SS Star of the West
Captain Turner
Sailed from New York City: December 12, 1854
Steamship Star of the West, Turner, San Juan, C. Morgan.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Star of the West, for Punta Arenas --
Atchinson, Geo.
Atherton, J. P.
Back, Mrs. Cath., and infant
Barron, P.
Barton, H.
Bees, J., and child
Bennett, H. M.
Britton, B. W.
Brown, C. F.
Brown, J., wife and infant
Budington, J.
Campbell, J.
Campbell, W.
Carmichael, D.
Carmichael, Miss Jessie
Carrell (Carroll ?), Jas.
Clements, Mrs. R. Z.
Cochran, R.
Condon, J.
Cook, James
Cook, Miss R.
Cook, Mrs. Anne and 2 children
Copeland, H.
Cora, Charles, and wife
Corning, G.
Coyl, J.
Crenet, Mrs. C., and 2 children
Culver, J.
Daniel, E. L., wife, infant and servant
Danser, J., and wife
Davis, Thos.
Dewitt, H. B.
Edwards, D.
Ellison, C.
Endey, Alex
Endey, John
Endey, Jos.
Foley, J., and wife
Francis, Wm.
Gilligan, Mrs. Mary
Gillman, Mrs.
Goldbourne, M.
Harmon, H.
Harris, R.
Haskell, H., wife and 2 children
Heilner, S.
Howard, Rev. Wm.
Hyslop, Samuel
James, John D., and son
Johnson, R.
Jones, Wm.
Kerkesner, P.
Kesler, M.
Knight, W. B.
Leech, James
Leech, Mrs. John, and child
Lovell, M.
Magill, J. W.
McCroppen, G.
Mentz, L., and wife
Mitchell, Jas.
Morgan, D. C.
Morris, G.
Murray, O.
Parks, H.
Phillips, Mrs., and 2 children
Pollard, B.
Rankin, W.
Redding, F. W.
Regnier, M., and wife
Reise, H., and wife
Rose, Miss M.
Rose, R.
Schultze, Miss Maria
Sheenan, Miss Ellen
Sibley, F. W.
Slocum, Mrs. N. T., and child
Smith, Wm.
Snyder, J.
Stitts, Mrs. R.
Stoddard, E. P., 2 children and servant
Stoddard, Miss Sarah
Stoue (Stone ?), F. L.
Thomas, R. B.
Tobins, Mrs. Jas.
Van Duzen, G. L.
Walker, J. A.
Weymouth, R.
Wheeler, James
White, John
Williams, L. A.
Williams, Thos.
Williams, Wm.
Wilson, C. L.
Wing, Chas.
Wolfe, P.
Woodworth, B. F., and wife
Young, Robt.
and others in the steerage.
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