SS Northern Light
Captain Tinklepaugh
Sailed from New York City: October 27, 1854
Steamship Northern Light, Tinklepaugh, San Juan, C. Morgan.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Northern Light, for Punta Arenas --
Aldrich, L. H., and wife
Amy, J. W.
Austin, J.
Baker, B. A.
Beatty, S. G.
Beekh (??), J. W., and wife
Bennett, Louis
Blake, Mrs. B. R.
Bogardus, C.
Bowneg (Bownes ?), Capt. J. G.
Boyce, A. D., and wife
Brodt (Broot ?), Rev. J. H.
Brown, J. _.
Brown, Miss
Brown, Mrs., and 2 children
Burtiss, Miss H. F.
Bush, Miss
Calhoun, Mrs. R.
Campbell, Miss S.
Canfield, Judge J. G., wife and 2 children
Caperton, J.
Carrington, F. A.
Carter, G. H.
Chambers, H. B.
Chase, E., wife and 2 children
Clark, C. W.
Clark, L.
Cochran, J. L.
Colburn, C. H.
Congers, C. B.
Cook, D. M., wife and 2 children
Corlies, G. W.
Cowan, W. C.
Cox, F.
Cunningham, J., Jr.
Cunningham, P. W., and wife
Day, Henrietta
De__nes, Dr. W.
Dodge, Mrs. C. M.
Eagles, A., and wife
Ely, Mrs. E.
Filkins, Charles E.
Filkins, Mrs., child and servant
Fisher, G.
Fisher, Mrs. M., and servant
Fleishman, Mrs., and 2 children
Frankenthal, S.
Fuller, L. F.
Gagg, Mrs., and 2 children
Ganley, J. A.
Gardner, M. D.
Gerwood (?), J. S.
Gordon (?), M., and wife
Govern, J. M.
Hennessey, Miss Hannah
Hennessey, Miss Julia
Hill, Mrs. S. C.
Inck (Inch ?), R.
Irving, H. J.
Jefferson, G. H.
Jelly, S., and wife
Kennedy, Geo.
Kester, H.
Kittredge, J., and brother
Logan (Logen ?), W. H.
Lucas, A. J., and wife
Mal_ory (Mallory ?), Mrs. M.
McCarty, J. T., and wife
McCoy, Miss M.
McGraw, A.
McNees (McNess ?), J. R.
Merkel, Miss L.
Meyer, Miss
Morrison, Miss J.
Musson (Mucson ?), E.
Neavy, S. J.
Owen, Miss E.
Owen, Wm.
Pardin, M.
Perkins, J. G.
Philips, Miss E.
Philips, Miss S.
Pierson, C. H., and wife
Pixley, Mrs., and child
Puckett, R.
Richards, Mrs. S., and child
Rittenbaumer, C.
Robains, E., and wife
Robinson, H. W.
Rogers, Miss
Scarborough, Hon. J. W.
Shafer, Mrs. J. M.
Smith, C. G.
Smith, J.
Smith, J. P.
Southwick, S. H.
Stickee (Stickeo ?), G.
Stickee (Stickeo ?), Miss M.
Stokes, J., and wife
Stratton, E. N.
Stratton, Miss S. H.
Stratton, Mrs. S. A.
Strout, Mr.
Swain, Mrs. E., and 4 children
Temlin (?), J. C.
Thomas, J., and wife
Walker, W. C.
Wallace, G. W., and wife
Warfield, J. B., and servant
Warfield, S. R.
Waters, J.
Wheeler, R.
Wilkinson, N. N.
Williams, R. L.
Wilson, C. S., and wife
Wood E. (?), S.
and others in the steerage.
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