SS George Law
Captain Fox
Sailed from New York City: November 6, 1854
Steamship George Law, Fox, Aspinwall, M. O. Roberts.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship George Law for Aspinwall and California
Abraham, _. (T., I., J. ?)
Abraham, W.
Albright, Mrs. H.
Alexander, J. D.
Althouse, M., and lady
Anderson, C. M.
Anderson, J.
Anderson, P.
Aroe, C.
Atkins, A.
Atkins, A. J.
Atkins, V.
B_asson (Blasson, Brasson ?), M.
Bagley, F.
Baker, Rev. A. A., and lady
Bankhalter, W.
Barker, R.
Barlow, Hon. P., and lady
Barnes, H. A.
Barrow, J. H.
Barton, B.
Bassain, C.
Bassett, J. H.
Batta (?), H. M.
Batter, H. M.
Bawley, J. G.
Bearer, J. M.
Beman, J.
Benford, Miss
Bingham, A.
Blake, G.
Bonner, F.
Booza, F.
Brakeman, J., wife and 3 children
Brewster, G., and wife
Bright, W.
Bromfield, C.
Brooks, J., and lady
Brower, Mrs. N., and 3 children
Brown, J.
Brunstie, H.
Burbank, Mrs. O. N.
Burke, C.
Burkhardt, C., and wife
Butler, H. M.
Butler, J., and wife
Butler, Miss
Cammel, C.
Camp, J.
Campbell, R.
Carbaugh, S.
Carpenter, Miss R. F.
Case, Miss C., and child
Cassiday, A.
Cavin, M. E.
Chase, A.
Chase, S. B.
Clare, N.
Clarey, J.
Clark, C.
Clark, S.
Cleeman, B.
Clifford, J. C.
Co_ter (Colter, Corter ?), J.
Coness, J., lady and infant
Congdon, R. H., wife and sister
Conner, M.
Conner, Mrs., and son
Cotham, M. C.
Coyle, N.
Crest, J.
Crooker, E. B.
Cross, C.
Cross, J. W.
Crouch, N. C.
Cuny, G. W.
Davis, H.
Davis, L. P.
Dawson, J. W.
De Barry, Mons.
Decker, L.
Deering, A.
Deighton, Mr. and Miss
Dennick, Z. S.
Deran, M.
Deraul, Mrs.
Donaldson, J.
Donebet, A.
Donovan, M.
Dreshmer, J. N.
Duer, W.
Dunlap, J. S.
Durmouth, P.
Dusenberg, C.
Edwards, H. T.
Edwards, P. N.
Egleson, J.
Evans, R.
Fairfield, H.
Fairfield, H., Jr.
Farmer, C.
Farrar, Miss T.
Feldmar, B.
Ferguson, C.
Ferguson, J.
Ferguson, R.
Fertan, P.
Fichard, H.
Fordycke, L. M.
Fowe (Eowe ?), C.
Francis, A.
Fuller, A.
Ga_ne (Gaine ?), H.
Gallaher (Gallagher ?), Mrs. and 8 children
Garloch, Mrs. B., and infant
Gibbs, P. L.
Gilbert, C.
Golinskey, D.
Gou_chers, L.
Gr_bill (Graybill, Grayhill ?), C.
Green, Lt. E. A.
Green, S.
Greendell, C.
Gregg, J.
Grow, J. A.
Hammer, W. W.
Han_lett (Hanslett, Hanalett ?), L.
Hanibaugh, Mrs.
Harman, Mrs. and child
Hastings, J. B.
Hebeler, J., and wife
Hedden, J., and lady
Hefsman, T.
Heldskept, J.
Hendrickson, M.
Hepburn, P. A.
Herking, J.
Hermer, J.
Heuck, T. C., and lady
Hickox, E. H.
Himes, W.
Hoadley, E. A.
Hogan, W.
Hoharf, Miss R.
Holsom, M. A.
Howser, Miss
Hudson, A.
Hudson, T.
Hutchinson, A.
Hyatt, J. A.
Jackson, J.
Jackson, Mrs. S., and infant
Johnson, S.
Journey, J.
Judson, E.
Keefe, H. O.
Kenn__h (Kennish ?), W.
Kinney, W.
Lake, Miss
Lake, S., wife and 4 children
Laler, D.
Lannegan, J.
Lawrence, Mr.
Lee, W. H. H.
Lee, Wm.
Leitch, G. W.
Leonard, P.
Levi, W.
Libby, C.
Liebert, J. L.
Lippincott, C. A.
Loche, J. S.
Loring, Mrs., and servant
Low, H. S.
Low, T. G.
Lowe, T.
Lusk, H.
Mathews, C.
Mathews, R.
Mathews, W.
Matox, H. A.
McBrown, S.
McCormick, M.
McFadden, Mrs. K.
McKerty, J.
McKinney, Mrs. J.
McMuntz, W. H.
McPherson, S.
Meghan, D., and 2 children
Middlecamp, H.
Miller, Mrs.
Montheit, J.
Montheit, T., and lady
Moore, Miss J.
Moore, Mrs.
Moosa, W.
Morgan, C.
Morris, A.
Mosburgh (??), F. B., and wife
Mosier, A.
Naid, Madame
Nelson, T.
Nickerson, M.
Nosker, P.
Nunner, R. B.
Ochsner, J.
O'Shean, Mrs., and 2 children
Overcg6h (Overogh, Overegh ?), S.
Page, G. V.
Page, Master
Page, N.
Palmer, S. C.
Pardee, E.
Payne, G. A.
Peeters, H. H.
Peeters, W. J.
Pemple, Peter
Perkins, R. B.
Petrie, W., and wife
Prail (Prall ?), G.
Purcell, Miss A.
Purcell, Miss E.
Rammell, D.
Randall, J. R.
Rawson, J.
Ray, Mrs.
Raynes, A. E.
Reed, J.
Reno, H. H.
Rhodes, J.
Rich, C.
Robertson, S.
Rogers, D.
Rooley, A.
Rowe, C. E.
Rude, M.
Sanders, Beverly, and servant
Sanford, Mrs. K.
Saul, A.
Sawyer, W. B.
Schmade, H.
Scholl, A.
Scoby, J.
Scoby, L. A.
Scott, C. M.
Scott, Mrs., and 3 children
Shears, J.
Shemight (?), Mrs.
Shivers, R. P.
Shoemaker, W. C.
Shoper, J. S., and wife
Shopsh_re (Shopshire, Shopshore ?), G.
Simond (Simend ?), Miss
Sitherwood, J.
Smith, A.
Smith, B.
Smith, H. T.
Smith, J.
Smith, J. B., and 6 children
Smith, Mrs. S., and 2 children
Smith, Mrs. S., and 6 children
Smith, P.
Snair, C. H.
Sneath, R. G., and lady
Sproul, A. S.
Sproul, J.
Stearns, J.
Stebbins, J. L.
Stephens, J. P.
Stephenson, Mrs. J. S.
Stevens, C., lady and servant
Stewart, A. B.
Stott, M.
Sturtevant, H. S.
Sutter, S. P.
Swival, N. A.
Tallman, Harmen
Tallman, Thos., M., and lady
Tallman, Ulysses, and lady
Tarleton, H. C.
Tarleton, Mrs. S. N., and child
Tarleton, T. S.
Tassett, H. C.
Tassett, M. C.
Taylor, J.
Taylor, W.
Te_ke (Terke ?), J., wife and 2 children
Tenis, M.
Thompson, J.
Thompson, M. A.
Thompson, M. A.
Thornton, Miss E., and sister
Todd, J. W.
Tucker, H. M.
Tupper, J. Nelson, lady and child
Tyson, J. L., and son
Uphdegraff, J.
Van Allen, W. K.
Van Guilder, Miss R.
Van Winkle, H.
Wait, E. O.
Wait, N.
Walker, G. B.
Wallace, Mrs., and infant
Walters, A.
Ward, G.
Watson, Miss
Weekos (Weeks ?), A.
Weir, J.
Wells, B., and lady
Wells, J., and lady
Wentworth, J.
Weston, W.
Wetherall, Miss
Wheelock, Judge E. A.
Whipple, S. B.
White, C. L.
Whitney, Mrs.
Williams, H.
Williams, J.
Williams, L.
Wilson, M.
Wilson, W.
Wise, J. H.
Wishman, Miss C. M.
Wood, J.
Wood, Miss S.
Wortz, D.
and others.
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