SS North Star
Captain Warmack
Sailed from New York City: November 20, 1854
Steamship North Star, Warmack, Aspinwall, M. O. Roberts.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship North Star, for Aspinwall and California
Allen, Miss F.
Allen, Mrs. H., and 2 children
Babb, H.
Barnum, A. T., and lady
Beach, B. C.
Berrian, Mrs.
Burns, Jas.
Burns, Mrs., and infant
Castle, Mr., and lady
Charles, H. A.
Derre, Dr.
Doane, Mrs., and son
Donnell, Mrs. M., and 2 children
Douglas, G. W.
Ebberlee, E.
Eldridge, Mr.
Fannery, Mrs. (Mr. ?) C. B., and wife
Fordham, Silas
Gimmerson, Miss
Gray, Dr.
Hall, F.
Hegle, Mr.
Herrick, E., and lady
Hisemeyer, Mrs.
Knowles, Jas.
Laurencel, Mr.
Masters, H.
Masterson, T.
Maxwell, Mrs., and child
McClnne (McClune ?), R. H.
Morceau, C.
Morceau, J.
Morrison, M., and lady
Petron, Miss E.
Raphatt, C.
Richmond, J. R.
Salaman, Mr., and lady
Schaffer, M.
Seabury, Mrs.
Shepard, Joseph
Shepard, Miss
Shepard, Mrs. J. L. M., 2 children and servant
Smith, Mrs. M., and 2 children
Stactaper (??), Mrs. J.
Stewart, H. S.
Tappan, J. Nelson, lady and 2 children
Tierson, Mrs., and 2 children
Walker, J.
Wildmeser, Mrs.
Williams, Mrs. J.
Young, W. E.
and others in the steerage.
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