California Bound by

New York Daily Times, November 29, 1854

SS Northern Light
Captain Tinklepaugh
Sailed from New York City: November 27, 1854

Port of New York .... Monday, Nov. 27.

Steamship Northern Light, Tinklepaugh, Nicaragua, C. Morgan.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Northern Light for Punta Arenas --
Allen, Joseph
Arnold, E.
Ashford, W.
Barney, J., and wife
Barrett, R. S.
Baxter, J. E.
Baxton, Mrs. Geo., and 2 children
Belcher, Mrs. F.
Booth, H.
Bradley, John
Brown, Mrs. B., and 2 children
Bruvey (??), J. B.
Bryant, W.
Bullard, Mr.
Button (??), J., and wife
Callaghan, J. O., and wife
Callaghan, Miss A. O.
Cannon, O., wife and 2 children
Capen, Wm. W.
Carroll, J. H.
Chichester, Mrs. M. A., and infant
Clay, E. P.
Colbath, H. M., wife and servant
Connolly, C.
Cook, G. B.
Cooper, Wm.
Cormack, Jas., Jr.
Cotter, Mrs. M. D.
Dillon, Miss Mary
Drake, Mrs. C.
Duffry, F.
Durkin, Geo.
Eaton, J. L.
Edwards, R.
Elliott, Dr. S. F.
Estabrook, Mrs. Margaret
Finley, J.
Fitch, G. B.
Fletcher, Mrs. Mary, and infant
Gardner, Mrs. J. M.
Goodman, S.
Goodwin, J. O.
Graves, F. S., and wife
Graves, L. S.
Graves, Mrs. H. T.
Hagen, John
Harting, F.
Hill, T. S.
Hinkelson, Mrs. O., and child
Jones, Miss Mary
Kilton, Geo., and wife
Kimball, Mrs. Geo.
Lace, J.
Lardon (Landon ?), Mrs., and child
Lecount, Mrs. C. W.
Lee, H. C., and 2 children
Litchfield, C. H.
Martin, M.
McEvain, J. C.
McKenzie, J.
Murdock, Mrs. Mary
Norton, A. S.
Osgood, A.
Palmer, S. L., wife and 2 children
Parks, D.
Pope, Geo. G.
Rawson, M. L.
Ross, G.
Russell, S. W.
Scanlan, P.
Scott, E. A.
Scott, Miss Jane
Scott, Miss Margaret
Smith, H.
Snapp, R. L.
Speir, R. P.
Stacey, E.
Tackney, Miss Adelia
Tackney, Miss Anna
Taylor, G. D., and wife
Taylor, Miss P.
Thomas, E.
Tiernay (Tierney ?), W.
Track, F.
Tyler, P.
Van Norden, L., and wife
Van Norden, W. B.
Vincent, Mrs. A. J.
Waring, Miss A.
White, E.
Whitlock, G. W.
Wick, Mrs. A., and 2 children
Widber, Jas. H.
Wilkinson, J. C.
Willey, Miss C. A.
Willey, O. S., and wife
Williams, Mrs. R.
Wright, Capt. Thos.
and others in the steerage.

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