son
Cutler, J. W., and wife
Cutler, S. M., wife and child
Deming, Mrs. M., and child
Dewey, Mrs. S. E., and infant
Drake, W.
Eads, Mrs. E., and servant
Ensign, Mrs. B. F.
Ernest, J. S.
Ewer, Mrs. W. B., and 2 children
Fanning, Dr. D. O.
Felker, L. M.
Fitzgerald, Major, U.S.U.
Gallagher, P.
Gates, Mrs. Almira
Gordon, Mrs. H. N., and 3 children
Graham, Wm. Hicks
Griffith, E. A.
Hall, R. A., and wife
Hamlin, Miss H. L.
Hamlin, P.
Harmance, Mrs. L.
Hartney, Mrs. S.
Harvey, Master
Harvey, Mrs. J. C.
Haynes, Miss M.
Haynes, Mrs. J., and infant
Hinkle, Mrs. H. P.
Hows, P. S., and wife
Hunt, C. B.
Huston, Mr.
Iglesin, F., and son
Jenkins, Mrs. W.
Judson, Mrs.
Knowlton, Mrs. L. E., and child
Kurski, Miss Amelia
Kurski, Mrs. J., and 2 children
Lanzoni, A.
Lovett, Miss Anna
Marshall, Mrs. J. C., and infant
Mason, Mrs. Mary A., and child
Minet, Mrs. A. E., and child
Moore, W. W.
Overton, E. P., and wife
Parsons, L. Patti, Madame Bauli
Pendleton, Geo.
Pitts, J.
Plumbtree, N., and wife
Polloy (?), Mrs. H., and 2 children
Rolfe, J. J.
Rolfe, Mrs. J. J.
Scola, C.
Scola, C.
Serrett, J.
Shepard, Mrs. J.
Smith, M.
Strout, Albin
Sweet, S.
Swift, Mrs. B. (E. ?), and child
Taggart, D., wife and infant
Thorn, Madame Bauli
Ticknor, A. L., wife and infant
Ticknor, S. W.
True, A., and wife
Vraden, E.
Wall, H. E.
Wall, J. S., and wife
Ware, Mrs. M., and child
Weil, Capt.
Wells, M.
Williams, J. B.
Williams, J. C., and wife
Williams, R. M., and wife
Willson, A.
Winn, Miss E.
Wood, S. M., and wife
Woodworth, Miss E.
Wooley, L. H., and wife
Wright, E. A.
and others in the steerage.

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