SS George Law
Captain Fox
Sailed from New York City: December 5, 1854
Steamship George Law, Fox, Aspinwall, M. O. Roberts.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship George Law for Aspiwall and California
Adams, J. H.
Bachman, S.
Bartels, F.
Bonnell, Mrs., and son
Booth, Mr., and friend
Borden, A.
Borden, Mrs.
Bourn, Mrs., and child
Brayton, Rev. M.
Brown, C. S.
Brown, J. W.
Bunley, Mr.
Burbanks, H. N.
Cochran, J.
Davis, Mr.
Davis, Mrs., 2 daughters and son
Day, Miss
Day, Mrs., and 2 children
Day, R.
Derby, L.
Dickinson, D. H.
Elmaker, J., and lady
Evans, Mrs. O., and child
Farrish, Mrs.
Fenner, Mrs. C. G., child and servant
Fenton, W. K., and lady
Fiddler, N. L.
Figg, E. P.
Glover, M.
Hanford, W. H.
Harrison, J. H., and lady
Heath, B. W., lady, infant and servant
Howard, Mrs., and sister
Huddard, Rev. R. T.
Jacoby, B.
Kenzer, G. W., lady and child
King, M. J., and 6 children
King, T. S.
Kinkard (?), J. H.
Kipper, Mr.
Leadke, R., and lady
Lecom, L.
Lohns, H. W.
Manin, W. B.
Marguand, A.
Martin, L.
McClelland, Mr.
McCracken, J.
Merritt, Mrs. C. R.
Meyers, J.
Mott, Mrs. Valentine, son and servant
Nicholson, W.
Page, D. D.
Quigely, Mrs.
Renecke, Miss E.
Rhodes, J., and lady
Roberts, S. H.
Robinson, Mrs., and child
Roduger, Mr.
Roun, A.
Ship, Miss L. C.
Ship, Miss M. R.
Smith, G. Frank, and lady
Smith, J. L.
Smith, L.
Smith, Mrs. A., and 2 children
Smith, S.
Soland, Miss
Sweet, R., and lady
Syle, Rev. E. W., lady and 2 children
Townsend, Mrs. R. A., and infant
Waterman, Mrs. L., and 4 children
Weeks, W. N.
Wetmore, J. S.
Winter, R.
and others in the steerage.
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